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Everything posted by nILS

  1. 8 pm that is ;) Man, I can't hardly wait, I hope my hdd doesn't "die" while moving... Hehe ;) nILS
  2. Heya! Für den Fall das jemand SIDs loswerden möchte - ich könnte auch noch ein paar PICs "samplen" ;) /edit: Typo
  3. nILS

    19" Frontplatten

    Eckige Bohrer? Soweit ich weiss, kann man die bei Reichelt bestellen, sind im Katalog auf der gleichen Seite wie die Siemens-Lufthaken. ;) Rechteckige "Löcher" lassen sich am einfachsten mit einer Bandsäge machen. Die hat man allerdings nicht unbedingt zu Hause. Auf jeden Fall aber eine Ecke vorbohren, dann mit Band- oder eben Stichsäge mit Anschlag (!) gemütlich an der Markierung entlangsägen... Ist wirklich kein Hexenwerk, wenn man sich etwas Zeit lässt. Am besten ist, Du lässt etwa 0,5 - 1 mm Platz und feilst das ganze am Schluss gerade - dadurch hast Du genug Spielraum kleinere Patzer vom Sägen auszugleichen. Soweit klar?
  4. Oh, ganz vergessen: Zuspachteln und Verschleifen wäre auch eine sehr edle Methode die Kratzer loszuwerden. Ist halt mit viel mehr Arbeit und viel höheren Kosten verbunden... ;)
  5. Also, dem Schwingschleifer kann ich mich nur anschliessen - nimm halt ein Papier mit 'ner feinen Körnung - sonst hast Du statt Kratzern danach Täler ;) Aber Alu lackieren ohne es zu grundieren is' nich'. Kein normaler Lack würde da wirklich drauf halten ohne bald abzuplatzen. Ist aber nicht weiter schlimm weil es Grundierung in jedem Baumarkt für ein paar Euro gibt. Zum Lackieren tut es für eine Fläche in der Größe 19"x7HE jeder Lack. Sprühdose ist zu empfehlen: Billig, schnell und einfach. Kommt außerdem, wenn Du kein absoluter Virtuose am Pinsel bist, garantiert sauberer und professioneller! Hoffe, das hilft Dir weiter, oh ahh, ich hab ja noch das Layout :-[
  6. nILS

    19" Frontplatten

    Muss mich pay_c anschliessen. Ich hab für ein paar ältere Projekte auch schon mal grössere 19" Frontplatten gebastelt. Ist eigentlich kein Act. Das wichtigste ist eine Ständerbohrmaschine, im Idealfall noch eine Bandsäge ;) Alu bietet sich an, da es am leichtesten zu bearbeiten ist. Mit Kunststoffen habe ich öfter das Problem gehabt, dass sie leicht splittern und sich generell nicht so sauber bearbeiten lassen, wie Metalle.
  7. No, the problem still occurs. I ordered a new opto coupler, but since I'm moving to another city right now, I don't have the time to test it right away. I think it's the opto coupler, too. We'll see ;)
  8. When I was fiddling around with that idea last night i noticed that it could be done quite easily with some additional hardware: All you'd have to do would be to run the power for the LEDs (for example the LFOs 6 LEDs) thru a dipswitch or hardwire it to the needed pins of the 7 segment LED. If you do that with all 6 LEDs you have a simple 7 Segment display for the numbers 1-6.
  9. On the SID Step C there are some LEDs that display, which Oscillator, Filter, Envelope and LFO is enabled for editing. Could those be replaced by some 7-Segment-LEDs? If so, how much of a hassle would that be?
  10. nILS

    Char down?

    Hmm, it's working for me now ;D BTW, Smash: What the heck is up with that new topic? ;)
  11. I was just wondering since I get the "no device id" message a lot.
  12. Could this be the problem on a 16F core, too? It's not using MIOS of course, so... ???
  13. Just saw that: That was a different sound ;) That was the "sshhh k". I only got that, when I sent patches to the SID via JSynth. Thanks anyways! ;D
  14. Done with all the testing: I confirmed once more, that all the parts are mounted right. They are. Checks with the LED: LED lights up, but does not dim or flicker, no matter what. (SysEx stream, Midi Events ). When I connect the LED directly to the MidiIn it lights up for every Event. So the signal gets lost somewhere in the Core, I guess?! Optocoupler gone?!
  15. Ok, I will check all that! Here is the audio file: http://www.brennsoft.net/temp/click.mp3 Thanks again!
  16. I'll try to record it, BUT: The signal is really low, so when I try to record it, I have to turn the volume up so much that all I get is static. I'll try to figure something out. I ordered a new optocoupler just in case. Should be here on Tuesday...
  17. nILS

    Char down?

    Strange... It wouldn't work for some reason sometime two days ago. Wouldn't work on my friends computer either... Very strange ??? But hey, it's woking again ;D
  18. Since the MidiIn goes directly thru the Optocoupler: How likely is it, that I fried or somehow killed it?
  19. It's not a slide switch though... Found some round slide switches, too. But no "regular" ones... Will check Mouser though!
  20. After a lot more testing and checking I'm down to that: The hardware is all ok. The PIC is burnt correctly The software on my computer is set up correctly The cables are ok SID_V2 works test_tx works test_rxtx does NOT do anything the sid firmware does NOT do what it's supposed to. Clicking sound for every MidiEvent. Sound does NOT come up, when the MidiIn cable is disconnected - MidiIn seems to work. The click is louder when the MidiOut cable is connected. I hope this helps a little. I really don't have any clue what the problem might be...
  21. I followed your advice and checked everything again - didn't find anything. But since the last time the problem of something not working occured, everything seems fine - except for the Core not working with the SID firmware. The PIC is burnt right, too. So, everything seems to be stable now ;) BUT as I said, the firmware doesn't work. To me it seems the problem could be that the Core is not really getting the MIDI IN right. Is there a test program to check that? Sorry, that I can't give you some more information that would sort some sources of the problem out... :(
  22. For some unknown reason the core sends "volume" with the test tx again =) The SID firmware still doesn't give me any results though. I checked the pinning on the midi socket - all correct. Any more ideas? Thanks for your time, TK!
  23. Darn! I knew I wasn't gonna make it on the list... :(
  24. Hmmm, I think I was like one the last 3 people to order. Guess that puts me back on the list... >:( Oh well, the SID's not working yet anyways...
  25. Linux is still a pain to set up for inexperienced users though... I don't consider myself all that inexperienced, but it still took like forever till I had my entire system up and running under Linux...
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