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Everything posted by pilo

  1. pilo


    Yeahh!!! really great!!!! sound are VERY good! and the music too ;) congratulation!
  2. huumm... maybe I can send you a PIC18F with the boot strap loader in it... but it will be hard to get it the 21...
  3. huumm the best I found on the net... http://www.73.com/a/0179.shtml funny thing : it's a discount price... allelectronis is $2 lower! **************************************** don't click, the spec they give are exactly the same as allelectronic..... :( sorry!
  4. pilo

    PCB artwork

    Great!!! I think with some time you will make good PCB (it take sometimes to me to make the track with good width! lol) ;)
  5. huuumm.... maybe try to erase the pic with the jdm, burn the bootstrap, go on again with uploading MIOS and an apps...
  6. No I use a 10µF caps... maybe the 74LS00? I didn't change the caps, it works well with 4.7k and 10µ... ;) I was just worried because I study monoflop circuit and I wasn't able to make it works! ;) Thanks!
  7. I own a KS0103/KS0104 LCD display... I've got the datasheet for them... but I can't use them... I look at the datasheet of the KS0107/KS0108 (which work with MIOS, don't they?) and they seems to be "brother"... Do you think I will be able to use my LCD with MIOS? www.eio.com/ks0103.pdf I can't find the link to the KS0104 datasheet but I've go it...
  8. Oky I fix it... but... i change the value of R3 and R4 to 4.7k...!!! I was surprise by the 100k... and I take my old book of digital schematic, and there they made the same monoflop with a 400ohm...
  9. pilo

    PCB artwork

    huuummm yes maybe I can help you : just drax the PCB! take the good width for "track" and hole, and go! look at the pin out of you switch... I used to draw PCB with image processing software (The Gimp). Just draw it as you do on a paper, but here you can use the grid to make something "beautiful"! ;)
  10. You're not stupid! how many times I solder a connector in the wrong way (like the midi in and ou one), even with taking care about it? I think it's error that everyone make! ;)
  11. hheeuu vi... une perceuse numérique...!! ::)
  12. hheeuu vi... une perceuse numérique...!! ::)
  13. Cool! ;) je commence à etre rassuré! lol y'a bien le compte?? me suis pas trompé? (j'ai vérifier 150 fosi mais bon... lol) ils sont en bon état? hhiiiiii on arrive à 6 pages sur ce post... huum!
  14. oouaaawwww!! $120NZ which make about $70!!!! :-/ .... But if you can get some at $10NZ (less than 5euros!!) I'm VERY interested! ;D Oh yes if you can get some at this low price it would be GREAT!!!!!! ;D thanks ;)
  15. I made the LTC, juste for the 2 leds and... they're always on!!! I use a 74LS00, but I don't think the speed here is important (it is with DIN and DOUT? we can't use LS instead of HC?). if someone have the answer of this problem... I try to change the 74LS00.. but the same so...
  16. just a stupid question : what back with a bang mean??!!?? (I heard it before). And yes, TK is back with a lot of new stuff!!! :)
  17. A yes, but what I was thinking about is insertinf an offset so il the pot value goes from 20ohm to xkohm, we can have 0V at the mininum (r=20ohm)... but I don't think it's very useful! ;)
  18. En parlant de percage et de CNC... es-ce ke kelk'un en as déj construit une??? depuis ce week end (et depuis ma discution avec Smash_TV, ki en a construit une) j'ai cette idée ki me trote dans la tête... notament pour le percage des CI et la création de la face avant (donc pas des trucs trop compliké koi). Je voulais avoir vos avis... Et franchement, 30euro c'est pas chère du tout... moi je le réalise moi même, rien k'une plaque d'epoxy "bas de gamme" me coute 8euro, 200x300mm, ajoute à ca le temps ppur insoler et graver.... le percage et l'étamage! oué je suis entrain de me demander si ca vaut encore le coup de s'emmerder!
  19. En parlant de percage et de CNC... es-ce ke kelk'un en as déj construit une??? depuis ce week end (et depuis ma discution avec Smash_TV, ki en a construit une) j'ai cette idée ki me trote dans la tête... notament pour le percage des CI et la création de la face avant (donc pas des trucs trop compliké koi). Je voulais avoir vos avis... Et franchement, 30euro c'est pas chère du tout... moi je le réalise moi même, rien k'une plaque d'epoxy "bas de gamme" me coute 8euro, 200x300mm, ajoute à ca le temps ppur insoler et graver.... le percage et l'étamage! oué je suis entrain de me demander si ca vaut encore le coup de s'emmerder!
  20. lol oué.... nan kan meme! Par contre, j'ai tout envoyé en collissimo :-X alors les frais d'envois sont un peu plus ke normal mais bon... je me suis dit ke c t plus pratique kan meme!!
  21. Heeeuuu vous avez recu mes colis??
  22. The XT is just 8 more channel...! I think Logic an Mackie control are the same hardware! ;) FOr the touch sensitive, it's possible to emulate them with buttons with MIOS ;)
  23. ;D it's icmesure who contact me for P&G (I contact first P&G and I think they foward my mail to icmesure). I agree with you! And it's the same problem for most electronic part related to music : tubes for guitar amp which are sold twice the price, the same with pot ect...!!
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