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Everything posted by bill

  1. Nice ! Can someone explain me how to use the Mios_read_page function ? What is the 2nd parameter ??? Some C examples using Write/Read-page will be very usefull ;) thanks
  2. About that point, i'm wondering : how much power do a Sid chip use ? I know they heat quite much, so it must be significant, but did someone know that value ? Do the 8580 draw less current ? (i guess they do) Thanks !
  3. (Maybe) there is an explanation : There is no confirmation message when you click on those [applause] [smite] buttons. So it's possible that someone did it accidentaly (dont worry, i did not) In fact, i allready push [applause] without wanting it, but wondering what was that feature. Who know ???
  4. bill

    C64 Keyboards

    :o Wow ! Thank you all !!! This is lot more than i was expecting ! Now i have all the keyboards i can deal with for my whole life ;) I will personal message you all, but now it's ok, dont offer anymore keyboards :D I'm on the way to do a very cool app (well, I think it is), so maybe you should keep one keyboard for this future unofficial project ! (A live minded midi controler/sequencer) Keep in touch, and thank you again
  5. Ok, i'll post my codes as i use the mclock example as base too ! What do you call "multiple clocks" ???
  6. Hey, i'm very interested too ! A basic 16 step loop sequencer could be a very good start. So, where is the code ?? ;) I'm on the idea, but i didn't start, i even dont know how the pattern structure will look like, but i want to stick with very simple stuff, fixed length notes and velocity, strictly (basic) rythm minded as a starting point.
  7. bill

    C64 Keyboards

    Yes, i'm only interesed in the keyboard part, if it come with it's cable ;) What could i trade ? Greetz -- http://jambonbill.free.fr/?rep=./midibox-kb
  8. bill


    Look very nice, i'll be interested in such a pcb ! :)
  9. bill

    C64 Keyboards

    So, you have cannibalized your C64 ?? ;) I'm interested in C64 or Vic20 keyboards, even "many keyboard" at once is ok to me ^^ Must be cheap ! Thanx
  10. Please could you download and link that file ? Thanks !!
  11. Hello, i'm looking for one 8580 chip as well ;) I will buy it, or change it, i have many pics, displays, toys to trade... ;D thanx fot you offers !!
  12. Tu aura besoin d'un "Core Module" (c'est la base de nimporte quel projet) Un ou plusieurs "DIN Module" Pour tes boutons et encodeurs rotatifs. (les boutons qui tournent) Un ou plusieurs "DOUT Module" Pour tes leds. Un LCD Module ... (c'est un simple afficheur à relier au "Core module", il n'y a pas grand chose a faire à part le cable ;) Et un "AIN Module" pour tes potards, si tu en veut plus de 8 ! (Le Core module peut lire jusqu'a 8 potards sans materiel supplémentaire, ce qui peut etre tres intéréssant) Qu'appelle tu les "leds rondes" ? Pour le C, il y a plein (mais alors vraiment plein) d'ouvrages sur le sujet. Si tu as déja programmé dans nimporte quel language, meme sans etre un programmeur ultra balèze, tu devrais comprendre les exemples du site, regarde cette page : http://ucapps.de/mios_c_fr.html Sinon, cherche l'application qui correspond le plus a ton idée.
  13. Il n'y a pas de grand chose de "pas réalisable" par ici ;) Tu peux sans doute parvenir a tes fins sans trop de problème. Je crois que le projet Midibox64 Correspond a ce que tu veux faire, mais sache que tu peux construire ton application (qui peut ne pas etre compliquée !) grace au language C. Passe du temps sur le site et tout deviendra limpide. ;D
  14. Excellent !!!! ;D Thank you thorsten, you're the one ! I'm going to send cool apps very soon 8) Luv
  15. Ok, i understand. thanx !!! :)
  16. Well, the SM_Stuff, is a driver, not an application. For that reason, i think it should not be converted to C Thank you anyway, i start learning ASM... ;)
  17. Yes, thank you ! I understand "__asm" & "__endasm", but in fact, what i want (or 'hope') to do, is to mix the asm driver, with C code. Then it's lot more complicated (to me)
  18. Hahaha ;D include it where you like, i didnt invent the scan matrix, nor the c64 keyboard !! ;) I will draw some clear and minimal schematics and link there here of course. Then, please wikify this as you like to. Here is a schematic. I'm writting a first app and hope to release it soon !
  19. Hello, i definitely need help : i want to use the scan-matrix driver http://ucapps.de/mios/sm_example2_v1.zip with C, (in order to drive the C64 keyboard http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=6505.msg41509#msg41509) but i really dont know how to mix asm and C I tried to put required files into ./mios_wrapper/ and include them into mios_wrapper.asm with no chance i have those errors : Assembling MIOS SDCC wrapper mios_wrapper\sm_simple.inc:193:Error [103] syntax error mios_wrapper\sm_simple.inc:194:Error [103] syntax error mios_wrapper\sm_simple.inc:195:Error [103] syntax error mios_wrapper\sm_simple.inc:196:Error [103] syntax error mios_wrapper\sm_simple.inc:197:Error [103] syntax error mios_wrapper\sm_simple.inc:198:Error [103] syntax error mios_wrapper\sm_simple.inc:199:Error [103] syntax error mios_wrapper\sm_simple.inc:200:Error [103] syntax error mios_wrapper\sm_simple.inc:204:Error [103] syntax error mios_wrapper\sm_simple.inc:313:Error [103] syntax error mios_wrapper\midi_evnt.inc:101:Error [103] syntax error mios_wrapper\macros.h:90:Error [151] Operand contains unresolvable labels or is too complex. mios_wrapper\macros.h:92:Error [151] Operand contains unresolvable labels or is too complex. mios_wrapper\midi_evnt.inc:271:Error [151] Operand contains unresolvable labels or is too complex. mios_wrapper\midi_evnt.inc:274:Error [151] Operand contains unresolvable labels or is too complex. ERROR! PLease help me if you can :-[
  20. Ce que je voulais dire c'est : Est ce que tes effets on une commande de bypass que tu peut activer en "remote" (genre un contact, ou envoyer du 5v qque part, ou autre chose dans ce genre, et a ce moment la les relais peuvent etre une solution) ou bien est ce que tu veut concevoir le système de bypass, en routant le signal audio (et la c'est bcp plus compliqué ;) ) Ce sont des effets de guitare ?
  21. It works ;D !!!!! Hehe, i'm so happy. here is a picture. http://jambonbill.free.fr/midibox-kb/MBHP-C64.JPG I recommend ! Ask me for details if you want some, but it is very simple so... You have to add 8 diodes at the 74HC595. Now, i must learn how to mix asm and c in order to use it with my own program.
  22. Salut, si tu connais ne serait ce qu'un peu le C, je te recommande d'écrire ta propre appli ! Quelle genre d'effets tu veux piloter ? Il y a un footswith ou qque chose dans ce genre pour bypaser ?
  23. Je trouve cette idée très intéréssante, ce serait chouette d'avoir des "kits" midibox en france, je suis sur qu'on peut envoyer des pcb au tarif lettre ou pas bcp plus ! Ce serait rapide est drolement pratique c'est sur !!! J'ai bien envie de devenir adhérent de cette asso moi :) Hep moxi : tu est dans quel coin au juste ?
  24. Salut, je suis intéréssé aussi :)
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