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Everything posted by pilo

  1. well it depend on quality!! pots can cost up to 15euros for good one, and audio quality one are about 3euros for the cheapest one.
  2. hehe oui une commande groupé!!! moi je suis partant ;D
  3. oulalal!!! tu t pas couché très tot! lol oui le résultat à l'air impeccable!!! héhé faut juste trouver du lazertran (c marant la page marchait pas hier kan j'y suis allé!)
  4. bah ca c un gros problème! alors j'ai kelkes solution, et j'en est testé k'une jusk'a présent : imprimé sur du papier... ca coute bcp d'encre, c pa forcément très joli d'avoir un papier collé bref pas le top... Ensuite, il y a la méthode de l'autocollant, la j'ai pas essayé ca peut etre pas mal... Je pense ke la meilleur est la decalcomanie... c'est un peu couteux, et surtout le site sur lekel il y avait les infos ne fonctionne plus (voir dans la section gallery des midibox, celle de steve thomas)... c t pas vraiment couteux, mais juste dur de trouver les feuilles... APrès il parait ke le résultat est impecable!! je pense essayer ca pour ma LC. Ensuite j'avais penser sinon le faire avec du vernis photosensible... je pense ke je ferrai des essais! mais je sais pas ou trouver du vernis de plusieur couleur... sinon ca sera ke monochrome! arf voila!
  5. hehe I think I'm going to recieve my SBLive soon. But it seems that cirrus doesn't want to send me any sampe of their I2S ADC, and I don't even know where to buy them grrrrrrrr!!! But I think I'm going to search for other!
  6. hheeeeeeuuuu lol je dirai k'on peu pas le trouver sur le net... mais dis moi ce ke tu comprends pas, je peux toujours essayer de traduire ;D
  7. great!!! we all make stupid error! and I do this very very often!!! (I spent 3hours last night on one of these ;))
  8. well, the current the PSU can drawn is not important! i mean that it just has to be able to draw enough current for the core, but it can be higher (you can 40000000A if you want!). mayb very stupid but : are you sure you use the good connector for your supply (on J1 and not j2??)? because is when you use 9V you get 9V where you are supposed to get 5V, and 7.5V when you poser it with 7.5... it seems that the 7805 is bypass!!! no short with the in and the out of the 7805? (maybe hard because there's the ground in middle).... the best solution is to plug a transfomer directly to the core (on J1)
  9. huummm are you sure this is the faulty part? I use to have a lot of schematic, maybe the some of the boss delay.. I'm going to look at! have you make a search on google? and yes I think it's a diode...
  10. huummm look at the LC manual, but I think there are for example for panning, when it's at the middle, the led switch on
  11. great idea! I think it can work with mios with some program mod. this is maybe the solution for the mixer I plan to build... I'm not sure, but the only problem is if for example you plug input 1 to output 1 and 2, and input 2 to output 2 and 3, this will route input to output 3 and input 2 to output 1...
  12. pilo


    oh yes it help! I must be stupid, but mesuring the current on the switch is a great idea!... (I make diy stuff for about 4years now.. ;D.. then I must be stupid!)
  13. héhé si si je voit ce ke tu veux dire! en fait je dirai ke tout est possible! ;) et oui tu verra, une fois ke tu aura un module core avec le LCD et kelke switchs et encodeurs, tu pourra tester !! moi aussi y'avait kelkes trucs ki était flou au début!!
  14. pilo


    huumm yes, but don't forget to put a fuse for the 220... it's a protection, if there's a short after the transformer!!!
  15. non non, tous les boutons sont connecté au modules DIN, ensuite dans les fichiers de config de ton application, ben tu assign les boutons ke tu veux au fonction ke tu veux, tu recompile le programme, et hop c bon ;)
  16. huumm if you use the MBHP core module, you don't have to do anything than wire the LCD, I mean, no contrast pot, because it still on the core module! Vee connected to V0... that's all!
  17. pilo


    You're right, when I have all my module I will put a 250mA fuse on the 220 sector! it will be safer!!
  18. if it's expression pedal (for volume for example) you can plug them with stereo jack on AIN modules, if it's just a switch pedal, connecet them on a DIN module ;) For the external DIN, I think it work if the cable is not too long... (don't exactly how long it can be)
  19. yes a LDR is a variable resistor, but to have a "potentiometer schematic" (I don't know how to say this in english) you have in fact 2 resistors. So a LDR with an other resistor and you'll have a light control pot! ;)
  20. En fait dans le MIOS, y'a pas vraiment de menu "toujours pareil" (je viens de me lever alors j'ai l'esprit un peu endormis). C'est a dire ke suivant l'application ke tu utiliser (l'emu LC, les différent SID, la mididbox TC ect...) ben les boutons utiliser pour naviguer dans un menu seront différent, exemple pour le TC y'a 6 boutons utiliser, pour le SID Versionjesaisplu (lol!) y'en a 4.
  21. yes this mean that your pic is right. Which test app did you try?
  22. pilo


    yes... 1A under 220 makes about 44A under 5V :) but if there's a short circuit... ;D
  23. yes test program is a best way to start ;) I test everything
  24. pilo


    aa weell I put a 1A... just in case of some thing go really wrong.. to calculate good value : mesure the current flow under 5V, and if you have 220V input (like in europe), then muliply the current by 5/220... I think I'm right, but not sure! ;)
  25. lol I mail them too about 2 weeks ago, and still no answer... I was a bit nervous about sending them money, but I think I'm going t trust dragon and pay via their web site ;) A motorola Satelite reciever??? ouaw!
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