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Posts posted by TK.

  1. MIDIbox NG supports only a single display type.

    It's too difficult to handle different types, dimensions and even graphic modes...


    Only exception: MIDIbox CV V2 - but I spent a lot of programming effort into this, and I'm using the SSD1306 only for special purposes (oscilloscopes)


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  2. I had a quick look into the schematic.


    It looks like you are using 3 rows for the LEDs, and 3 for the buttons, right?

    In this case I would use row=4 for both matrices (DIN_MATRIX and DOUT_MATRIX), so that the row selection signals will be duplicated (visible at D0..D3 and D4..D7)


    This doesn't explain why the buttons trigger the events of 3 rows at once, but it might be a good starting point for debugging.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  3. Yes, they should not flip back.

    No pull-up resistors are required.


    I added to my TODO list that I check this at my side, but I've to open my MB6582 for this, so I can't do this immediately...


    Or maybe somebody else could help to doublecheck this?


    Btw.: does this happen with any patch, or only with certain ones?

    And does this happen if you take the init patch (press SHIFT and then the 4th Soft button under "Ini. Pt.")


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  4. Open the Tools->MIOS32 File Browser in MIOS Studio, connect to your SD Card, upload the hwcfg/standard_v4l/MBSEQ_HW.V4L file.


    It has already the right configuration to enable the DIN sync output (J5_ENABLED set to 1)


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  5. Unfortunately it isn't possible to control all parameters with MBNG, because this application doesn't allow you to change individual bits of a SysEx parameters (e.g. for waveform control).


    Programming the logic in a dedicated C based application is the only way for a perfect solution for this synth beast ;)


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  6. You can't upload a program in USB Host mode, because the upload takes place in the bootloader!


    Upload process:

    - MIOS Studio requests a reset, so that the bootloader will be started

    - Once the bootloader replied (which again can't work in host mode), MIOS Studio starts to upload the code


    Hope that this clarifies the reason why it doesn't make much sense to continue on this topic...


    While I developed the USB host mode, I always uploaded the application via USB MIDI in Device mode.


    It wasn't a big deal to:

    - remove the USB host cable

    - plug-in the USB device cable

    - press the black reset button so that MIOS32 reboots in device mode

    - press the upload button in MIOS Studio.


    Of course, under MacOS I've the big advantage that I don't need to restart MIOS Studio when the USB MIDI Device was temporary not available.

    If you are working under Windows, it might be required to restart MIOS Studio...

    Alternatively you could initiate the upload from the command line (see "mios_studio --help") to automate this.


    Or consider to develop your application without a USB Host connection, find another way to connect your MIDI device during the implementation phase, and use it only when you are not working with a computer (e.g. while making music... ;-)


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  7. Good new is now I can say only one hard coded(fixed) table for all fader is need, fader tolerance are good, no need for individual correction, and I'm using cheap ALPS, will be better with P&G or TKD


    These are good news indeed! It means that the two 10bit based calibration tables could be stored into the embedded flash memory of the PIC, so that no additional SW or HW is required.


    What I also could provide is a small perl script which generates a look-up table based on given points:



    Build process would be:

    - adapt and generate the table in/with the perl script -> this will generate an include file

    - rebuild the mbhp_mf_ng firmware with a PIC assember

    - upload the new firmware (.hex file) with MIOS Studio


    The whole update process will take ca. 30 seconds... fast enough to try out various settings.


    Required tools: perl (scripting language), gputils (PIC assembler), text editor

    And if you would install "gnuplot" on your computer as well, the perl script would spit out a diagram with the calibration curve as shown above


    What kind of signal is use for touchsensor? just DC? do you think I can filter this with some LPF to avoid HF leaking here?


    It's a pulse of n*1 uS (n = touch sensor sensitivity value) which is triggered each mS


    I'm unsure if/how this could be filtered. You could start with caps against ground at pin #27 (RD4) of the PIC (this is the pulse output)


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

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