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Posts posted by TK.

  1. sometimes, especially when recording chords, I got pitch bend messages recorded but I did not touch the pitch wheel.

    this happens with 2 different midi keyboards and I can't hear the pitch bend while I play the note, it only appears when the sequencer arrives at the recorded notes again. Just like the seq is adding them by itself  :unsure:


    This is strange indeed!

    I will check this tomorrow - if I haven't success, I will add a debug mode which will give you some logs for further debugging.



    then I got the feeling the clock divider (using the tempo button) does only affect the note track. pitch bend messages seem to be unaffected by it.


    yes, very likely.

    This isn't intended, I will change this.



    by the way. The BOM on the v4l site states you need 64 diodes, but I think 48 are enough ;)


    You can never have enough diodes for the next projects!

    However, fixed ;)


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  2. Yes, I second Pete's hint: the cursor addresses are different compared to "common" LCD sizes.


    But the cursor mapping has to be done at the application side, e.g. via MIOS32_LCD_CursorMapSet

    See also: http://www.midibox.org/mios32/manual/group___m_i_o_s32___l_c_d.html#g1d34ecba2a96a80c9bb8b1ee757b4fdf


    So: if your application doesn't use $MIOS32_PATH/modules/scs, the proposed define won't help.


    In your application you can either do this statically by calling MIOS32_LCD_CursorMapSet w/o conditions, or you could request the configured LCD dimensions from the bootloader section.


    Use this MIOS32_LCD_ParametersGet function for this purpose:



    This will return following parameters:



    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  3. Of course, my mistake sorry, I mean MIOS_SRIO_UpdateFrqSet !!!


    Ok, this obsoletes all other questions and now I understand what you did.

    This of course reduces the scan frequency by x * 1 mS, results into 32 mS (as you've mentioned) and if you are saying that there is a HUGE improvement then let it like it is, everything else will overcomplicate the project.


    I've to add that this was a clever idea! I haven't expected that the pulse is weak enough so that it will be filtered out on lower frequencies! :)


    Now it's time for next step

    can you help me with this ?


    This hasn't been forgotten... but please be a little bit more patient.


    Before giving you any code I've to test it, because everything which hasn't been tested typically doesn't work due to unexpected reasons, especially when I'm doing changes in code that I wrote many years ago!



    I think perl is already installed with devtools on my computer?


    You can try this in the terminal: 

    perl -version

    perl isn't installed if this command won't be found.



    How many "given point" can we use? if possible 14 should be good.

    lets say 0-5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-60-70-cut

    I will made new measurement for respective PB value at both side, fader DAW and analog fader


    There is no limitation, because the perl script will do the calculation work, the PIC will only process pre-made tables.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  4. Now some question to be sure I understand correctly.


    MIOS_SRIO_NumberSet is the trig clock from PIC RD4 right? so if I increase to let say 0x05, my noise frequency should go down to 200hz (5/1000sec) ?

    MIOS_SRIO_UpdateFrqSet is the time the shift register take info ? it determine the touch response time to standby the motor right? here we have 10ms


    Now, were is the parameter (if one) who set the master clock used by MIOS_SRIO_NumberSet?

    What can I do if I want MIOS_SRIO_NumberSet to be 0.05 ms (20kHz) or better 50kHz/0.02ms


    No, totally wrong...

    Without going into too much detail: this would work in MIOS32 projects where the SRIO is scanned via SPI, but it doesn't work on a PIC where the SRIO is scanned directly from the PIC via bit-bangning.

    This is done each mS, the number of SRIOs doesn't change this.

    And if somebody would try to reduce the timer period for the bit-banging routine, the PIC would be busy with scanning the SRIO, but wouldn't be able to do anything else (-> no motor control).



    So, forget this change please, embedded programming is sometimes not straightforward, you've to consider many limitations to come to a compromise which works in reality.

    I think that on a PIC the touch sensor handling can't be optimized anymore.



    HUGE improvement in audio noise, this f... 1Khz noise go away

    I still have the shift register 10us pulse clicking in audio (my PSI monitor are so efficient revealing fast transient), but as I lower MIOS_SRIO_NumberSet to 32ms (0x20) the intermodulation go down to 31.25hz in place of 1K, so just become inaudible


    MIOS_SRIO_NumberSet doesn't set the scan frequency, it sets the number of SRIO components modulo 16

    Which means: 32 % 16 = 0 -> no SRIO is scanned anymore, no noise... but also no touchsensor scans, right?



    I try again to compile trough xcode without succes :(


    but you can compile in the terminal, right?

    (I don't use Xcode by myself, too complicated ;-))


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  5. V4.084 is now available for download: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32_download.html



    MIDIboxSEQ V4.084
       o the STM32F4 variant of the firmware supports USB Host mode!
         See also 
       o If Force-to-Scale is enabled, the edit screen shows the forced keys at the lower line.
         The original value is still displayed at the upper right line.
       o Live Page: FTS (Force-To-Scale) not applied on drum tracks anymore
       o Options Page: added new option which enforces Force-To-Scale for
         BLM16x16+X Grid Edit mode
       o Euclid Generator Page: velocities are re-generated automatically whenever
         VelN or VelA value is changed
       o the optional RECORD button now toggles between RECORD and EDIT page (previously it
         only switched to the RECORD page)
       o Song page: new action "Unmute all" will unmute all tracks and parameter layers
       o Mixer: in the UTIL->Options page it's now possible to define if CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4
         should be sent after or before the Program Change event.
       o NRPN MSB=127 allows to modify parameters of the currently selected track

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  6. The operation via USB is working fine, but I never tried it via the camera connection kit.


    Are you able to send & receive MIDI events from other iPad apps?

    If not: there is a general problem with the camera connection kit.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  7. No changes are required in any config file.

    IIC1*...IIC4* (the Asterisk) indicates, that the communication with the appr. IIC MIDI chips was failing.


    Please use the iic_midi diagnosis app for further debugging at the hardware side (connections, soldering joints, etc...)

    It can be found at the bottom of this page: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32_download.html


    Test procedure: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Ftroubleshooting%2Fiic_midi%2FREADME.txt


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  8. WARNING: unsupported parameter in DOUT_MATRIX n=1 ... sr_dout_row=1

    means: the sr_dout_row parameter doesn't exist.

    means: there is no shift register assigned to drive the rows.

    means: it makes sense to read in the documentation which parameter allows you to assign the shift register -> http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_ng_manual_ngc.html

    means: thereafter there is a higher chance that the LED matrix will work.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  9. Btw.: the EVENT_LED "trick" isn't understood at my side, it should work properly without.


    And if now even such a simple DOUT matrix configuration doesn't work at your side (it looks correct), something seems to be totally wrong.


    Could it be, that you are using an (old) .NGR script which may overwrite certain configurations?


    You've edited the right file, and always checked that MBNG didn't report any error or warning during the upload & execution?


    Or you are using a modified firmware build which causes such problems?


    Which core module are you using btw.?


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  10. If you are not able to execute the Makefile, try to execute following command in the mbhp_mf_ng_v* directory directly:


    gpasm  -p p18f452  -I./src -I ./include/asm -I ./include/share -I ./modules/app_lcd/dummy  setup_mbhp_mf_ng_standard.asm


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  11. Buy me a board, help to write the documentation and support the users who notice compatibility problems (e.g. missing or conflicting pins) with the recommended board, which is the regular STM32F407 STM32F4DISCOVERY


    I think that the "bigger" version is only interesting for a small number of persons who are aware of the compatibility issues, can handle that and write their own applications (so, people like you ;-))


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  12. The STM32F401 is very limited, most major applications (such as MBNG, MBSEQ) wouldn't fit into the small flash memory.


    However, before you throw it away, you could send it to me so that I can provide (and test) a MIOS32 variant for this chip for the case that somebody want's to use it for less complex applications like MIDIO128


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  13. The schematic looks correct.

    Maybe an electrical problem?


    Are you able to remove the button matrix from the remaining circuit?

    Then just connect the row selection signals (IC1 Pin 7, 6, 5) with the column inputs at IC2 with a cable, one after another.


    Each connection should trigger an individual MIDI event.


    If this doesn't work, connect an alternative DIN and DOUT module (or a MBHP_DIO_MATRIX if available) and check the same.

    This ensures that the matrix configuration is correct, and that you know where to continue debugging...


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

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