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Posts posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. Hey SmashTV

    You always impress me with your knowledge in all those aspects!  :o

    ... but I hope d2k's thread doesn't go in a wrong direction, since the cause of the implementation of touchpads isn't patent but cost dependent.

    Again: I always apprechiate your comments, this isn't an offense!

    Greets, Roger

  2. Lately I was at a Digidesign D-Control demonstration (they call the controller now "D-Control" and the whole system ProTools/MicPres/Intrefaces is "Icon"). They still didn't implement the touchpads but the digi-guy showed me the physical sice of the pads with his hands... it seems, they'll be about 6 Inches of sice.

    Greets, Roger

  3. nah man, doubt that tru - patenting joysticks?? neve been usin em for time, p+g make loads of types etc etc...

    Harrison patented joysticks FOR MIXING APPLICATIONS not joysticks at all  ;)

    1996 Harrison introduced first automated jostick in mixers (patent pending)

    2000 Harrison is awarded the patent for automated motorized joystick innovation



    Me personally don't care about patents, since I don't sell my MidiBox. But the price smells much better than the one for motorized joysticks.  :P

    I mean it faily friging annoying having these on a laptop!

    ... I think it's not the same junk-feel as on a laptop because the resolution of the distance of movement can be much bigger than the max. controller value range.

    Or like it bigger? http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=concepts;action=display;num=1098688897;start=0#0  ;D

    Greets, Roger

  4. ... Geld ist schon wieder zurück gekommen... und wieder minus CHF 50.00

    >:(  >:(  >:(  >:(   >:(   >:(  


    Werde nächste Woche mal bei der Bank vorbei gehen und nehme die Unterlagen mit. Dann sollen sie die Zahlung (mit den entsprechenden Daten) ausführen.


    Habe das mal auf 2005 verschoben... musste mich über die Festtage wieder mal mehr um meine Familie fümmern  ;)

  5. Thanks

    I cut mine on a tile cutter....

    A tile cutter is not a high RPM saw right? And it has much finer teeth (if even) than my blade.

    My plade is hardend steel. It's o.k. for aluminum but for epoxy  :-/???

    I think I give it a try, while hiding my face behind a wall ;D

    Greets, Roger

  6. Thanks a lot!

    ... I thought, that theoretically it shouldn't be a problem, since I use the LEDs only for light emission and not as a diode function.

    I also know, that there is more to think about than just within the fences of my basic electronic understanding  ;D... that's why I asked ::)

    Thanks guys... I'll give it a try for LED rings in my MIDI-Box LC design.

    Greets, Roger

  7. Hey Vercengetorex

    I'm also thinking about some modular parts for a LC.

    Where are you standing with your project?

    Did you experience any trouble with the cable lengh of 4ft?

    Does anybody know, about I could run into trouble, when I split the Motorfaders (4 and 4) too and mount them in different cases? - I expect a max. cable lengh of 3ft.

    Greets, Roger

  8. Machst Du noch eine Grossbestellung?

    ... warten wir doch mal ab, ob die Ware überhaupt kommt (bin zwar zuversichtlich) und ob die Dinger dann mit MBox auch laufen  :)

    Falls dies alles erfüllt ist, werde ich zuerst SmashTV kontaktieren. Er hat mir mitgeteilt, dass er Interesse für seinen Web-Shop hat... das würde das ganze vereinfachen, da er  für "Sammelbestellungen" eingerichtet ist.

    Greets, Roger

    PS: Ich melde mich dann, wenn ich die Displays habe oder wenn's wieder Komplikationen geben würde.

  9. @Jack

    Sorry, habe ganz vergessen Deine Bestellung zu quitieren. - 8 Stk. für Dich sind bestellt.

    Du brauchst mir nur die Kosten für den "in-Europa" Versandkosten und die Ware zu bezahlen. Die Banküberweisungs- und Überseeversand-Kosten werde ich übernehmen. Je nach Preis für eine eventuelle Grossbestellung, werde ich dann versuchen, die Promärkosten abzuwälzen... mal sehen.

    Greets, Roger

  10. @Seppoman

    ;) yes.... how did you guess?


    It may not be high quality or very impressive, but it works well enough for me!

    ... if it works for you and you're work/product is exactly the way you want... You must be the happiest audio engineer around ;D

    A petty for me is, that I'm doing a big range of audio material. Professional: speach, layout and drama production / parttime professional: music / and now: (not making money yet  ;) ) movie sound.

    I think this gave me an even harder time selecting than I experienced ever before.  ???

    I hope I stay happy with my Tannoy Ellipse system  8)

    Greets, Roger

  11. ... this one is easy to answer... good luck  ;D :-* ;D

    Greets, Roger

    PS: I think the questions will follow later...???  8)


    ... now you posted the questions  ;)

    1/ Can you use 2 displays ( Player A-B)

    Yes: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_lcd.html

    2/ Are encoders usable for FF or FR in a song

    don't know Traktor

    3/ Does anyone know were you can find a big Cap for a JOG-wheel


    Greets, Roger

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