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Everything posted by pilo

  1. Hi! Is anyone intereted in ALPS MF? Maybe if we make a big order we can have "good" prices... it will still be a lot more than the panasonic one, but with touch senssor... about 20euro each if we buy 40 MF... let me know if you interested in this order. If not I'll take the panasonic one... Thanks!
  2. just drill 2 hole! Have you got a picture?
  3. are you sure it's on the 18f452??? not on the pcb?? remove the 18f and test the pcb too be sure! It's strange if the pic has a short on VSS and VDD...
  4. great!!!!! ;D time to see what they sell!! hehe
  5. pilo

    big jog wheels

    I think I saw that on alps website (try searching for tact switch and there's a pdf about tact switch knob), show that the TAK12x12-41 has to be used with the tak10x10-45 the price : tak12x12-41 : about 26euro for 100pcs tak10x10-45 : about 17euro for 100pcs
  6. pilo

    big jog wheels

    no problem! I'll tell you that! But I have to order for at least 50euros..... Maybe I'll take some Motor Fader...
  7. I don't have any thing with ADAT output... so I also need a AL1402... ;D but I'm going to contact Alesis! ;)
  8. about ADAT ;D I have to try to get those ADAT chip, the AL1401 and the AL1402. On the SBLive there is 4 I2S input left (there's also 1 I2S input used by a AC97 codec, and 2 SPDIF input). SO yes this 4 I2S input can be routed thru a ADAT decoder, and you will have a ADAT input :). There are also 2 I2S output, one used by AC97codec, and 4 SPDIF output. the 4 SPDIF output can be converted to I2S, so it can be routed thru a ADAT encoder chip and you have a ADAT output ;D By now we are working (Gilles, SmashTV and me) on the 8 inputs ADC board, which as 8 balenced analog input, and 4 I2S out put. This board can be plugged directly on the sblive, or can be used with a ADAT encoder. SmashTV told me that we can used CAT5 cable for the ADAT, instead of the classic optic fiber, because optic fiber driver are hard to find and expensive. If you have more questions I will be happy to answer ;)
  9. if you want txt file ask it to me. But we are working on a new daughter board with 4 ADC, so 8 inputs :) What kind of sblive do you have?
  10. pilo

    big jog wheels

    the guy from albs gave me this pricelist and tell me to take the price for 100pcs... And there's a lot of stuff, so if you want anything else, tell me!!!
  11. pilo

    big jog wheels

    I've got the price list, too big to put it here! but I can send it via mail! the price of the DK45-114 is 71.27euro for 100, so 0.7127euro each, without VAT
  12. pilo

    big jog wheels

    http://www.albs.de/products.htm :) the cheapest one are under knob for pot and the model DK45-114
  13. yes it's a 55x2.. can't find it anywhere! By the way I think it's not a HD44780 based, because those chip handle 40 chararcter line... And yes it's a little stupid design problem...!!!!!
  14. he made the PCB for the pcm1804, some caps, the jumpers to configure the PCM1804, and the connector to connect it with the SB. I have a SBLIVE value, and so no AUD_EXT connector, which mean that I solder directly onto the card! with the FULL edition of the SBlive, there's a connector with everything we need! :) The pcm1804 is maybe hard to find, I take this because it was to get sample! hehe :)
  15. it's working ;D with the PCM1804 :) i'm goin now to test it deeper too see what we can do with it, and what we can't. I think I'm going to make a website on it too! I forgot to say thanks to Gilles fot the PCB ;)
  16. pilo

    big jog wheels

    There are jog wheel at www.albs.de, I'm going to order from them, but there is a minimal order of 50euros... so if any one wants a jogwheel, or other items from them, tell me!
  17. hmm I though RS was a french company, bought by electrocomponent ;) But in france, they've got no encoder. They used to, alps for 13euro each...>:( And when I asked them if I can buy them in another country (but still at RS of course) they tell me that they don't have any contact, and I should contact directly the RS I want... I did that, and RS germany tell me they only ship to germany, so I have to ask RS france... Well I gave up! But I don't try at RS england which is maybe a better solution!
  18. Wouaw!! More pictures!!! lol I want too see more about this LC! ;D congratulation!!!
  19. tu pourrai nous donner une idée du prix? car effectivement ca a l'air intérréssant!!! heheh
  20. oui je comprends, et je te dirai ke moi aussi ca ferai kan meme un tres gros investissement... Pour rowan, ben il a commandé 16 fader, et n'avait toujours pas plus de nouvelle de sa commande quand je lui est écrit, il y a 15j/3semaines. Mais il n'y avait ke 40 faders à ce prix la! Il m'a dit ke comme j'était le premier à le contacter par mail, j'était prioritaire pour la commande, mais commme il ne restera ke 24 pièces (40-16 hehe vous me suivez?) ben c pas intérréssant pour nous. Voila pour rowan. Ah et parait ke les Panasonic existe avec le touch sensor..... :)
  21. Je comptabilise environt une quarataine de fader (moi compris)... albs (non non c pas lps, mais c eux ki vendent les fader alps en allemagne!) viens de me dire, suite à ma demande, qu'il ferait une offre sur le prix de ce ke je vais leur commander. Pour les fader, il y a un prix degressif, qui ne m'a pas été indiqué... Alors j'aurai aimé avoir votre avis ; je ne pense pas qu'ils vendront les fader au prix des panasonic... ca c sur, ca sera au grand minium 2 fois le prix (soit 15 euros le fader, ce ki serait déja vraiment bien). Donc si vous etes tenté.. dites le moi! En écrivant ce post je me rend compte ke je suis entrain d'expliquer que pour le touch sensor ca va couter très chère... c pas très convainquant! mais j'avoue après avoir lu les expérience de Steven les panasonoc m'ont fait très très mauvaise impression... meme si j'ai eu des avis contraire, et comme koi les panasonic étaient très bien... voila dites moi ce ke vous en pensez! Merci! ;)
  22. Hé ben c pas trop tot!! je suis preske le plus grand posteur de ce forum et enfin on me souhaite la bienvenue! il était temps!!! et pis tu parle d'une paix, d'un partage et d'une fraternité, on efface plein de mes posts ;D héhéhé lol 1 partout!! ;D ;D ;D
  23. ttssssssssssssssss j'allais y répondre en plus!!! j'y croit pas!!!!! je vais trouver une solution......;D
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