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Everything posted by NorthernLightX

  1. My box is working, if anybody is interested!
  2. Hi Jef, that is upposed to be happening, it's the LCD's way of telling "hello, i'm alive, please send me some info to display...". You should also chek my topic in Testing/Troubleshooting, as you're probably facing the same prolem flashingyour PIC's, Thorsten's idea is that I've used an older version of the bootstraploader, namely 1.1 instead of 1.1b. Since you burned those for me I assume you're using th same version. Could you confirm that? Cheers, NLX
  3. The logo is nice, but why is it always North America showing everywhere I see a globe somewhere? (movies, ads, anywhere). As MidiBox was conceived in Germany I say europe shoul be in front! ;D
  4. Thanks T. I'm sorry to waste you time because I didn't read that debug faq, I did search a bit for such a thing but could not find it befoe. I'll try to solve my MIDI problems with it, and if it's no help I'll be back 8) . Cheers, Alex.
  5. If we can order 11 chips together (i'll take 2 or 4 for that matter) i can make all arrangements, i live in Holland, next to germany. PM or mail me, and we can set something up. Overseas shipping will be about 6 euro's for an insured shipment. I believe I have enough material for shipping IC's safely. If we'll take 11 chips the price will be 7 euro's a piece. Payment must be made to my account in advance, Or send money by mail (wrapped in aluminium-foil for greedy postmen over here, and probably over there too). Less chips is also possible, but more expensive (9 euro's a piece), and there are additional shipping costs from the guy to me. Cheers, Alex.
  6. OK, i just learned that bootstrap 1.1 was flashed, and the flash verified correctly. The display does not show anything but the lines on row 1 and 3, which indicate that the LCD is working but not initialized, right? I guess this is normal if only the bootstrap is loaded. The leds begin flashing as soon as the power is applied, no 2 second payload, and have done so from the beginning, before the first attempt to load MIOS. I do not have shorts in the connections of the midi plugs, but I might have swapped some wires. In the Core PDF it says that the displayed MIDI plugs are shown "from the back", I tought that the backside was where the soldering pins of the plugs are visible, correct? Also, Midi-IN has 2 leads, and OUT has 3, right? And OUT is located at the corner of the board, and IN is located next to it, a little more to the middle (Dummy questions, but if I did that wrong we can search a long time before solving anything). I will also measure the resistance of the used wires for breaches and bad connections this evening. Another strange thing: If I order Midi-OX to send sysex (with box connected or not, no difference), my interface does nothing it seems, no led activity. Thanks in advance, Alex.
  7. Only the bootstraploader is burned right now, I haven't been able to load MIOS or an application yet. The loader was burnt for me by a friend/midibox collegue :D so i'm not 100% sure what he burned, I'm asking him right now. (my JDM does not work yet either, with my laptop the voltage is too low. I have only treid to burn a 16F with it, but that fails at about 20%, I guess due to the low voltage (11 volts instead of 13,5)Would using a USB->COM convertor raise that voltage perhaps?)
  8. Hi Thorsten, Same effect without anything running, as soon as i plug the box in the power the midi goes wild...
  9. Twin weet het iets beter dan anderen volgens mij, als ik het me goed herrinner stond jouw hele studio opeens te koop op marktplaats ::)
  10. Problrm persists: Nothing in Midi-OX, and wild midi action. The port which I've connected the midibox to constantly receives midi, and sends it to the other 3 'interfaces'. That's not really a problem, as there's nothing connected to those ports at the moment, but i find it very strange that Midi-OX does not report anything, while te leds are going crazy... Is my interface not supported perhaps? (It doesn't work with bZone either, Sysex implementation from Egosys suxxxxx bigtime).
  11. I did disable it in Midi-OX as suggested in the walkthrough on ucapps.de but I'll look for a method of turning it off on the interface itself. Especialy for the other ports (it's a 4x4 midi interface, 4 in and 4 out)
  12. Hi, After finishing the SID step A, I tried to flash the PIC via sysex. My midi-interfae is a Egosys WaMi rack, known for not-so-good sysex abilities. However, when I connect the power, the MIDI-leds of the interface begin flashing like mad, and keep on flashing. Midi-OX does not give any info on screen. Could i have made some mistake connecting the midi plugs? I did the cables correctly for sure, out->in and in->out. Any tips?
  13. Well, i use an even number so if the enc is in the exact middle no leds are lit. I think the most important reason you frequently see 11 leds is that almost every FPD designer used Thorstens original design for the MB16e, which had 11 leds per encoder, and cut&paste with that for their own designs.
  14. Everything works fine now. the voltage is still a bit high, perhaps i will solder a resistor in between. Just connected the first SID too, now flash the pic and then... noiZe!
  15. Ik hoop niet dat je een relatie hebt, die gaat er binnenkort ook onder lijden ;D
  16. Klopt, zoals je ook in eerdere posts in deze thread kan lezen. Er staat ergens een typo tussen, maar je hebt gelijk. Je kunt ook de 512 variant nemen, vooralsnog is de firmware niet in staat om meer dan 256 van deze chip te adresseren, maar wat niet is kan nog komen natuurlijk. en dat keer 8 is eventjes 4MB ram i.p.v. 2, ik kan me tijden herinneren dat ik dat in mijn gloednieuwe PC had 8)
  17. ehm, no? Make it as big as you like. If the diameter of your knobs is small, you use less, and if it's big, you use more. I (am going to) use 12 i think.
  18. Well what do you know, the + and - where actually reversed! (so there's that 1% uncertainty ;D ) Going to fix this right away. (setback is that by dragging everything upstairs my powerlead just broke... need to fix that too) Thanks! P.S. just to be on the safe side: is there a way to lower the voltage from 5,12 to 4,8v for the backlight? I really don't want to blow it...
  19. Hi, I sort of knew that the logic was still ok, cause the lines showed up (already read that on the Crystalfontz forum). Am reading all posts over there now to see if similar problems are described. I am using a Core_V2 board, with 10k pot and all other components that are in the design. I will make an extra check on the - and + of the backlight, but am 99% sure that i did it correctly... Will post followup this afternoon. Thanks for the tips!
  20. Hi, I have a Crystalfontz LCD (CFAH2004A-YMC-JP) with backlight, only the backlight does not go on. I've got a PIC with only the bootstraploader on it. Today my neighbor and I checked all the wiring, and all boards connected at the moment, for shorts and other problems and found none. What I do see when the power is plugged in is blocks on row 1 and 3 (it's a 20x4 LCD). I can play with the brightness of the blocks by tweaking the pot, but the other pot does absolutley nothing for the backlight. We also measured the response from both pots, and they're both working. In the techsheet for the LCD it says that the max voltage for the backlight is 4,8, and the typical voltage for the BL is 4,5. I measure 5,12 - what can I do to get this within specs, or is it more probable that the BL is dead already?
  21. Looks way cool, almost as cool as my design ;) Too bad my server is down so I can't post my FPD file...
  22. Gaat/wil er iemand binnenkort nog iets bij Conrad bestellen? Dan kunnen we eventuel weer een soort van inkoopactie opzetten. Ik weet niet of Conrad een minimumbedrag heeft, en/og hoge verzendkosten, etc.?
  23. the price is 9 euro a piece, or 7 euro a piece if you order more than 10. I definitely want 2, i'll try to accuire some more buyers here inholland... anyone?
  24. This lot looks sold, and I can't find any other SID auctions from him. Does this mean he's sold all of them?
  25. Ok, Spiritus didn't do a thing. I hate to try the sanding paper, because i've already stuffed all the parts. Will covering the board in Lotlack stop all further oxidation, or do I have to remove the oxidation first?
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