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Posts posted by TK.

  1. Bei mir laeuft es eigentlich ziemlich stabil, selbst wenn ich mehrere Module hintereinander schalte (siehe auch )


    Wie lang ist denn das Kabel zwischen Core und LRE8x2 Modul?

    (sollten hoechstens 30 cm sein)


    Und hast Du schon nach kalten Loetstellen gesucht?


    Gruss, Thorsten.

  2. Yes, of course you don't need an optocoupler in such a "system", instead you can cross-link the Rx/Tx IOs directly as long as the grounds are connected together.


    It seems that this is a typical misunderstanding about MIDI. People think, that MIDI is slow because they only know the common physical layer which requires optocouplers for ground decoupling, and optocouplers reduce the bandwidth...

    But in a "closed system" (inside a MIDIbox) this doesn't matter, IOs can be directly connected and the baudrate can be increased by factor 10 and more.


    In fact MIDI is still a very efficient protocol to interconnect sequencers and synthesizers. Just consider that it has been defined at a time where microcontrollers ran 100 times slower than today. Accordingly the protocol avoids any unnecessary overhead - and therefore should still be the first choice if performance does matter.


    To give you a comparison: the sampler only listens to a single MIDI channel, therefore the "running status" optimisation can be used (handled by MBSEQ by default).

    The transmission of Note and Velocity will require 2 bytes.

    At the standard MIDI baudrate this will take 640 uS

    At a 10x higher baudrate only 64 uS... and I guess that we could even go for 20x or even 50x!


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  3. Yes, a MIDI connection would be the most simple way to connect the cores.

    You could increase the baudrate at both sides to reduce the latency, especially if no optocoupler is used.

    (I will check the max possible baudrate tomorrow)


    Alternative solutions:

    - use MBNET, resp. communication via CAN - but both applications are not prepared for this

    - even faster: use SPI - again both applications are not prepared for this


    So, the alternative solutions would be a nice challenge for the case that you want to improve your programming skills ;)


    But at the end I think, that an increased UART baudrate is already sufficient to ensure a good "user experience", and that you won't notice a big difference with the alternative solutions.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  4. I checked this today, and found the reason: my initial hint to increase the MP depth wasn't complete!
    I added the new topics [19] and [20] to the "known issues" page to inform everybody about the intended usage of the modulation matrix:
    -> http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_ki.html

    19] An envelope doesn't sweep through the whole value range: yes, this is true if only the ENV depth is set to maximum level (+127). With the default configuration of the modulation matrix, this will result into a quarter of the available value range.
    E.g. if the filter cutoff is set to 0, ENV depth set to 127, the filter will only sweep between 0%..25%. Same for volume.
    In order to sweep through the whole range, the modulation path parameters have to be changed:

    • enter the MOD page
    • select MOD 1 (if not already done) for EG1
    • you will notice, that EG1 is only assigned to Sr1 - assign it also to Sr2, and ensure that the "1+2" operator is selected
      -> this will double the ENV level
    • in addition, set the Depth parameter of the modulation path to 127 -> this will double the MP level

    As the result, you will get an envelope which sweeps through the whole value range from 0% to 100%


    [20] The AOUT channel is always at maximum level when the V2A option is used: because the volume parameter in the CFG page sets the offset for this AOUT routing option. Change the volume to 0 to set the offset to 0V (similar to CutOff)


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  5. Hi,


    Is there any way to display 8 channels on a single lcd like on the MB-SEQ?


    in the src/lc_hlp.inc file you will find a "LC_HLP_MsgCursorPos" table, which allows to specify, where LC characters should be print on the LCD


        JUMPTABLE_2BYTES 55 ;; (55 table entries)
        retlw   0x00 + 7
        retlw   0x00 + 8
        retlw   0x00 + 9
        retlw   0x00 + 10
        retlw   0x00 + 11
        retlw   0x00 + 12
        retlw   0x00 + 13
        retlw   0x00 + 16
        retlw   0x00 + 17

    By default, the LC screen will be spreaded over two 2x40 LCDs (makes 2x80)


    But you could also use this mechanism to remove characters... something like:

        JUMPTABLE_2BYTES 55 ;; (55 table entries)
        retlw   0x00 + 0
        retlw   0x00 + 1
        retlw   0x00 + 2
        retlw   0x00 + 3
        retlw   0x00 + 4
        retlw   0x00 + 63 ; not used
        retlw   0x00 + 63 ; not used
        retlw   0x00 + 5
        retlw   0x00 + 6
        retlw   0x00 + 7
        retlw   0x00 + 8
        retlw   0x00 + 9
        retlw   0x00 + 63 ; not used
        retlw   0x00 + 63 ; not used

    the disadvantage is, that the LCD won't display the full message sent by the DAW

    But if you can live with this limitation, then try it out.



    What about Midibox NG? WOuld it give me better options not possible on the core? I already have a bunch of PIC18F1620 so i would rather use those. I guess with MB-NG it would also be necessary to use one core for each 8 channels, right? Or can it be configured to look like multiple Logic Controlls on multiple midi ports?


    In general the configuration of a MBNG is much easier, because the application doesn't need to be rebuilt for customizations.

    See also: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fcontrollers%2Fmidibox_ng_v1%2Fcfg%2Ftemplates%2Flogictrl.ngc


    The cursor mapping table (described above) exists as well, it's just easier to read (and to modify):

    # X cursor positions are defined in MAP1
    # spread message over two 2x40 LCDs
    MAP1   2  3  4  5  6  7  8 \
          12 13 14 15 16 17 18 \
          22 23 24 25 26 27 28 \
          32 33 34 35 36 37 38 \
          42 43 44 45 46 47 48 \
          52 53 54 55 56 57 58 \
          62 63 64 65 66 67 68 \
          72 73 74 75 76 77 78


    It provides 4 USB MIDI ports, so that you could run multiple LC emulations in parallel (each LC needs a dedicated port).


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  6. Welcome back! :)



    + Can i reuse the DIN and DOUT modules from my Midibox LC builds?





    + I had bought Panasonic Motorfaders, any ideas besides a simple switch, for touch sensors (-> stop the fader for controlling)?


    unfortunately nobody found a solution yet.





    +2 x MBHP_NG_MF Modules

    (i own two 2X40 LCDs)




    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  7. Servus,



    Jedoch kann ich die 2. Encoderbank nicht auf dem 2. Display anzeigen lassen wenn ich im Code einstelle 
    das Display 2 des Ziel ist.


    Wie machst Du das denn genau?

    Und: hast Du das zweite LCD schonmal getestet?

    Was passiert bspw. wenn Du folgendes Kommando im MIOS Terminal eingibst:

    lcd @(2:1:1)Second LCD


    Gerne wurde ich im Display an einer freien stelle auch anzeigen lassen ob der Taster gerade in oder Off ist.


    tippe mal folgendes Kommando im MIOS Terminal:

    set debug on

    so wird mit jedem Taster oder Encoder-Event eine Meldung generiert


    Gruss, Thorsten.

  8. You are right, your schematic is wrong there: the CS line of the 9th display has to be connected to the leftmost data output of a MBHP_DOUT module, accordingly to D7 (in your schematic called QH)


    This is consistent to the typical mapping of LEDs: the first LED is located at the leftmost output pin of a MBHP_DOUTX4 module.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  9. CS doesn't need to be toggled, the datasheet only shows a simple access example.


    So: I bet that one or more connections are wrong, especially because KS0108 type displays are usually very easy to handle (there are no error prone configuration sequences).


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  10. You are sure that the data lines are connected correctly?


    What happens if you replace the code in APP_Background by:

    void APP_Background(void)
      MIOS32_LCD_GCursorSet(0, 0);
      while( 1 ); // wait endless

    I expect that you will see some kind of backslash at the upper left corner of the GLCD


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  11. You could doublecheck if the CS voltage is the problem with following configuration (has to be done with the bootloader update app):

    set lcd_type 0x81
    set lcd_width 64

    So that the non-inverted CS option is selected, and only the first half of the KS0108 LCD is accessed.


    Now tie CS1 to 5V - do you see a "valid" picture?


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  12. Hi,


    after rebooting the lpc the led on the board fades twices and then it just flashes.


    this is normal - in this application the LED will flash whenever the LCD will show a new picture.



    the lcd itself shows only random rubbish. first on the right side and then on the left.


    Does this also happen when the lcd_type 0x82 (==GLCD_KS0108_INVCS) is selected?



    the only thing i noticed is that the voltage is about 3.1v instead of 3.3v on the control pins.


    Your datasheet specifies that VIH should be 3.5V minimum, so that 3.1V could be problematic (but I'm unsure).

    Do you have access to an additional 74HCT541 (or similar level shifter) to pull this signal to 5V?


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  13. Wow, good catch Duggle! I haven't expected that a serial termination makes a big difference in this case.



    Disp. 9-12 don't work yet but i think that that is a layout problem. Disp. 13-16 work but show the wrong SSD1306#xy number. (because 9-12 does not work i think.)


    I just have noticed, that the test application doesn't support more than 12 displays, because it has been developed before I added the J28 SR extension.

    This means, that actually Display 13-16 should be black!


    (Shame on me that I only tested the CS 9 and 10 yesterday, and not all pins...)


    So, could you please check this new build: http://www.ucapps.de/tmp/mios32_test_app_lcd_ssd1306_LPC1769_16OLEDs.zip


    MBNG should already allow you to access all displays.

    You can try this by entering following LCD commands:

    lcd @(1:1:1)OLED1
    lcd @(2:1:1)OLED2
    lcd @(3:1:1)OLED3
    lcd @(4:1:1)OLED4
    lcd @(5:1:1)OLED5
    lcd @(6:1:1)OLED6
    lcd @(7:1:1)OLED7
    lcd @(8:1:1)OLED8
    lcd @(9:1:1)OLED9
    lcd @(10:1:1)OLED10
    lcd @(11:1:1)OLED11
    lcd @(12:1:1)OLED12
    lcd @(13:1:1)OLED13
    lcd @(14:1:1)OLED14
    lcd @(15:1:1)OLED15
    lcd @(16:1:1)OLED16

    into MIOS terminal while the MBNG firmware is running


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  14. Yes, this will be the only way to analyze it further.


    Just use two probes, and compare the signals at the D0 and D1 pins (e.g. compare with Display 1)

    And also check, that the CS lines are strobed from the 74HC595


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  15. Ok, now I remember


    The problematic function isn't Timer(), because it doesn't do that much. It just increments a timestamp.


    Instead, TASK_MatrixScan causes the problem, because this task (with priority 2) is running in an endless loop, so that lower prio tasks will never be executed.


    This part should be overworked.


    Maybe the best way would be to take this tutorial as a template: http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Ftutorials%2F029_keyboard_velocity%2F


    In difference to the code that I gave you some time ago, it uses the SRIO driver.

    While the SRIO driver scans the shift registers via DMA, other tasks can be executed - and this gives you more than enough processing power to handle the LCD.


    I could integrate your code into this framework if you want (I can do and test this on sunday)

    But of course you could also try this by yourself :smile:


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  16. If 4bit mode is still for interest: you need a different USER_LCD_Data and USER_LCD_Cmd routine, because the one from the src/app_lcd.inc of the MBSID V2 application is only applicable for 8bit mode.


    USER_LCD_Data should look like:

        ;; store byte in data latch
        movwf   USER_LCD_LAT_D
        ;; wait until display unbusy
        rcall   USER_LCD_WaitUnbusy
        ;; exit if current LCD not available due to timeout
        ;; select data register
        bsf     USER_LCD_LAT_RS, USER_LCD_PIN_RS
        ;; activate write
        bcf     USER_LCD_LAT_RW, USER_LCD_PIN_RW
        ;; strobe
        rcall   USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
        rcall   USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr
        ;; transfer lower 4 bit
        swapf   USER_LCD_LAT_D, F
        ;; strobe and exit
        rcall   USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
        rgoto   USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr

    and USER_LCD_Cmd:

        ;; store byte in data latch
        movwf   USER_LCD_LAT_D
        ;; wait until display unbusy
        rcall   USER_LCD_WaitUnbusy
        ;; exit if current LCD not available due to timeout
        ;; select command register
        bcf     USER_LCD_LAT_RS, USER_LCD_PIN_RS
        ;; activate write
        bcf     USER_LCD_LAT_RW, USER_LCD_PIN_RW
        ;; strobe
        rcall   USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
        rcall   USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr
        ;; transfer lower 4 bit
        swapf   USER_LCD_LAT_D, F
        ;; strobe and exit
        rcall   USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
        rgoto   USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr

    this is untested code!


    Please also replace the (wrong):

    	movlw	0x01 			; /////////////////////CGRAOM 248 COGRAM 8   Select  ROM A
    	movwf	USER_LCD_LAT_D
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr
    	movlw	50			; 50 ms delay
    	call	MIOS_Delay
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr
    	movlw	50			; 50 ms delay
    	call	MIOS_Delay
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr
    	movlw	0x01 			; /////////////////////CGRAOM 248 COGRAM 8   Select  ROM A
            rcall    USER_LCD_Data
    and doublecheck later, if 0x09 is maybe the better value


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  17. Wow - 10mil is pretty small!

    Are you also using this width for the 3.3V and GND tracks?


    If yes: solder a cable between a central GND and central 3.3V point to the Vs/Vd inputs of an OLED which currently doesn't work if CS is connected to ground, does this help?

    If not: do the same for SDA and SCLK, solder the cables directly from pin P1.27 and P1.29

    You could use wires from a ribble cable for this test.



    what R/C values wold you recommend? 


    you could try it without C, and with R=100 and R=220, maybe this works better (but without a scope it will be difficult to find out the best fitting values)


    But it seems that we should more focus on your layout ;-)


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  18. Hm...


    maybe it makes sense to talk about your layout. How are the D0/D1 (resp. SCLK/SDA) lines routed? 


    If you haven't routed short connections between the displays, then this could explain the issues as well, especially your last test where the CS lines of display 9..16 are tied to ground.


    Termination could help.

    Here an interesting thread about this topic with many pictures and possible solutions:


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  19. Could you please doublecheck, that the BS0/BS1/BS2 jumpers are soldered to ground (0) and not to Vcc (1) for all displays?

    If the jumper settings are incorrect at one or more displays, D0 will have a different function and would disturb other displays.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  20. It may be that this idle time does not occur in my program.


    Oh yes, of course this could be the case.



    Could this low  time period prevent APP_Background from working?  




    We should review your app, maybe there is a way to optimize the execution time, so that lower prio tasks can be serviced again.

    Could you please attach your app.c file to this posting?


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  21. The strange display behaviour could be related to corrupted data transmissions.

    E.g. changes in the brightness, ghost pictures, missing pixels, etc. can happen when a command word isn't transferred correctly.


    In order to check this, I compiled another test where the serial data (via D0/D1) is transferred slower than in the original configuration.

    Please try it: http://www.ucapps.de/tmp/mios32_test_app_lcd_ssd1306_LPC1769__slow_serdata.zip


    2) to displays 9-16: in order to find out, if this is related to the 74HC595 shift register which drives the CS lines, it would be interesting what happens if the displays are always selected. Means: remove the 74HC595 ( named "IC DISP-SEL" in your schematic) from the socket, and tie all CS lines (QA..QH) to ground.

    Any change?


    3) also to displays 9-16 (regardless if test 2 is passing): disconnect displays 1-8 if possible.

    If not possible (you haven't mentioned yet, if the LCDs are plugged into sockets), remove IC2 from the socket, and tie QA..QH to 3.3V in order to ensure, that the CS lines are not activated


    For each test it will be required that you power-off the core for at least 5 seconds.

    This ensures, that all LCDs are starting with a fresh power-on reset


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  22. Hi,


    this application can't be built with MPLAB, please use gputils instead as recommended via the README.txt (the README links to a Wiki page which describes the details).


    However, here a quickstart for you without the need to install the complete toolchain.


    Only install gputils: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gputils/files/gputils-win32/0.14.3/gputils-0.14.3.exe/download

    Thereafter open a cmd terminal, change to the midibox_cv_* directory, and enter following command in the command line:



    gpasm  -p p18f452  -I./src -I ./include/asm -I ./include/share -I ./modules/app_lcd/dummy -I ./modules/aout   setup\ torb.asm


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

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