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Everything posted by xarolium

  1. Thank you Ultra i just looked and the switch are on order like you said. do you know how long time i have to wait to buy it and do you think i can buy on Mouser to France ? thank you
  2. you re so cool Ulta Can you send me a picture of the switch before to buy my 40 ? because i want to be shure that s you have exactly what i need. thank you very much
  3. ca c chez moi http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=59821677
  4. Je suis pret a mm'investir car l investissemt personnel apporte toujours quelque chose et pas forcement materiel mais plus relationnel et je pense que c'est vraiment ca qui peut etre sympa.
  5. ohh excuse me i forget one . you have right Nils. did you find who fabricate this LCD or Novation made it specialy for this product?
  6. Hi i ever did this mods and it s very cool and cheap midi to cv interface. the sound of the CMU 800 or very loud too. But i have one problem. when i used the cmu800 directly with a midi keyboard i had some strange thing with the Gate. i couldn't play to successif note because the second note doesn' t sound. But when i used it with a software sequencer it was allright. somebody had the same problem? I will put some MP3 exeample because it s not easy to explain what's happen
  7. Voila comme je commence a vraiment a plus pouvoir me passer de ces "satanée" midibox je voudrai faire partager le peu de connaissance que j'ai en la matière et aussi donner un petit coup de pouce a tous le lyonnais ou d'autres gas de la region pour se lancé dans la fabrication. Je propose de vous fournir des PIcs programmé pour vous lancer et ainsi créer un petite communauté Midibox sur Lyon, d'échanger de la zik quitte a organiser un événement qu'avec des midiboxeurs enfin toute fois si les modérateurs sont ok bien sur. voila j'espere avoir des news.
  8. Salut Moxi C'est quel style de musique ta soirée? plutot break ou house ou acid electro...
  9. :o :o Ohh you 're so lucky i really would like to buy it but i can't find a distributor for France. i would ask you if you can sell me 40 piece of this in red i pay the shipping price and everything
  10. Hi i think the novation remote has a 63x2 character LCD But i didn't find it on the web sorry
  11. I m sorry i didn' t have to propose this . i will delete this topic tomorrow Your argument persuaded me to not exchange my part i don't want any problem with the midibox community i hope you excuse myself :-[ :-[ :-[
  12. there are a lot of transistor here and cheaper than Ebay: http://www.alscomposants.com/boutique/recherche_resultats.cfm?code_lg=lg_fr and http://www.alscomposants.com/boutique/recherche_resultats.cfm?code_lg=lg_fr
  13. Unfortunetly i don't have a lot experience with programming but i should try.
  14. Ok Nils podewski i just want point out that i don't want to make money but just be a help for the newbie or for guy who don't have a pIC programmer But i understand your point of view.
  15. I very like your answer you re so nice ;) ;) But you know if i want to make money with my SAMPLE part, i put it on ebay. And i exchange the PIC with the mios for people how can't burn it. And i exchange it with what you want to make a midi box, like push switch, led... Can be that I shall have had to put them on Ebay it shall have avoided this answer definitely gratifying. I like very much the way they are received, it is great nice thank you
  16. hi midiboxer i bought a korg KPR77 rythm box but it work with the sync korg 48ppqn and i would like to know if there is a project like a clock box with different sync din OUT like 24PPQN 12PPQN and 48PPQN to control all the old vintage rythm box thank you
  17. Hi I have a lot of pic and memory to exchange with illuminated button and lcd 4x20 i m waiting for your proposition thank you
  18. xarolium

    MB 6582

    salut bill tu as acheter tes PCB dans la premiere list de fabrication? moi j attends toujours que smash tv les vendent enfin sur son site. aurais tu des photos de ta petites merveilles.
  19. xarolium

    MB 6582

    alors j ai repondu a pas mal de mes questions le chip 6582 je les ai acheté sur ebay mais on peut aussi les trouver ici en se mettant sur la waiting list http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/wilba_6582a_sid_mega_sale Pour le boitier il y a un mec sur le forum anglais qui m'en a vendu nu donc ca c'est bon aussi. reste juste mon probleme d'alimentation .Croyez vous que je peux utiliser un transfo standart 9V sachant que j'ai des chip mos 6582.
  20. count me for one kit. Wilba , your work is amazing incredible. RESPECT and thank you Smash TV too i m waiting for the kits
  21. hi i would like to know if you still have pt 10 box. because i would to buy one. you can answer me on my email. xarolium@hotmail.com
  22. xarolium

    MB 6582

    Salut tous les midiboxers fous et Happy new year Alors voila ma resolution pour cette nouvelle année serai de fabriquer cette merveille J ai suivi un peu le topic sur le forum anglais mais il y a deux trois infos que je ne capte pas très bien. Je voulais savoir si quel qun l avais deja fabriqué dans notre hexagone. J ai vu que bientot les PCB seront disponible chez smash TV Je voulais aussi savoir s'il etait possible de commander la boite pt10 http://www.pactecenclosures.com/Plastic-Enclosures/PT-10.html et s il livrait en France. J ai vu aussi qu'il y a la possibilité de ne pas utiliser l alim du C64 mais je sais pas comment? Et derniere petite question savais vous ou je peux acheter des CI 6582. Je sais que ca fait beaucoup ce que je demande et je vous remercie d avance pour votre aide
  23. The size of the TR909 switch is 7mm*7mm and in didn t find it by conrad or knitter-switch. i know that Chipforbrain sell the switch but without caps here http://cgi.ebay.fr/roland-tr-909-BLUE-LED-FULL-SWITCH-MOD-KIT-36pc-COUNTER_W0QQitemZ300186294773QQihZ020QQcategoryZ38069QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  24. I looked on the site of ELFA and i didn t find the E switch tact. can you give me the link if you found it? thank you
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