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Posts posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. Hey Pay_C

    I just bought me a 5.1 IDP setup of Tannoy Ellipse 8. I worked 3 weeks with them and then decided to buy the setup.

    Just the way it is when you're looking for the perfect monitors, I'm happy with the quality right now but it takes longer to be able to say: "Yes... that's what I was looking for"

    I was lucky to get this deal. It's a 20'000 Euros setup and I bought it for 8'000. It was used on 2 audio fairs for demonstration and is in mint condition.

    In my employees studio we have Genelec 1032 (with and without Subs), 1030 and K&H O198.

    - The K&Hs are out of date... they sound kind "dusty" :P

    - The Genelecs are making the audio "sounding nice". I

     have big trouble to make my mixes compatible with

     average playback systems (car, hifi) :-/

    It seems that you're looking for a "cheap" solution:

    I heard a lot of good comments about ADAMs line. I never heard one till today but I think you should give them a try. BTW they're also available in active.

    Another system I'd like to encourage you to try: Tannoy Revenge (Revenge or something like this... not quit shure about they're called exactly like that). They're active or passive and I saw, that they're on sale by many distributors. Very good sounding speakers.

    I also heard good things (specially price/performance ratio) about Mackie's line

    My favorite: K&H O300 with C28 processor or O500 (built in processor)... AMAZING sounding! Since I had to buy a surround system, they were just not affortable for me.

    My suggestion: ALWAYS take a system home and try them over at least a week! You can't make a wise final decision in a showroom in just one or a few hours. You need to listen to different recordings you know in and out. You have to be in different moods (vital and sleepy). And you have to do a mix on the system to compare with your existing work and to listen in the car and hifi system.

    These are my personal statements and I know it's a difficult task and depends on personal opignens... so please no fights if someone likes Genelec! There must be a lot of happy Genelec users... they sell good ;)

    Greets, Roger

  2. When I move the fader by hand I get volume change messages in the range 0x00..0x7e. I think it's simple to change the program that it scales correspondingly to reach the highest possible value of 0x7f

    You have to calibrate the MFs... see LC tutorial

    But if the distance is small the motor only makes strange knocking noises and moves very unpredictably.

    What kind of PSU are you using? I read some postings of people having trouble with switching supplies. The problems were fixed, when they used a regulated one.

    Greets, Roger

  3. Es war jedenfalls irgendeine Firma, die auch Videokassetten herstellt *G*

    Irgend jemand hat mal TDK geschrieben... das war aber ein Schreibfehler. Die Fader kommen von TKD

    Ja, aber aus den Fadern ist wohl auch nix geworden.

    Ist ja klar ... 20 Fader und die Firma lacht sich kaputt.

    Ne, ne.... so gut verkaufen sich Motorfader auch wieder nicht.

    Die Preise kollern schon im 100er Bereich enorm.

    Dazu kommt, dass Alps empfiehlt, dass die Fader nicht länger als ein Jahr gelagert werden.


  4. The only reason to build this "oldfashion" positioning indication is to safe money on the motorfaders. This indication type was used on early VCA automated desks. I think motor faders are a approvement... Me myself hated to work with this type of automation (we had that on an old Sony/MCI console).

    The problem with MIOS is that you only have 128 DOuts, which gives you only 16 LEDs per channel.

    Greets, Roger

  5. Mein Geld kam vermutlich zurück (minus CHF 60.- , vielleicht Bankspesen)  >:(

    Bin noch nicht ganz sicher

    Greets, Roger

    PS: Werde am Dienstag eine klare Angabe von der Bank bekommen... dann muss ich noch wegen den abgezogenen Spesen "fighten"

    ... und dann gleich wieder probieren... mit richtigem Empfängername  :-*

  6. I was thinking about something similar. - Not with relative position...

    I'm planning to integrate a silicone ribbon into the wrist rest of my LC. Using a horizontal built in non detendant encoder.

    Problem: Finding a nice looking about 15 Inches round, grippy (with grooves) silicone rubber ribbon.

    Greets, Roger

  7. Leider noch keine News. Habe meine Bank kontaktiert und wenn bis ende diese Woch keine Bestätigung vom Empfänger oder eine Rückzahlung der Empfängerbank kommt, werden sie eine Untersuchung einleiten.

    Greets, Roger

  8. ... ever thought of building something like this with encoder and LED bar underneath the belt?


    You could take a crawler of RC tanks for the belt or rubber touth belt


    or mold one out of silicone.

    I once tried (about 10 or 15 years ago) one of those p&g at a music fair... they don't feel too bad... better than rotary encoders.

    Greets, Roger

  9. Hey Duggle

    My answers are based on reading old posts, so...  ;)

    I think it's the protocol of "Logic Control". I don't know, where to get the protocol dokumentation from other than the User manual... which doesn't contain every detail about the protocol.

    There is a lot of information in the forum archive about double and triple versions of MBLC.

    The 9th Fader is the master fader. You can just take another Core MB64 and assign it directly to the master in your host application... or take an encoder.

    Hope my information is correct and helping.

    Greets, Roger

  10. Habe scheinbar einen falschen Namen für den Kontoinhaber angegeben (Chinesisch ist nicht meine Muttersprache.  :D

    Werde nun warten müssen, ob die HSBC Bank clever genug ist und die Summe trotzdem auf die Kontonummer (welche richtig ist) bucht oder ob die Zahlung abgewiesen wird und meinem Konto wieder gutgeschrieben wird.

    Greets, Roger

  11. ... wenn man vom Teufel spricht ....  :D

    Bekam gerade eine Mail (ohne, dass ich mich gemeldet habe). Es sein noch keine Zahlung eingegangen, was los sei. Ich solle sie bitte kontaktieren.

    Habe nun eine Kopie meines Bankauftrags gemailt.

    Greets, Roger

  12. Noch nicht. Habe vereinbart, dass sie mich informieren, wenn das Geld bei ihnen eingetroffen ist und mir die TNT Tracking Nummer mitteilen. Die Überweisung liegt nun über eine Woche zurück  ??? Werde mich nun selber mal melden und hoffe, dass die Bucks nicht in den Sand gesetzt sind  :P

    Falls ich verars...t werde, ist der Verlust nicht wenig aber auch nicht wirklich ein Vermögen. Wenn's klappt, ist dafür der Gewinn enorm. No risk - No fun  

    ... hoffe mal, dass es nicht nur risk war  >:(

    Greets, Roger

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