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Everything posted by Marxon

  1. From the album: Marxon´s Seq V4

    How to make them:
  2. Hi Thorsten, thanks for your reply. You was right! :) One of my Sequencer MidiRouter Ports was not set up correctly. :rolleyes: Best regards Marxon
  3. Good morning everyboy! I have a problem to update my Sid from 2.040 to 2.041 :sad: After power on I receive the boot up string f0 00 00 f7 but everytime MiosStudio (v2.2 and v2.3) is trying to contact the Core, the Sid reboots. I have not changed anything on my hardware since the last update. Any suggestions? Best regards Marxon
  4. Servus Community! Was haltet ihr von der Idee, mittels Encoder der OSC und ENV Sektion, immer die aktuell im LCD angezeigten Parameter steuern zu können ohne, dass dadurch deren "regulären" Parameter geändert werden und zum entsprechendem Menü gewechselt wird? Dieses Verhalten könnte man ja, für jedes Menü einzeln im Setup oder evtl. temporär per Tastenkombination, ein- bzw ausschalten. Thorsten, Meister der Schaltkreise, was sagst du dazu? Schönen Tag euch allen! Marxon
  5. Danke nILS! Not macht halt erfinderisch :wink:
  6. Hi MidiBoxers There are allready tipps out there how to make illuminated buttons but i like to show how i made them. This are "Ink Cups" from tattoo machines. They are very cheap (100pcs about 2-3$) and available in different sizes. I filled them about 4 mm with hot clue. The LEDs are bended above tacticle buttons like this way. Now use a soldering iron with an old soldering tip to head up the center part a little bit (about 1mm deep) and put the cup on the LED. Done! Marxon
  7. Hello nebula, thanks for your fast reply :smile: But I guess I expressed myself somewhat inaccurate: I dont want to switch the whole LCD, DIN and DOUT chains, etc. but connect them to both cores. To the PIC and to the LPC one. Like a Y-cable connection. Cheers Marxon
  8. Hi Midiboxers, i like to put a PIC based core in addition to the LPC17 core in my Seq V4 to be able to "switch" between 808 and SeqV4 mode, depending on which core is powered on. Would it work if i do a simple parallel wiring between the cores and the "external" parts/modules? Or could this somehow mess up some connections? Thanks for any hints Best regards Marxon
  9. So you finally fixed this hard-fault... As allways great work! I saved about 20 different presets since the last hour without any problems! Best regards Maxon
  10. Hi m00dawg! May this works. If ctrlr couldt save a nprn edited patch via a sysex then it must be possible. I try to capture this string and map it to my keyboard. I overlooked this memo in the changelog: "-individual save function for instruments (for all engines)" Maybe this function is available in a further update
  11. Hi everybody, in some situations i wouldt like to control my sid only via nrpn controlers from an external midi keyboard. Now i have some questions: Is there a way to store these parameter changes too during a patch save? Are they stored in the edit buffer so i can request a dump? Is it possible to dump only a range of data from the edit buffer, for example to make a save button for every drum instrument? Thanks a lot for your help! Best regards Marxon
  12. Hi uCAppsers! Happily I can report that with Seq V4.060 I have no more "Hard Faults" during saving track presets :yes: Did you change some code which was maybe related to this problem Thorsten? Best regards Marxon
  13. Yeah! Great work TK! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: But i have to watch out to use the generator not on every track :ahappy: By the way: the update is tagged with a wrong date on the ucapps start page (2012-07-03) Best regards Marxon
  14. Hi again! Hmmmm... May some next release will fix this problem. In the meantime i will use a text editor to edit my presets. Best regards Marxon
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