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Posts posted by NorthernLightX

  1. Dennis,

    You can also use 6580 chips (8580 is preffered)

    So go to marktplaats.nl and buy old c64 's this worked for me too on my first quad sid.



    Correction: 6581 or 8580. Bad, bad Twinny  ;)

    Keep in mind that 6581 needs 12v and 8580 and 6582 need 9v, etc. etc. etc.

  2. AFAIK only Wilba ever supplied these chips, and every midiboxer that has some has got them from Wilba, and intends to use them for their own project. Better to ask to be put on Wilba's list for the future. Anyway, good luck finding them.

  3. quiet, audiowise: This depends not only on the PSU, it also depends on the transformer and the wiring.

    Test: There's not a lot that can be tested. If you want to test it, you just need to measure the ripple at the output(s). If you have a good digital multimeter you can measure the ripple yourself:

    Switch your multimeter to AC (Yes: AC!) and measure at each output the (AC-)Voltage. The lower the value, the better is your PSU for audio purpose.



    OK, thanks Doc! I'm going to test that tonight. I'm using a toroid transformer, which is the most "quiet" transformer type as far as I know.

    Cheers,  Alex.

  4. To revive this old thread: I recently got some requests to share the .BRD file of the PSU. It has been on my space since the beginning, there just was no link to it  ;D

    So, If anyone wants to toy with it:

    http://home.quicknet.nl/qn/prive/alex.span/midibox/MBHP_PSU.brd and


    I just re-read some comments about the PSU not working properly. I have it hooked up to my current MBSIDV2 setup (one CORE_V2 and SID_V2 - these are old style boards) and it works fine. I do want to measure the voltage drop in the resistors before I claim it to be a good design though, hope I'll be able to do that soon.

    I find the PSU to be pretty quiet, audio-wise. I would like for someone to test it with good equipment though, and the only one I can think of is TK. So Thorsten: would you want to build and test this PSU? I would of course provide you with a free PCB.

  5. Progress to report:

    The schematic is final now. Two 100uF caps where added, one to protect the first opamp when doing hard clipping, and another other to protect the equipment connected to the output jack from receiving DC current. A 47K resistor was also added to keep the output jack at 0v, also to protect the equipment connected to the output jack.

    The 100nF cap between the Tone and Volume pots was removed from the schematic because we couldn't remember why we put it there originally (:D), and removing it proved to have no influence on the sound.

    On a personal note: Tonight I made an attempt to apply Lazertran to the pedal case I'm making. I might have been too hasty turning up the heat, as there are quite a few bubbles on the durface now. I thought I had a bottle of turpentine, but it turns out to be ordinary white spirit, which can't be used to remove the plastic lazertran residue. Sticker remover removes both the residu and the lazertran, I found out  :-\ (luckily not on the front panel)

    I'll keep you guys posted if there are any updates.

  6. yeah, that's already printed on the pcb but still doesn't match Mike's core...

    What's CLK?  What am I meant to connect that to?  And why doesn't Smash's SID have an MD pin?

    CLK is Clock, it is a connection to the clock pin of the PIC. It is not located in J10 of the core. Please see the SID (maybe the old SID_V2 board info) board interconnection info on uCapps.

    Don't know about MD.

  7. I have contemplated doing just a control surface PCB and panels for MBFM... using the PT-10 case, and putting in a Core and OPL3 module inside the case and using panel-mount sockets on the rearpanel.

    That project is 2nd on my list though... next on the list is an MB-SEQ V3 control panel/PCB combo using the same construction method as the MB-6582. That design will be suitable for a 19" rack case or a desktop version like the P3 with wood endcheeks.

    I would very much like a control surface PCB and panel for the FM, but for a 2U rack rather than another PT-10 case.

    Cheers,  Alex.

  8. Just out of interest, have you tried an LM308 op-amp??

    It's not particularly well suited for audio, but when it's driven rail to rail (as in this design), it has a nicely overdriven sound because its slew rate is so low. In practice, this means that it has frequency selective distortion which is very nice in my opinion. FWIW, the 308 is used in the old ProCo Rat guitar pedal, so chek that out for a taste of what it sounds like. My guess is a 303 through one of these would sound immense!

    Hi Jaicen, no, the only opamps we tested were the M5218AL and the TL082. In theory any dual opamp with the same pinout (and the pinout is very standard) could be used. Builders of this schematic are encouraged to pick the parts they find sounding best, that's the reason we did not specify the clipping diodes in the schematic too.

    I believe anything through this sounds immense, the sound samples I recorded were not so hot compared to what I hear the thing produce last weekend ;)

    For synths a few changes need to be done though, and we will speciy those in the near future. Mendelt also wants to make a special version for bassguitar, all findings will be posted here and I will make a wiki article eventually.

    Cheers,  Alex.

  9. Just for the record: there are going to be some minor changes to the design (adding 2 caps and 1 resistor), mostly to protect the opamps and the equipment after the stompbox. Testing those will occur this weekend, and I hope to be able to post some pictures of the construction of the stompbox too :)

  10. The idea here, is that although these knobs are all sold out, more can be made IF we can get enough interest. Nobody is assuming there's a bulk order, we're just saying how many we'd like, to see if we can make up enough to make an order worthwhile. Without enough people to warrant a new production run of these knobs, they will not be available for bulk orders or otherwise. So vote, and post your numbers if you like, and maybe we'll be lucky.

    Stryd, according to

    Balthasar from ALBS told me he was thinking about manufacturing more. The minimum production is 5000 pieces, so he asked me what colour I preferred. I assume he means the inner colour, the knob would still be black.

    I find it very possible that these knobs will be manufactured again. I believe the community will take at least 2000 of these babies, that leaves ALBS with a stock of 3000 which he can sell through his regular channels.

  11. Hell yeah, I have one of these babies. Populated with a whopping 8mb of sample mem. :) :) Those old 30pin SIMMS come in handy sometimes. I just wish I had some winxp drivers for it. Its great for old 90's demos though..  :)

    GUS MAX did not use SIMMs but simple DRAM modules, and the maximum was 512KB or 1MB. Maybe you're referring to the later Ultrasound PnP cards that never were very successful due to the lack of driver support from Gravis.

    Allright, back on topic  ;)

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