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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Exactly. Just because it's not music doesn't take anything away from it. Except that you can't apply that name to it unless it has rhythm / melody. By your definition the wind in the trees and a passing train could be music. I love that shit. I will take my headphones off to listen to the 1000s of parrots down the road from my house just to lap up the cacophany. But it's not music.
  2. You're wrong. The minimum requirement is rhythm and/or melody (that's OR, goblinz ;) ) Sure it does. It's right there in your dictionary. Don't like the definition? Make a new word. This one's taken. Cage was a wanker. Yeh, I said it. Like I said, just because one likes it, does not make it music, no matter how much they want it to
  3. Well that's not entirely true. Those of us with 'Frequent Writer' or 'Programmer' ,as well as mods and admins, do have write access to the repository... of course any changes should be thoroughly tested and crosschecked with other experienced programmers, and if it's something major, you should definitely crosscheck it with TK before commiting... but the point is, if we want to, we can do it. I think it's best to do all the work, provide good documentation of the changes, suggest it in the forum, and that way TK can make a quick decision, and we can do the upload. This way, we get the boss' "OK", and it takes him no time. As for handling 8n status bytes in the ini files, I think that a preferable solution to lots of documentation is to enhance the ini file parser to convert them to 9n ** 00.
  4. Welcome aboard python. Once you've had a good search around like the guys suggested, you may have some specific questions, and we'll help you out with those - just make a thread and let us know :) Be aware though - midibox is a DIY project, so you are expected to do it yourself. Posting a question before searching for the answers yourself, will usually attract an unpleasant response ;)
  5. Aesthetically pleasing sound does not always amount to music, no matter how much the listener would like it to. By definition, if there's rhythm/melody, it's music, and if not, not. (sometimes harmony is thrown in there too, but it's always been argued to just be another melody) People's minds are more open in modern times to acceptance of all kinds of different sounds, and that's awesome... but if something that isn't music by the original definition needs a name, you don't redefine the term "music" to allow the new sound, you make a new definition for the new sound. Besides, the old definition is pretty broad. All you really need, technically, is two amplitude peaks, or two different harmonics. If you find some sound that doesn't meet that minimal a criteria and feel the need to call it music..... uhm... you might be an arty-farty wanker ;D
  6. Hey dude! ... or you just missed some news hehehe. We've moved to a gpasm/GNU make based toolchain. Here's a quick setup guide: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/windows_toolchain_quickstart Can't wait to see the replacement ;)
  7. Que pasta? (it's a chat thing)
  8. Or use Add bookmark. You can click the link there, or the one at the bottom of any page. It won't add it to your browser, it adds it to the forum, and then you can see your bookmarks by visiting http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?action=bookmarks Twin-X: The 'My bookmarks' link has disappeared :(
  9. All the eagle libs are preconverted and available online. Here have my bookmarks: KiCAD http://kicad.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Mini_tutorial http://library.oshec.org/ http://kicad.rohrbacher.net/quicklib.php http://xtronics.com/reference/kicad.html http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/kicad-devel/ http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/kicad-users/ http://www.kicadlib.org/Kicad_related_links.html'>http://www.kicadlib.org/Kicad_related_links.html http://kicad.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page http://per.launay.free.fr/kicad/kicad_php/composant.php http://www.kicadlib.org/ http://wiki.xtronics.com/index.php/Kicad http://www.reniemarquet.cjb.net/kicad.htm http://www.cfdev.fr/kicadcontrib.html http://www.kicadlib.org/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/kicad/ http://kicad.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Mini_tutorial#Creating_the_KiCad_project. http://www.gevawebsolutions.com/wiki/index.php?title=KiCad_-_Usage http://reprap.org/bin/view/Main/KiCad http://beischer.com/kicad/ PS: Did you know you can copy a bookmarks folder in FF, and it will paste all the links for all the bookmarks in that folder? How convenient!
  10. Congratulations. You are my third "it's not plugged in" for today. And I don't work with newbies either - it happens to the best of us.... with surprising regularity! I was so paranoid I'd do it with a cooling fan on my new PC, that I checked them all twice, even though I could see all the fans spinning :D
  11. Maybe your hosts have the old owner of this IP in a blacklist. We get it allll the time. Blacklists are teh suck. Can't live with em, can't live without em....
  12. LOL. I knew that. Honest.
  13. Swapped the cables around? Can you plug teh old board in to confirm it's still OK now? Got a hardware monitor you can try? (midibox will do nicely) LED on the cable ala midibox midi troubleshooting? Trust the guy who sold it to ya? Got a friend's PC you can try? I'm outta ideas :)
  14. moneymoneymoneymonnney......MONEY!
  15. I was gonna say "what language is that?" then I saw: Heheh, I got your number, Frenchie! :D Thanks guys, keep em coming! (although I suspect that my training was actually correct and these are standardised) Interesting though.... In English, programfiles and commonprogramfiles and 'documents and settings' are all native (english) In German, they are all native (german) In french, they are foreign (english) mixed, and foreign. I guess that MS figure, that French people are more tolerant of the English language, than Germans are ;D
  16. That's why you should do it like TK did - use an OR statement and treat both messages the same way. Software may (almost) always convert to note on vel 0, but hardware does not.
  17. No, that's not how it works.... All forums want that - you don't want completely different subjects in the same thread, so you encourage new threads for new subjects. But no forum I have ever come across, will encourage you to not search, and post a new thread about something that has been discussed and documented in detail before. In fact every forum I am a member of, has a sticky topic telling you to search. Discussion is key here too. Just, not the same exact answers to the same exact questions typed over and over and over again - and that's what you've been asking for. The way this forum compares to others has nothing to do with it. You were in a rush, you didn't want to get off your ass and search, and now to compound matters you're bullshitting me. You should already know me well enough, to know that bird won't fly. I still don't think you do!
  18. Oh, crap, I forgot about that! FYI dudes, TK is referring to a hardware design flaw in some midi interfaces, which can be worked around by using the lower R6 value as mentioned. It's rare, so I forgot it. Sorry!!
  19. Err OK obviously I'm not the only one that thought that :D
  20. In that case it could be useful if you don't like the DX7 interface and don't want to use a PC-based editor. I never said it was impossible! :)
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