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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. In case the guy in the video visits the forum (I think he does, the controller name sounds familiar!): Hells yeh that set is bumpin! When do you play Australia? :D I want more info! Is it 100% reaktor or are there plugins behind it? are you building the patterns on the fly, or presequencing them? do you have each pattern in a predetermined order or are you choosing them out? Same with FX etc...? Do you have a VJ, or are the visualisations automated, or postprocessed? If they're postprocessed could it be done in realtime with a 2nd set of hands? Tell us stuff :)
  2. OK the music is good and hte controller is good but the really interesting part is the visualisations! Is that in realtime?!
  3. LOL where do you guys find this stuff
  4. Dunno if this is any good but I copped a link to it today and it seems pretty good after looking at it for about 10 seconds... http://www.berkleeshares.com/ Let us know how it fares if you try it :)
  5. LOL nice terminology :) Hells yeh! There are some classics in here. Tilted takes the cake for funny with the first post IMO: Gold :) i think there is an error there: you have not mentioned me ;)
  6. Well, that makes little sense, because a C compile makes .ASM files, which are then assembled in the same way as a native ASM app... care to share some error messages etc? Err yeh I think so. Of course it's missing lots of MB64's fancy features.... What's your goal? Nope.
  7. Best timber in the world. OK, unless you steal some endanger species from a brazilian rainforest :) Nice box! I do like the black, but I'm that way inclined..... Not knowing exactly what timber it is (jarrah? blackbutt?) Maybe a deep navy blue or indigo would bring out the red?
  8. Then why mention the source of the knowledge at all? Hell, it makes no difference to me if it's something from a book or something you figured out all by yourself! You're a smart guy, I'd dare to say you're a genius (not knowing your IQ but hazarding a guess), isn't that enough? just share the info! It is to me... I dunno where you changed topics! :D Seriously, if we're not trying to hash out a meaningful definition of music, then I don't know here this conversation is leading to? No it's not, it's just calling it as I see it. I could be wrong, about saying you're wrong, and in fact I'd be just as happy if that were the case. It's just discussion. Maybe this is too much info, but I started thinking about this topic while dropping the kids off at the pool the other day, a few days before this thread came up.... and after some time mulling it over, I decided that I couldn't quite nail it down...and my legs were getting numb. LOL. Point is, I just think it's a really interesting subject, to define something so extremely flexible, but I do believe it's possible without leaving it to an arbitrary decision made by the listener, and if anyone can do it, it's us. Forgive me if I get too enthusiastic about the conversation along the way :) But the end goal for me is not to score points or even be correct - it's just the end goal, which is that elusive definition. Exactly! Does it matter if you were wrong? or if I was? No, the point is: What's music? Well, I think that a wise enough definition, such as that which highly intelligent people like you, BF and I could refine, might not need to be re-defined quite so often. I think that having such a definition is beneficial to the community as a whole, and the real reason I'm having this conversation, is that I find the process of refining the definition, and reaching the final definition itself, interesting on a personal level... Don't you?! Maybe I'm just a geek......... No, dammit, you're as geeky as me. You like it. Admit it, you like it. Don'tcha? Eh? Eh? ;D LOL! ROFL!!! We definitely agree on one thing about music :) Yeh, but in the context you quoted from that dictionary, it's referring to the objects within the container, in which case it oughtta be plural. I'll let that one be anyway, as it was always a minor nitpick to me. I understand the meanings of both words but I do feel that they're often synonymous. Perhaps I spend too much time making additive patches where I use controllers to introduce harmonics which produce a harmony... But I can easily demonstrate that they are in fact the same thing by doing so. This kind of thing is where a really accurate definition becomes tricky. In the past, we might have needed a second guitar to play a harmony - now, we have effects units which can introduce harmonics to a single guitar's output and make it sound like two guitars, with one playing a harmony of the first guitar's melody. Not to mention the audiofuckery that goes with tools like kyma/capybara. Are they harmonics, or harmony? Or perhaps, the similarity between the terms (and their sources) is more than just coincidence, and they really are the same thing.... Just totally off topic, I always do this. I'd like to find the guy that termed drums as unpitched percussion one day in a dark alley, I swear ;D That's the thing - we don't! Admittedly, the time we have had such instruments available in the real world (as opposed to theory and one or two cool university funded labs) is only a decade or so, but it is possible to play a harmony from a singular instrument.... Hey, you call not liking him immature, I call liking him being a fanboy sucka. Tomato, tomato, potato, potato, that joke is lost in text.... ;D Keep in mind that when you boost Cage, you're also shitting on my taste. Regardless, I didn't mean to shit on your taste any more than you meant to shit on mine... that's never gonna go down well. Sorry dude. Let's leave Cage well alone shall we? :) That's the sonic art vs music thing again.... You, as a composer, can deliver a certain feeling through sonic media, without making music. I can play you singular patches that do just that - make you feel the sadness or joy or whatever that I intended to deliver.... But holding a single key doesn't necessarily equate to music... And that's exactly why I'm having this discussion with you - such a restrictive definition would be a total crock of shit. I like to think that the brainpower involved here could do a little better, and make a definition which is not restrictive or exclusive, while still being definitive enough not to allow any old sound to be called music. Totally totally agree. Now we're on the same wavelength! :D It's SMF's way of saying "Shutup, you guys, you talk too much. Go make some music...whatever the hell that is." ;D Edit: I am a typo monster
  9. Then your university training is completely fucking irrelevant, unless you're on an ego trip, which you were. Quote the texts! Where you read them, has nothing to do with this conversation. Again... quote the books! That's bullshit - I was diminishing those who think that university training equates to anything but the place you sat for four years or so. I see plenty of total monkeys pay and blag their way through uni, and come out the end with a degree and yet they still can't even spell, let alone understand what they've been taught. They can recite it like hell though! You've been there, you've seen it yourself. Sad truth is that a university education doesn't mean shit in and of itself. It's what you do while you're there that counts, and that's what matters to me. If you learned something useful at uni, then share that - but I couldn't give a rat's arse if you learned it from uni or if a hobo told you. If it's correct, it's correct. "I went to university" is an answer to the question "where did you go to school?"; "I have a degree" is an answer to the question "what tertiary qualification do you have?"... neither have anything to do with the definition of music. You both mentioned it to try and beef up your comments without providing any actual data. Sure, you didn't intentionally diminish anyone I'm sure (I give you the benefit of the question on that because I know you and it's not your style) but what you did do, was to arbitrarily augment anyone with a degree - and that's equivalent to arbitrarily diminishing anyone without one. No, I mentioned that because it was clear that we'd both been reading our theory books and uni texts and dictionaries and such, and I was hoping you guys would share some of what you'd read, just as I had. I just wanted something of substance, not "duhhh. I've been to school. A good one, and everything!" PS : See, sometimes nested quotes make sense :) Your logic is flawed. Should a judge have to commit murder before sentencing a murderer? Rape before sentencing a rapist? Then what's wrong with dissing a university without going to one? Besides, that's not what I was doing, as I pointed out above. I was dissing the 'university is the trump card' attitude. University doesn't mean jack. Some cool shit you learned while you were there is great - share that. The following error or errors occurred while posting this message: Warning - while you were typing 2 new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post. ...oh lord, now I have to reply to tilt ;D and yes, I realised that this thread is a billion light years off topic and will be splitting it off first. :)
  10. Short version: Yes. If your LCD won't support 4bit, you can use other pins with Wilba's 8bit driver... but the CAN buss pins need to be free.
  11. Hey, for all we know, it was powering the fan from the PCI buss ;) Yeh sure it's extremely unlikely, and like I said, it was paranoid.... but hey, it's the most expensive thing I ever bought, I wasn't going to take any risks with it :)
  12. FWIW, I'd like to see this 'local on/off' switch in a menu... It'd suck to have to upload new firmware to have the synth behave differently in a chain of other devices. I have to do this from time to time with my commercial synths.
  13. With all due respect, I don't think htat angel has demonstrated the kind of skill level that would make this safe. Angel, please don't try to mess with mains level voltage yet. You may have greatly annoyed me, but I don't want to see you dead. And yeh, 5.15v is hardly overvoltage. Your cheap multimeter can be blamed for these small inaccuracies.
  14. When I said you were wrong I said why. You didn't, you just said I was wrong. So no, I didn't start that. Oh please, it totally is - you both piped up with "I have university training" as a response to me asking for supporting statements. Where you learned information from, does not equate to the information you learned there. You both said it because you thought it carried some weight - it was elitism. Like I said - that's the universities' job, that's how they make their money. You're not the first....... Hahhaha... Nah, I'm not saying that the chart songs aren't music. They clearly are music, hence, that definition was inaccurate... and it's not standard, the standard definition is the one I'm arguing for. The whole thing about expressing ideas etc is some newfangled thing, it's unnecessary, and excludes some forms of music from being defined as music. Although in the case of the charts maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing ;D We aren't talking about sheep here ;) "Sounds" implies separation between two entities, "sound" does not. "sound" could be a sine wave... hard to organise it... Totally, that's my point - timbre is harmonic content, so it doesn't need to stay in the definition, if you've got harmony in there. Also, you can have timbre/colour in a single note, and that ain't music... I don't like much of his work, but I do get it, and that's why I do hate on him and his type. Why is it that people love to accuse me of not understanding something when in fact I just don't agree with them? (you can find a few similar attempts like this on these forums alone) Because if I don't understand, then that makes me mistaken. Nice try ;) But I understand it completely, and I still think it's missing the point. Sure, I don't *have* to hate on him, but just so you know, I could feel the Cage reference coming before you posted it, and avoided mentioning it - it's not like I went out of my way to hate on him.... but yeh, he chose to act like a poser, I choose to hate on him for it. You can choose to hate on me for that if you like, you won't be the first :) Yeh, and neatly into my "an individual's ego doesn't define our language" analysis of that definition ;) Just because I say it's chocolate, doesn't change the sad fact that there's shit on my shoe. Just because you say it's music, doesn't make it music. True! But you can't organise a single entity, you need more than one sound... Which is pretty much gonna land you in either rhythm or melody or harmony land. Totally dude... But my point is that organising sound does not necessarily equate to making music. LMAO! That's funny, because I was going to use a 'musical' kind of fart I did today as an example :D
  15. Looks like via-con '08 ;D ... Did you try routing it manually? I don't think autoroute is doing your layout any justice...
  16. Hey, I never knew I could read dutch! ...wait...it's all in English... ;D Thx Dender :) Microsoft... can anyone figure them out? :D
  17. University degrees just mean you can recite spoonfed information, that's not what I'm talking about. University is for rich sheeple. Just because I'm poor doesn't mean I haven't learned just as much and just as valid information as someone who wanted to support a recognised accreditation and had the cash to pay for it. I chose to learn about my music from scholars like you guys (yes, I do have some formal education), as well as religious scholars, native tribal musicians, phsychologists, etc etc etc.... not just a pile of books. Sorry boys, but uni student elitism won't fly here. My education is as valid as yours, despite what your universities convinced you of. Don't be bothered by that, it's their job to sucker people, that's how they make their money. You're not the first and won't be the last. When I say back it up I'm just referring to the fact that you made an empty "you're wrong". It's not a competition I'm trying to start, I'd just like to hear something with some substance. You've got a brain otherwise I wouldn't be having this chat with you. Share it dude :) As for added vs changed meanings, no I didn't imply any precedence of one definition over the other, but I did say that I'm yet to see a need to classify anything as music which doesn't meet the original definition. As such, any such addition would be redundant. The reason I'd avoid that dictionary is that they clearly don't understand the subject they're documenting. OK, maybe they did the edits pre-coffee too ;) That's inaccurate too - there's plenty of music out there that doesn't express ideas and emotions (see your Top 10 chart hehehe) Sure they can invoke emotion, but lots of sound arranged in time can do that, which is not music (birdsong, waves, etc). It's not bad though.... Like you said: Bingo. perhaps if it said "sounds" it would be a bit closer. And color should be dropped, that's part of harmony. As for cage yeh, I don't find a piece that's instructed not to be played "revolutionary" I call that artsy fartsy bullshit. It's arguably (lets not) still music or whatever, but just my own opinion is that it's a crock. Likewise doing stupid things like songs played so slow that you only get a few notes out before you die. What the hell. He's missed the point, and so have his fanboys. We all bitch about music with far less substance every day (see your Top 10 chart), and yet cage is one to be idolised? I think not. This is what too much school will do to you man. Like I said to tilt in the chat, this is like the square vs rectangle thing. A square is a rectangle, but a rectangle is not necessarily a square. Music is sonic art, sure; but just because it's sonic art, does not make it music. I think this point is where we differ on this matter. And ahh... All sound is organised in time. Without the time dimension, it's just air pressure, and it's static, so you couldn't hear it. Annyway let's get to the point: Is there a need to alter the defining characteristics of music, rhythm/melody/(harmony)? Is there something you'd call music, which doesn't have three amplitude peaks or two frequencies? I think the definition we have now is just fine. It even encompasses the 'art for the sake of art/science/study' bollocks I despise so strongly.
  18. Welcome aboard eby :) I suggested this a while back, and a far more learned colleague pointed out that firewire is not suitable for midi. You're better off with USB I'm afraid :(
  19. Err you gonna back that up? I got like a billion dictionaries and music theory books backing up my statement :) Ahh they aren't *changed*, they are *added* meanings. They'd be a different number in the dicionary, like ice 1. Frozen water 2. An evil drug Pfff what dicionary is that? In "the music of the waves", the word 'music' is a metaphor. Note to self: Don't buy that dictionary. No, I understand why - he was too busy being a scholar and forgot to make good tunes instead of wasting time being a poser. I do lots of cage-like experiments, it's totally a cool thing to do.... but I don't go releasing them and making a big song and dance about it cause I'm not a wanker like that. (heh pardon the pun) I know what you're saying but you're just wrong. If I step in dogpoo on a foot path, just because I think it's chocolate, doesn't make it chocolate. Nothing to do with art, this is about the science of language... specifically, it's about a definition of a word. I think that's the problem here, it's got nothing to do with artistic value. Even crap music is still music. No, that's the problem... just because the old man doesn't like it, doesn't stop it from being music. The old man is wrong like you. It's still music, it's just music he thinks is crap.
  20. Of course that's the preferable path to take if it's possible :)
  21. Follow the wiki and all will be well. http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/windows_toolchain_quickstart Explanation: TK has his unix-emulation not from msys, but in a zip file extracted to the posix_bin directory.
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