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Posts posted by TK.

  1. Shame on me - of course I connected the 3.3V (Vdd) and GND (Vss) line to the wrong J15 pins (I was too much focused to show you how to buffer D0/D1)


    I can't update the schematic till next week, but I guess that you know what has to be changed, right?


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  2. 2 new ideas:
    1) check if buffered SCLK/SDA makes a difference: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_lcd_ssd1306_buffer_idea.pdf as mentioned above.
    You could use a 74HCT541 for this experiment, because you probably already have this chip available for J8/9 and J19.
    /edit: 74HC541 required for 3.3V
    Each buffer output should be connected to D0/D1 of 4 OLEDs
    2) question to KUI and Novski: are you using a 74HC595, or 74HCT595 as shift register?
    I'm using a 74HC595 (without T) as recommended in the MBHP_CORE_LPC17 schematic. I don't remember the exact reason anymore, but I remember that some people had problems with driving LCDs when they used 74HCT595.
    I only want to ensure, that you are using exactly the same HW components...
    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  3. I made this test with DIN/DOUT modules and superlong cables.

    It isn't directly related to your issue, I only wanted to visualize what could happen (although I'm not sure if this is really a problem at your side).


    The biggest problem is, that you are describing symptoms which I can't reproduce at my side (e.g. because I don't have your hardware), and therefore I've to try to find parts of the puzzle with assumptions and experiments... :-/


    Meanwhile I can't exclude anymore, that my specified circuit is too criticial due to potential electrical issues.

    Counter measures would be to spend more hardware, e.g. buffers for the D0 and D1 lines (e.g. for each pair of 4 OLEDs)


    I can't say if this will really help - it would be worth a try, on the other hand your possibilities are limited since the components are soldered on a PCB.


    But i cant isolate a pulse like i see it on your fotos...


    so, actually these are good news. No termination issue?


    I need some more time to think about other causes, and probably I've to do some more exotic experiments with my hardware.

    Meanwhile I also hope that somebody of you makes an observation which brings us into the right direction.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  4. weil ich muss ja rein theoretisch jeden encoder wie 2 buttons ansehen oder?


    ja, richtig



    weil dann währe ich ja bei 260 "Buttons" oder? und laut der NG seite kann ich ja nur 256 anschliesen


    In Deinem Fall waere es besser, wenn Du die Taster zu einer Matrix verschaltest.

    So kannst Du bspw. mit einem MBHP_DIO_MATRIX Modul 128 Tasten scannen: http://www.ucapps.de/midio128/midio128_v3_dio_scanmatrix.pdf

    Und es wuerde lediglich zwei DIN und zwei DOUT Shift Register belegen.


    Fuer die Encoder benoetigst Du dann nur noch zwei MBHP_DINX4 Module (-> bis zu 32 Encoder)


    Gruss, Thorsten.

  5. Kann es sein, dass sich der Chip noch im Bootloader Modus befindet?

    - was wird angezeigt, wenn Du den Query Button drueckst?

    - ueberpruefe, dass der BSL_HOLD Jumper (J27) nicht gesteckt ist

    - wie oft blinkt die Status LED nach Power-On?


    Gruss, Thorsten.

  6. Das ist wirklich seltsam. Der Filebrowser wurde von der MIDIbox NG Firmware von Anfang an unterstuetzt.


    Gib im MIOS Terminal mal das "sdcard" Kommando ein - was wird ausgegeben?

    (am besten kopierst Du die Meldungen via Copy&Paste in diesen Thread rein)


    Falls "sdcard" ebenfalls nicht funktioniert, laeuft offenbar eine andere Applikation.


    Gruss, Thorsten.

  7. I loaded 027 pre 5 and I get displays 9-16 initializing okay. Display 4 and 6 are not working.

    I then reloaded 027 5 oldgcc and all displays work correctly.

    Went back and fourth 4 times to prove to myself that there was a difference.



    Interesting that these are exactly the same displays which are failing at Novski's side. On the other hand they don't fail at my side. But: I've only 5 OLEDs connected, and use the CS line of the 5th display on CS 4..16 to test the driver. The remaining four displays are always connected to CS0..3.


    Seems that I've to change my hardware to allow more sophisticated tests. I will do this next week (not enough time this week)



    My IC2 has the serial output (pin 9) open. Do i have to connect that pin somewhere? To terminate it?


    no, this is just an unused output



     I see that this register is somehow working different than a normal DOUT. Does this usage of IC2 have a name i can google?


    I'm just using it as a shift register... ;-)


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  8. Hallo,


    welche Applikation hast Du denn aufgeladen? Scheinbar unterstuetzt sie noch nicht den Filebrowser, es muss sich also um eine aeltere Version handeln, oder um eine App, die den Zugang zur SD Karte nicht aktiviert.


    Gruss, Thorsten.

  9. Es gibt Limits, doch die wirst Du mit so wenig Steuerelementen bei weitem nicht erreichen. ;)


    Motorfader werden in der Regel als CCs, NRPNs oder PitchBender uebertragen. MIDI erlaubt pro MIDI Port 16*128 CCs, 16*16384 NRPNs und 16 Pitchbender Parameter.

    Noten: 16*128 pro MIDI Port


    Ob Dein Programm auf dem PC jedoch diese Vielzahl an moeglichen Events unterstuetzt, ist eine andere Frage (die ich nicht beantworten kann).


    Gruss, Thorsten.

  10. Hi,


    thanks for the nice feedback! :smile:


    The first picture shows the page which is displayed once a preset has been selected. It allows you to specify, which parts of the preset should be imported. Confirm this with the IMPORT button, and the preset will be loaded.


    The second picture should be the actual entry page, it should be displayed once you press the PRESETS button in the track event page.


    I'm not able to reproduce this (I would need step by step instructions once you found out, under which circumstances this happens).

    But: I believe that you can cancel the import when you press the EXIT button, and then enter the PRESETS page again.



    My 3th question is why I can select pages (in the left screen) when I want to store a preset, but when I want to import one, I can't scroll between my created presets.


    The scroll list at the left side (which should be active once you enter the PRESETS page... under normal circumstances) is the one that you use to select a preset which should be loaded.

    Once you push a button below of a preset file, you will be asked for the import options. Then press the IMPORT button to confirm the selection -> done


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  11. Fine! :smile:


    Could you please also check the firmware image that I created with the new gcc version?

    -> http://www.ucapps.de...v1_027_pre5.zip


    Display #16: the CS lines of the J28 shift register are not initialized during boot, this could be the reason.

    All displays should be correctly cleared after boot once the MBNG application takes over the control - can you confirm this?


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  12. Ha! Somehow I knew that something could be incomplete at my side when you are not able to get these modules running! :)


    I added the jumpers to the out_only schematic. The original "out_only" module was only intended as a workaround for a UART bug in the PIC18F4620, but today the module is mainly used in conjunction with MIOS32, and people prefer to use more than one...


    Best Regards, Thorsten.


    P.S.: music session: let's plan this for mid december once I've vacation :)

  13. Hallo,


    da wurde wohl mal wieder etwas an der GUI gedreht.

    Hier ein aktueller Thread zu diesem Thema: 


    Felix schreibt, dass man den LPCxpresso neuerdings unter Help->Product Activation mit der mitgelieferten Serial Number (aus dem Beiblatt) aktivieren muss.

    Frueher ist das Fenster noch automatisch erschienen...


    Gruss, Thorsten.

  14. Peter - you reported this, we have to solve this! ;-)


    It sounds like a power issue, which could be caused by a loose connection or bad solder joint.

    Check also, that no part is missing. I noticed some time ago, that especially the 100 nF bypass caps are crucial for the PIC16F88


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  15. Last saturday I checked a Quad-IIC board with the new compiler on a STM32F1, STM32F4 and LPC17 - still works.


    What happens at your side if only the second, third or fourth uC is stuffed, and all other PICs are removed?


    Btw.: the fastest way to check the availability of the IIC slaves is to enter the "system" command in MIOS Terminal.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  16. Yes, encoders are not supported for the DIN_MATRIX since they require a high scan frequency. The software is not prepared for this.



    Well, correct me if I'm wong but you can always treat DIO_MATRIX as 2xDIN and 2xDOUT, matrix is just for convenience use in a single connector and on a single module. The schems seem to confirm this. Just make sure you do the DIN/DOUT SR counting properly ;)


    you mean the MBHP_DIO_MATRIX module, and this is correct.

    But Sauraen means the DIN_MATRIX component in the MBNG firmware.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

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