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Everything posted by pilo

  1. I want to put this Bible quote too ;D Even if I don't believe in god and such stuff, this is so right! SmashTV, is there way to see picture of all the things you made? ;D
  2. But where is the mios tc apps??!!?? In the zip there's only mios_lcd.inc... :D I'm lost.... :-X
  3. Well... I have some trouble to find the 1n5818... But I can find 1n5819 and 1n5817... I think the 1n5817 work, but it as a maximum reverse voltage of 20V... (cf http://www.robotroom.com/HBridge.html). The 1n5819 may work too, but I'm not sure....???
  4. A sort of a DOS makefile maybe useful and faster for compiling, converting the hex 2 syx, and uploading it into the midibox... no? (I made this under linux)
  5. huummm great ;D So Panasonic MF or not??!!??? I think it's the last part I have to buy to finish my LC...???
  6. if you look at the wiring of this device, you'll see that the led matrix has to be handle by the unit on which you plug it... so I think it's made to be used as led ring ;D I don't konw if this can replace fader as encoder replace pot! But it could be a god idea to use this !!
  7. huumm I see this too, and I'm curious to see how it works! But it's a P&G product... the best, but not the cheapest I think! I think the led are used the same way as ledring with encoder! But... It may be possible to build this with and encoder! ;)
  8. huuummm si je comprends bien (mais je suis pas sur de bien pigé lol) tu veux en fait faire un generateur de son (ki fera un comme un son de grosse caisse "puissante")? Donc heeeuuu la je suis pas trop callé... ;D meme si je doit avoir des schéma ki traine kelke part (j'avais le schéma d'une basse/guitare synthé, en fait en entré il y avait la guitare ou la basse, et en sortie un générateur de son... je viens de regarder vite fait... le schéma est un peu complexe, mais il faut supprimé la partie trigger, le déclancheur, puisk'en entré c'est une guitare. je te met un lien vers le schéma : http://www.multimania.com/blendinpulse/gsynth/
  9. the RME DIGI32 was a DIY project in the early days... ;D
  10. yes 4 mono ;D I going too look for linux driver (alsa if possible). And I will looking for a sblive (my sister does have one in her computer..... ;D) I'm not very experiment with PCB designing, but the schematic is not very complicated, so I think it's easy to make a board. If you want I can check yours, but I don't think I can make it better than you ;) As I see this mod... this make think building a complete ADC/ADAT would not be very difficult...???
  11. huummm I think if they use 4 different ADC, they can be record at the same time... but the driver have to handle this! If you want some help with the board... tell me! But I look at it again and it's a great mod! ;)
  12. pilo

    Pont de redressement

    hheeeuu St Quentin radio je pense : http://www.stquentin.net
  13. ouaaww!!! very interesting! the only drawback is that I work under linux... huummm writing a driver can be difficult... But it's a nice info! I'll bookmark this! ;) THANKS! ;D
  14. mmm yes Midibox tunning 8)
  15. Gilles give you a good way to take it lol ;) yes problem with the php script and provider!!!!!! Bu the way, don't download the demo one! try the LIVE one! (no php, just mp3!) ;)
  16. timer interupt? i don't read the code to see how leds output are handle... but we just make it with a delay loop I think ???
  17. ... I totally disagree! Why? because I don't understand why we should be the only ones to know about the midibox? I think Thorsten works on it because people are making it! And I don't see what is the problem if it's known by more people! Thorsten releases some parts of MIOS with the GPL, it's his choice (I don't know if you have read the GPL, if you haven't, do it...) But I don't think the problem is here, because TK didn't "re-invent the wheel", what he makes, is a powerful modular system of midi controller, and so nobody could take advantage of his work. Don't forget that the main advantage of the midibox is that you make your own! and no one can sell you that! So if you mean that you don't want other people to make midiboxes... it's quite silly! (it's what I understand) I don't know if you understand me well (because of my average english level), but making midi controller (like mackie or peavey...), is easier to design than midibox! So no one can make money on his back, but for selling MBHP kits! and by making this site more famous we can avoid that... Well I have had the idea to make a midi controller some years ago, but I gave up... about 9 months ago I found ucapps by mistake...!!! And I think that a lot of people can be interested in making midiboxes, but just don't know this is as easy as TK made it! That's why I think we should make this site more famous....
  18. huumm I think Midibox have to get more audience! It's an alternative in the midi controller product we can found in the market! Maybe we have to post message to Home Studio magazine in our country, to make them konw that in Germany, there is a guy called Thorsten which is making the midi device of the futur ;)
  19. hummm if you can try to change the 7805...5.5V is high, but I don't think it can damage any device... The voltage will go down when it will power the PIC and the 6N138. ;)
  20. humm I think it will use more RAM... the simple is to make a flip-flop : a very easy schematic (2 NAND gate, a resistor and a caps) wich make blinking. But with Mios, you have to know when you light the led (or not), if : it has to be light... so you would have another bit of ram for each blinking led.... By the way, I think it's AN EXCELLENT IDEA! so I'm going to try with as soon as I can!!! ;D
  21. bon j'ai enfin pu tester un encodeur!!! donc ca marche très bien, et le brochage est le meme ke TK donne pour les ALPS je sais plus koi! lol voila!
  22. well TK must be a better helper than me but... I'll try to help you! So you say you think you upload an application, but which one? (see MIOS->download and try a test program). If you have just upload mios via sysex, you would see the copyright screen, and then just "Ready"... and then you can upload an application. I don't see what "waiting or DIN, AIN event" comes from... try a test program (upload with sysex) like ain_example1_v1_3 if you have pot, or enc example ect
  23. huuummm I don't understand your problem very well... so : You have burn bootsrap loader? then you have send MIOS via MIDIOX? But have you send an application? you didn't talk about that... tell me! ;)
  24. huuumm yes I've got problem with the site provider... I think you have to make a right click on the file to download it! I think the live are better than the demo one... (and maybe work better, because I don't use a php file to make them download)
  25. huumm this is a link to the web site of my band... The recording are old, so no midibox yet! But I think the next demo will be mixed by a LC clone ;) http://www.blendinpulse.fr.st or just for the sound http://www.blendinpulse.fr.st/son.php
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