Hello Pasquale I read every day through this forum since about 3 month and at this point I want to say, that I throw a big hand to Thosten and all of you making this possible and help each other! So I'm shure that you'll find some help for your needs. On the other hand I'd like to encourage you to find your own design, exactly fitting you. I work as a professional sound engineer and have the pleasure to work with Fairlight MFX/Fame. I'm so used to it that I hate working with ProTools/HUI in our Layout-Studio (actually I just hate it cause I'm so slow on it). So my design (which isn't even on paper yet:-) will be close to the MFX-Controller. The main difference between all the controllers I have seen here and the ones you can buy, will be, that the computer keyboard will be between the faders and the Jog-/Edit-/Play-Section. Since the keyboard with its shortcuts is the main editor interface for todays DAW systems, I want it right in front of me. 16 faders on the left, Jog/Play and another 8 faders on the right. I even think about placing a programmable keypad above the Jog www.xkeys.com (I bet Thorsten would be able engineere something like that with a PIC :-). I don't want to offend you... NO, I'd to like ask you, that if you take all this work on you, why don't build the controller of your dreams, which design fits exactly your style of working with your DAW?