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Everything posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. Did you mention in your E-mail, that you answered to their Ebay advertisement and that you didn't get any response? I think they wanna make good, easy money and just "grabbed this price down from the sky" :P As an example: They offered me RSA0K11V9 with coreless Motor for 70 Euros. The price at the Swiss distributor would have been 180 Euros/piece :o ... so I think, if you try harder... just tell them about you saw their Ebay advertisement Greets, Roger
  2. Wooohhooo.... :o I missed your post till today moebius :-[ Heheee... happy shakin' ;D Grrets, Roger
  3. whooahh! I was at "The recording workshop" in Chillicothe/Ohio about 10 years ago... know what you mean :-* Greets, Roger
  4. ... habe diesen Shenzhen YRD mal geschrieben. Roger
  5. Woooww.... :P recht hohe Versandkosten. Habe folgende E-Mail bekommen ... soll ich da bestellen? Findet Ihr das vertrauenswürdig genug? Greets, Roger
  6. Habe heute Morgen ein Sample bestellt und die Preise "mit Frame" angefragt. Warte auf die Bank-Transfer-Daten und das neue Angebot. - Die 1. Antwort am Morgen war relativ schnell da. Kann natürlich sein, dass die dann Feierabend hatten (kenne die Zeitverschiebung zu China nicht). @Jack Wärst Du bereit einen Qualitäts-Test unter einer Testapplikation durchzuführen und ein paar Pics davon für uns zu schiessen? Greets, Roger
  7. ... try on this contact address familygate@tiscali.de ... they anwered me from this E-mail address Greets, Roger I'll get my K-Type M-Faders from Studer Switzerland (through personal connections). The guys from this online store offered me the same price, except that the ones I'll get from Studer are coming with the slider-knobs.
  8. @Vercengetorex If they are the initiators of the project and you're only doing the work for them and they know, that this is not your copyright and they are paying you for the work-time and not for the idea, then in my opinion this is: work for hire On the other side I say: DIY ... like most of the forum members :-* Greets, Roger PS: SmashTV seams to have a better knowledge about copyrights than me :)
  9. @pay_c Vielleicht hast Du diesen Post auch übersehen: http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=parts_archive;action=display;num=1094951159 Die liefern (habe für den K-Type MF angefragt) von Alps so ziemlich alles und in beliebiger Stückzahl. Greets, Roger
  10. Ja, ich denke ich werd mal ein Sample bestellen. Greets, Roger PS: Ich habe mir überlegt, ob ich (wenn die Samples O.K. sind) mal SmashTV und Mike ankicken soll und sie fragen, ob sie den Vertrieb übernehmen wollen. Ich denke es macht Sinn, wenn die Anzahl der "Sources" möglichst klein bleibt. - Bessere Übersicht.
  11. Pay-c made a good statement (mechanical and backlightning advantages) in the german forum for cosidering to take the framed version. I will aske the prices for the framed version in the next few days and post it here. Greets, Roger
  12. Nein, Du brauchst nur einen MIDI-Kanal. Die Daten der einzelnen Pots, Buttons usw. sind über Controller Nummern spezifiziert. Wenn Du eine 24-Fader MidiBox LC bauen willst, brauchst Du 3 MIDI Kanäle. Du musst dann im Host jede 8-Fader Einheit mit separatem MIDI Kanal (und eigenem Port) anmelden. Mehr über MIDI findest Du im WIKI (Links) oder auch Roland User Manuals haben oft eine gute Basic-Beschreibung von MIDI, Controller Daten, Kanäle usw. Greets, Roger EDIT: pay-c hat die Sache ja schon während dem ich auch am Schreiben war, beantwortet :D
  13. Das ist eine Frage, welche Thorsen beantworten sollte. Ich sehe auch überall PCD8544 Chip. Ob es ein Schreibfehler von Thosten ist  ??? oder ob nun unsere Freude zu früh war  :'(? Greets, Roger PS: Im Zweifelsfall könnte ich ein Sample bestellen (welches jemand testet. der schon ein Core zusammen hat). Wenn es nicht funxt, würde ich die Versandkosten (müssen bei Samples bezahlt werden) übernehmen. Wenn das Display funxt und wir eine Sammelbestellung machen, würde ich die zusätzlichen Versandkosten auf die gesamte Bestellmenge verteilen, welche dann sehr gering wären für jeden von uns.
  14. ... habe das ja mal gepostet :o http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=parts_archive;action=display;num=1094672301 ... nicht gelesen? ... ohne Rahmen. Mit wäre aber auch erhältlich. - Lieber mit Rahmen? Ist die Beleuchtung im Rahmen integriert? ... würde ich organisieren. Greets, Roger
  15. Nice box! I see, that this is your first post... Means: You didn't have any questions or problems you couldn't fix by yourself. :o Congratulation, Roger
  16. I would use alluminum too for the same reasons illogic mentioned. Just a correction: Alluminum oxidates even more than iron and mutch more than steel. Alluminum is less precious than steel. That's why alluminum plates are anodized... to protect it against oxidation. The nice difference between iron oxide and alluminum oxide is, that alluminum oxide acts as a seal, which prevents the alluminum beeing oxidated further. If you polish an alluminum plate, it doesn't stay shiny, if you don't laquer it. It will get dull pretty quickly. Greets, Roger
  17. ... bin ich dran. Werde aber die Ware erst bestellen (und somit testen bzw. damit arbeiten), wenn ich mein ganzes Projekt zusammen habe. - Layout, Funktionen, Design usw. Werde die Community dann sicher informieren, wenn ich was erzählen kann :) Greets, Roger PS: Habe ein Angebot aus China (unter 3$/Stk.)
  18. I still have an old Midiman Portman Prallel Midi-Interface, which would be perfect to connect to my Laptop for testing Midibox applications in my "DIY-Basement". There is no driver for WinXP available anymore from M-Audio (new name of Midiman). Does anybody know of any inofficial driver or another standart Win driver which works? Thanks and greets Roger
  19. I have to make the same statement like smash TV did. I don't use exiter anymore (exept if I get really poor recording tracks - but never in the master track). I got tired of this exiter stuff... makes my ears fatigue. Greets, Roger
  20. Hi Rooney ... as a professional Soundengineere, working daily with automation, I can tell you, that what you intend to do, is the only thing you'll really need. I suggest that you label your marks anyway... for example with +3, +2, +1, 0 (unity), -1,-2,-3 ... and so on. When working with automation, you don't need the exact value, you can read that from the display or your hostsoftware. What you need, is a relative position recognition of the fader (physically)... for example when you're overwriting a mix pass. When you label the marks, it's easier to remember the fader position for your brain (don't have to count marks) Greets, Roger
  21. Hey Twin-x HEADS UP! :D I think nobody is blaming himself in this forum. - Just go on trying to make that "quad SUCKER" ;D work. Greets and all the best luck! Roger
  22. Hello Mark I haven't built it yet, just bought the k-keys oem so far and it's waiting to be built into my planned MidiBox LC. I don't see a problem in your idea as long you always disconnect the not used matrix. But I also don't see any reason or advantage of the whole thing because I normally want a combination of both systemy. Like I wrote earlier: I'll implement all under the MIDI protocol possible editing functions in the MidiBox and use the x-kexs only for the functions not provided under MIDI from my host program. Sorry T for going on moving in an other direction. Search the archive for "HUI", "Pro Tools" or "motormix"... I remember, there have bin a few threads about MidiBox implementation in Pro Tools. Greets, Roger
  23. ... see their Website. Prices are published :o ... as easy as connecting an USB keyboard :) If you want your custom button layout... I bought the oem x-keys matrix pcb board (up to 128 programmable keys) :D Greets, Roger PS: You even can program mouse action
  24. Hi T There is an other possibility: www.x-keys.com You can program any shortcut pretty easy. The advantage of a MIDI controlled device: It's always active (also in the background), while a "X-Keys" device works like a regular computer keyboard only within the active window. Means: When you're in the mixer window, you can't use any shortcuts for editing (cut, paste...) Greets, Roger
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