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Posts posted by TK.

  1. Da laeuft aber nicht der jitter_mon, sondern die MIDIbox NG Firmware, wie ich das an den Meldungen sehe.

    Du kannst das ueberpruefen, indem Du auf den Query-Button klickst - es sollte die "MIDIbox NG" Firmware angezeigt werden.


    Hast Du das falsche project.hex erwischt?


    Gruss, Thorsten.

  2. Yes, the mask is necessary for the MIOS32_AIN driver. Unselected J5 pins don't need to be grounded, because an internal pull-up is activated in this case.


    Note: the correct mask for J5.A3 is 0x0008, not 0x0004


    Typically you would retrieve the current analog value with MIOS32_AIN_PinGet(3), not MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinGet(3)


    It's very strange that the core locks up, I've no explanation why this should happen with the function calls above.

    At which function call does it lock up exactly?

    Just remove them line by line to determine this.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  3. I guess that the exception handler has been entered. On certain failures it's still possible to output the PC at which the CPU trapped over USB. If not, you should at least see the PC on a LCD (-> connect a LCD for debugging)


    Once you know the PC, you can search in the project_build/project.lss line for the appr. function.


    A typical exception would be an access to a NULL pointer


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  4. Die Link-LED sollte unabhaengig von den Anschluessen an den analogen Eingaengen blinken.

    Wenn das nicht der Fall ist, kann es eigentlich nur an der Verbindung zwischen MBHP_CORE_LPC17:J19 und MBHP_AINSER64:J1 liegen.


    Hast Du eigentlich schonmal den Jitter Mon ausprobiert, so wie hier beschrieben: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_ainser64.html


    Das waere eine Applikation, an der man nichts konfigurieren muss. Insofern eine Fehlerquelle weniger


    Gruss, Thorsten.

  5. I'm also satisfied! :smile:


    Here a short demo of the effect:



    A single track plays a simple sequence which isn't changed during the whole demo.

    Only some Fx parameters are changed.

    • 0:00 - single channel plays the sequence
    • 0:14 - alternating between two channels. The second channel plays the same instrument with a different timbre
    • 0:21 - alternating between four channels, each instrument has a different timbre
    • 0:28 - switching between channels in random order
    • 0:36 - enabled Echo Fx with 3 repeats an 8d Delay
    • 0:50 - enabled LFO Fx with Saw Waveform, Amp 14, 16 Steps, Reset after 16th step - note that Force-to-Scale is enabled
    • 1:02 - changing some LFO parameters
    • 1:15 - changing Note steps for each Echo tap between 0, +2 and +3

    However, the effect really has to be "learned"! Before this demo I created 3..4 totally shitty tunes until I realized, that dramatic differences in the timbre are not really constructive (unless you are searching for a "drunken monkey emulation" ;)


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  6. I implemented a new Fx today: Duplication!
    The duplication effect sends MIDI notes to multiple MIDI channels of a given MIDI port (which can be different from the MIDI port assigned in the Track Event page). Use this effect to play (equal) monophonic synths like a polyphonic synth, or to trigger notes with different timbres.
    This feature also works together with the AOUT port to support polyphonic play of analog synths!


    • Number of additional channels: as the name says. The effect will be disabled with value 0, and enabled with a value > 0.
    • First Channel: specifies the first channel to which additional note events should be forwarded.
      E.g. with 3 channels starting at Channel 2, Notes will be forwarded to the original MIDI channel configured in the Track Event page + Channel 2, 3 and 4.
    • Port: selects the MIDI port to which the additional notes should be forwarded. With "Same" the events will be sent to the MIDI port configured in the Track Event page, with the remaining port settings the MIDI notes will be sent to the selected MIDI port.
    • Non-Notes: specifies what should happen with Non-Note events (such as CCs, PitchBender, Channel Pressure, Program Change): they can be filtered, or forwarded to all additional MIDI channels.
    • Mode: selects the behaviour of this Fx:
      • Forward to all Channels: notes will be directly forwarded to all MIDI channels
      • Alternate Channels: only one MIDI event will be generated, and with each note the next MIDI channel will be selected.
        E.g. with Original MIDI Channel (in Track Event Page) 1, Number of additional Channels 3, First MIDI Channel 2, the effect will cycle between MIDI Channel 1, 2, 3 and 4
      • Alternate with Echo Synch: alternates only notes which are played by the Echo Fx
      • Random: each Note will be sent to a randomly selected MIDI channel. Either the original MIDI channel (configured in the Track Event page), or the additional channel(s) of this Fx

    The features are not tested under realistic conditions yet, but for the case that you are interested (and know how to build the application): the sources are already in the repository :smile:
    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  7. MIDIbox CV 2 might become a better solution, because it is made exactly for this purpose: controlling analog synths with some digital modulators at a very high resolution and very high update rate.


    See also:


    This app is still only used by insiders, the documentation can only be found in this thread (no official project yet)

    And the biggest drawback: currently it can only be controlled from an iPad; a CS is planned, but not implemented yet.


    The official project will probably recommend a http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_core_stm32f4.html board (also in progress), because the additional DSP capabilities might be advantageous, and the Audio output could also be helpful for whatever future features ;)


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  8. Hi,


    I had a similar problem when I looked into the STM library, and therefore preferred to program the MIOS32 based USB MIDI driver with my own coding style (which I'm also using for STM32F1 and LPC1769).

    The sources can be found here: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fmios32%2FSTM32F4xx%2Fmios32_usb.c

    and here: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fmios32%2FSTM32F4xx%2Fmios32_usb_midi.c


    It has some references to following library sources: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fmios32%2FSTM32F4xx%2Fmios32_family.mk which are *not* modified


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  9. I checked this at my side, but can't reproduce this.

    Also software-wise the handling of the dialog pages looks clear - we always start with the default dialog whenever the page is entered.


    The firmware selects the IMPORT dialog if one of the left GP buttons (GP1..GP8), or the SELECT button is pressed.


    Therefore my question: could it be, that one of these buttons are (unintentionally) triggered?


    You can check this the following way:


    1) I guess that you enter the PRESET page by pressing the GP14 button - does it also happen when you press the GP15 button instead?


    2) enter the EDIT page. Press GP14 button (and maybe also GP15 button). Do you see changes at the positions above GP1..8 button, or do you notice that the SELECT function is activated?


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  10. Actually the drawbars (connected to ADC inputs) don't load the resistor chain with a noticeable value, because the impedance of the ADC inputs is much higher, so that they shouldn't have an impact on the "reference voltages".


    The jitter issue (which probably happens since the drawbars act like an antenna for ambient noise) can be easily avoided in the software by defining threshold levels for the different drawbar stages with a suitable hysteresis.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

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