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Everything posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. Moebius wrote: Thanks for the tipp. - Here's an other one: I went to one of those mobilephone shops and asked the guy: "I bet people bring back their broken or outdated phones to you for recycling" (In Switzerland you get charged if you throw electronic waste into the regular garbage). I told him what I'm up to, he took one out of a box and gave it to me :D ... You just have to make shure, that it has got a vibrating unit... You're at the right place... ask the sales person, he's the pro... Greets, Roger
  2. Moebius wrote: Thanks for the tipp. - Here's an other one: I went to one of those mobilephone shops and asked the guy: "I bet people bring back their broken or outdated phones to you for recycling" (In Switzerland you get charged if you throw electronic waste into the regular garbage). I told him what I'm up to, he took one out of a box and gave it to me :D ... You just have to make shure, that it has got a vibrating unit... You're at the right place... ask the sales person, he's the pro... Greets, Roger
  3. Hey Pilo I received the samples. They shipped only three switches :'( for the rest only caps, since you can use two types of switches with about 10 types of caps. Anyway they look great, seem to be reliable and I like the physical feel when switching. - Definitly the switch for my LC ::) I'll check the prices by the Swiss distributor and post it then. Let's see if a mass order would be worth the effort. Greets, Roger
  4. ... strange, that this is not specified on the datasheet. They write unter driving sheme: "direct". So I thought, who knows, perhaps they could be driven like a substitude for LEDs 8) Thanks for the input pay_c Greets, Roger
  5. Ich war auch mal schwer auf der Suche nach Silikon- und Gummi-Tasten. - Nix gefunden :'( Silikon Tasten-Matten fand ich nur für Custom-Layouts... viel zu teuer. Ich dachte dann, dass ich solche Silikondinger selber giessen könnte. Leider war die Shore-Härte aller Silikongiessmassen viel zu niedrig... wollte ja nicht, dass sich die Taster wie Brustwarzen anfühlen ;D An Stelle der Ribbon-Controller könnte man ja auch Touchpads einsetzen? Ich denke Thorsten ist sehr interessiert daran (suche nach dem Posting entweder "Designconcepts" oder "Parts Questions", vieleicht gibt's bald einen Treiber von ihm (ist bestimmt nicht zu oberst auf seiner Prioritätenliste). Grüsse, Roger
  6. ... if the Servo Tack will be 10k linear... , I don't see a reason, why not.. This would be the PGM3200D ("D" for 10k) This fader has a coreless motor which makes it nice and smooth feeling as well as nice hurting your wallet  ;D Ever thought about an ALPS RSA0K11V? It's the same quality like the P&G 3200 Series (also used in the Studer and Stagetec Digital Consoles). I'm thinking to start collecting orders in the forum to make a big order with appropriate discount. Greets, Roger
  7. Thanks Pay-C Think I'mm gonna order a few of them. About the link: I couldn't fix it, don't know, what went wrong  ??? But It's the same link like in my post before.
  8. No, you don't have to use MF. Greets, Roger
  9. ... trying it again  :o, since it's a certain time ago. When I search for the Nokia 3310 display on Ebay, I only find ones with the pushbutton field http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=40568&item =6307485551&rd=1. Does anybody know about those are the same as Thorsten wrote the driver for and how hard it is to desolder them?
  10. Dit you test them with a knob attached or only by turning directly on the shaft? Believe me, that makes a big difference, since as bigger the knob the more force you get and more travel in your fingers (physics ::) ) ... and if they're really new, they're gonna loose a bit of the "tightness". Greets, Roger
  11. As far is I understood it: Normally it's 7 Bit and only the LC MIOS application allows 10 Bit for 8 faders per unit. I think that's because the host application only works in 10 Bit under the LC emulation. Greets, Roger
  12. ... for your SID http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_ltc.html Greets, Roger
  13. Hallo Nojesus ... ich glaube auch, dass dies der Grund ist (schon 1000x beantwortet) :P Grundsätzlich gilt: RTFM ... oder eben die Forumbeiträge (z.B. mit der Suchfunktion kommst du sehr gezielt zu Deinen Informationen) ;D Wenn Du wirklich ein Verständnisproblem oder eine technische Knacknuss hast, wirst Du sehen, dass alle sehr hilfsbereit sind. Ein weiterer Tip: Nicht nur im Deutschen Forum posten 8) Für die Schweiz: www.distrelec.ch www.conrad.ch http://www.marelcom.ch/ (Alps Fader/Encoder) Grüsse aus Zürich Roger
  14. I'm using Sequoia as my host application and want to build a 24 fader MIDIBox (don't worry I'll start small and will build myself first a test setup which I can use later for checking applications for the controller of my dreams). Now the LC protocol doesn't support all the features I want. If I build 3 MIDIBox64 cores and assign the MIDI parameters from hand in my host software, ist it possible to implement a bank switching like on the LC for jumping to the next 24 tracks/channels of the host? If this is not possible, could I use a bankstick and store the "packages" for 24 faders on it and instead of switching the bank, I just load a new setup from the bankstick? If this would be possible: How long does loading a setup take about? Thanks for help and greetings Roger
  15. Since I didn't built my MIDI Mon yet and I still have to learn a lot about the MIDI protocol, I hope somebody can answer following question: What do most of the host applications send for level indication if it monitors a stereo fader? - is it a "mono" indication? Something like the two signals coupled minus 3 dB. - does it send a separate left and right level indication? If yes, what does it send in mono mode... two separate left and right levels of the same amount? Greets, Roger
  16. I don't know. There is nothing written about how many they'll ship. I just ordered every type I'm interrested in and in the comment-field I wrote: "In different coulours" ;) I'll inform you what they shipped to me as soon as I get them. Since I need a larger amount, I'll be happy to send you my samples later, so you could use them for your machine control functions. Perhaps you'll get it together enhancing with your sample order :D Greets, Roger
  17. Hi Pilo Don't you think, they're a bit to small? I think the wide type would be o.k. but it hasn't an LED. I'll use them for the channels: - The wide type for "Select" - the small ones with LEDs for Mute&Solo (above the "select" and next to each other) Greets, Rogrer
  18. http://www.mec.dk/files/6.pdf You can order samples on their website. www.distrelec.ch sells MEC switches Greets, Roger
  19. Hi Jack I never played or heard one yet. For this price it's shurely not top of the line. The higher the price range, the smaller the difference in quality. There is a certain price (like yours) you have to pay, to get a good average quality. From this point it's on you to decide about you like the sound and the feeling. I know that a lot of guitarists love their expensive Les Pauls and I think they have a very nice sound but I can't play this heavy ugly feeling piece of wood :-/. - Know what I mean? ... just be happy and proud of your new guitar and make some nice sounds and enjoy playing it :D Greets, Screaming_Guitar_Rabbit ;D
  20. Why not contacting Penny&Giles or the Alps distributor directly? Perhaps the sell to you or at least can tell you, where to buy http://www.alps.co.uk/1024/alps1024.htm http://www.pennyandgiles.com/index/index.asp Greets, Roger
  21. I tried to get some information from this company. They didn't even respond to my mail >:(
  22. lol uclaros ... I was thinking about something like that for all the journalist who aren't visually impaired and can see the fu...ing level meter ;D
  23. lol uclaros ... I was thinking about something like that for all the journalist who aren't visually impaired and can see the fu...ing level meter ;D
  24. THX Smash ... but I'd like to take the clipping info from the host software, since I want any clipping on any channel being sent to the vibrator, not only the analog master output of the soundcard. Do you think it would be possible to drive the vibrating unit (propably taken from an old mobile telephone) directly with a digital out (right after the LED)? I have to check on Sequoia, about when I select the peak hold function, there is also a peak hold in the Midi information. Best regards Roger
  25. THX Smash ... but I'd like to take the clipping info from the host software, since I want any clipping on any channel being sent to the vibrator, not only the analog master output of the soundcard. Do you think it would be possible to drive the vibrating unit (propably taken from an old mobile telephone) directly with a digital out (right after the LED)? I have to check on Sequoia, about when I select the peak hold function, there is also a peak hold in the Midi information. Best regards Roger
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