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Everything posted by nILS

  1. What's that about? Did y'all figure I messed up with the wiring? :-[ Just bought the case for my SID. ;D This is gonna be good! nILS
  2. I would like to thank everyone for their patience during my troubleshooting process! ;) Finally, my SID and Core are working perfectly well. My problems were rather simple, too - A small blob of solder on the Core kept the MidiIn from working and the SID and Bankstick didn't work at first cause I didn't notice the change in the wiring for MIOS 1.7. I really can't see why I didn't find that info right away... ??? Anyways, no it's working and I'm all happy. Soldered another SID/Core pair in about an hour - and they both worked right away. So, I have 2 Cores, 2 SIDs got my DINXs and DOUTs ready. To finally reach Step C I will build 2 more Cores and SIDs next month after my exams. ;D And again - thank you all - especially TK for this great project which is actually pretty easy if you don't mess it all up, like I did! nILS EDIT: Spelling ;)
  3. The absolutely biggest "Thank You" to Mike! I just got my second pack of boards/components. Got them really fast, too. Plus there was a nice little extra in the package - a box of chocolates! Now this is service! ;D Thank you so much Mike! nILS
  4. I think I hexadecuple checked everything by now :D It was not even a soldering problem really. It was just a tiny ball of tin that got stuck there. It wasn't even soldered onto the board. I was just sitting there ;) And if I hadn't accidentally found my magnifiying glass I'd never have found it. Strange. Thanks anyways! nILS
  5. nILS

    MIDIbox FM V1.0

    Can't comment on this one. Moebius said it all ;) Thanks, TK
  6. Has anyone of you tried to import an Image/Logo to Schaeffer's fpd using hpgl? Tried that and it kinda works. But I can't seem to get it to fill some areas. All I get is outlines. Any advice? nILS
  7. Whoopie :D I did miss something. I whipped my magnifying glass out and checked all connections again. And guess what. There was a tiny blob of soldering tin (about 0.5mm in diameter) stuck (not soldered) between the jumpers and the line to R2. Got it out and - tada - it's working! Thanks for all your help ;D nILS
  8. http://www.hackaday.com/entry/1234000773027619/ Anybody found any other links like that? nILS
  9. That's cool. It's not like it your fault. ;) As I said, I must be missing something horribly obvious. ??? I'll get another board on Monday, so I'll try that one and if it works (it hopefully will) I'll have something to compare. nILS
  10. This is so annoying... My core is still not getting any MidiIn. I went thru the entire troubleshooting guide. Everything worked as described, but I still don't get any input. I tried different 18Fs with the Bootloader on it. I get the upload request. Everything fine so far. The opto coupler is definately ok, too. I tested it with the opto test "board". All components are in place and ok. The Midi sockets are ok and wired correctly. I cannot seem to find any problem. Still the MidiIn is not working appararently. Any more ideas before I throw that Core out? :P Thanks in advance, nILS
  11. nILS

    IRC - dead?

    I'm there =) See you guys!
  12. You're right. I just checked the pdf and it says there are 27 pins left. Just in case someone else is wondering and for some reason didn't find it - like me ;) nILS
  13. I'm building the Step C one ;D Will my 3 DINXs do, or do I need another one? Hope not. Guess not. nILS
  14. On TKs MidiBox SID he/you use/s a 20x2 display with 5 buttons underneath it. When using a 40x2 I'd want 10 buttons under the display, I assume. Is that right? Oh, another thing - would I need another DIN board or anything special in that case? Thanks in advance, nILS
  15. Hi, has anyone ever seen orange backlit LC Displays around? Kinda like the ones Roland uses in the XP series (http://www.schoolmusic.co.kr/Shop/img/8/62/XP-30.jpg)? Thanks in advance, nILS
  16. Status update: I believe I tried everything. Checked every connection, cable and component. Tried the other resistors as described on the Troubleshooting page. I even did the "Gameport to J11" thing. Triple-checked every setting in MIDI-Ox. Nothing. No MIDI In at all. What the hell is wrong with my core? There must be something terribly obvious that I don't notice, I guess. By the way, I found the SID_V2 test program on some old backup and it works. Hooray. Any ideas, anyone? I'm desperate :'( nILS EDIT: Spelling
  17. > therefore I assume you made it wrong. Ouch :'( First of all I changed it with JSynthLib. Still didn't do anything. Then I changed it via SysEx. Still didn't work. Then I read the PIC and compared it with the .hex file - no differences. The I burnt the PIC again just to make sure. Still it doesn't do anything. I double-checked all the settings in MidiOX and they all seemed to be ok. Yes, I did try to change the program on all MIDI channels. This is getting quite confusing ;) nILS EDIT: Whoopie. Just found a problem =) The TXRX doesn't work anymore. No idea why though. Going thru the entire troubleshooting MIDI thing now. I can rule out some of the points already since the test app worked yesterday. EDIT 2: I just found the old thread, back when I worked on the SID the last time. I can't seem to find the SID test program anymore - okay this wouldnt't help right now, but it would surely be nice to hear something from my SID ;)
  18. Hmm. I set the device ID and MIDI channel to 1. After that I sent some program changes as you said - no change at the box at all. This is kinda strange since the rxtx and tx apps all worked fine... :'( Any more ideas? Thanks, nILS EDIT: Just to make sure: Changing the patch should work, even if the SID module is not or not correctly plugged in, right?
  19. I DO remeber the tremendous joy of the first sound of my SID ;D I just don't remember what firmware I had burnt back then... Ok, let me get into some more detail here: I just hooked some display up to the Core. Unfortunately all I had was a 16x1. But still it reads "P: 1 CInternal". Which is a good thing, I believe ;) I just tried to send some SysEx via MidiOx (ie. F0 00 00 7E 46 01 0F F7) to the Core but don't get any reply at all. Very strange. The device ID shouldn't matter if there's only one core, right? BTW, when I power up the core, I get a very high pitched note for about a second. Preceded and followed by quite a loud clicking sound. Is that good? Hope that helps y'all to help me ;) nILS
  20. I know about the limitations of the 16F design. Doesn't matter all that much, since I'm planning on building a Step C -> this one is just going to be a slave. I burnt the old Sid v1.5 firmware for the 6581. It worked the last time I worked with it which has been about 2 years ago. I don't quite remember if it ever worked with the complete firmware or if i only had some little test program =) Does that help? nILS
  21. I just found some time to start working on my SID again. Checked all the voltages on my SID module and the (16F) module again. All fine. Uploaded the SID-firmware to the Core, which I successfully tested with the rxtx and tx programs. So far so good. But now I don'T get any sound out of the SID except for some noise when I plug the SID in. Now, does this sound like a technical problem or am I just not doing things right? Appears to me I don't really understand the whole SysEx thing ;) Thanks in advance, nILS
  22. I can't seem to find out on what irc server the chat's at right now?! Can someone tell me please? Finally got some time to start working with my MB again. Hooray! ;D nILS
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