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Everything posted by sebiiksbcs

  1. My first Ponoko design will replace the wooden case. Pity though, the wooden case feels so real. Anyway, it's actually only MDF.
  2. Good work! So you have a Core32, 2 DINx4, 2 DOUTx4, and the IICs?
  3. The seq is experiencing a metamorphosis now.
  4. That's right, the Elby Designs guy is working on the ASM-3 at the moment. With the list of improvements and added modules in comparison to the ASM-2, I really wonder how he will fit them all on one PCB. If he makes it (and he will), hats off!
  5. Sold! So sorry taximan, you were only 15 minutes late.
  6. Selling 2 unused GM5 boards (v1.1) and 2 "unopened" GM5 chips. Location is Germany.
  7. Do you mean the Rotary encoder Tempo adjustment ? This one has only 3 pins though, as far as I can see
  8. I finished this midibox seq v3 last year, and it turns out I quickly uploaded the MB-808 application and used it as a MIDI-MB808 only. This is why I am considering to sell it at the moment, because I realize actually only want an MB-808 drum sequencer, so I will try to build an MB-808. This, however, costs money... :) I am hereby asking for permission to sell the seq..
  9. I glued the broken shaft back on, works like new! It actually looks like under the shafts there are analog trimmer-like potentiometers (also the text reading "B80K" on the encoders gives a hint). Maybe the firmware of the controller measures increase/decrease in resistance and ignores jumps from zero to full (and vice versa)?
  10. "Life equals to suffering."
  11. My cam is quite crappy. Hope you get an impression. I found out one of the encoder shafts actually broke loose. I pressed it back into its base and it worked normally. Didn't stop the original problem though, which is epileptic encoder behavior.
  12. I wanna ask in our Midibox forum cause our forum is dope. Lately my Kore 1 Controller's encoders started behaving oddly, and I am thinking about replacing them myself since NI's technical support does not reply my queries, maybe because the whole Kore think is being discontinued anyway. Does anybody know what brand / type of encoders are used in Kore controllers? I opened mine and each encoder has 4 pins. I wonder if it is a special type of encoder since they are all touch sensitive (never liked this feature though) I can post some pictures later.
  13. Anybody? I am afraid I have to finish it then...:turned:
  14. I am selling the following stuff because I don't have time to finish it, and I would like to pass the opportunity to someone else. Only selling all together. Elby Designs ASM-2 Analog Synthesizer PCB, partly assembled (see below). Matching component kit from Elby Designs, plus complete set of IC sockets. The resistors, diodes, and IC sockets have already been soldered to the PCB. The parts have been soldered cleanly and have been double-checked for correct position and alignment. Elby Designs RawDC PCB without parts (there is no kit, the components are easy to get, a few capacitors and such) Check out Elby's website for details on this beautiful synth that is just what you want it to be. I planned to build it as patchable as possible! http://www.elby-desi.../asm-2/asm2.htm The whole set cost me 312 AU$ plus shipping (which I forgot), I am now selling the set for 180 EUR. The stuff is located in Berlin, Germany and will basically ship anywhere. Feel free to send me a mail to sebiik_at_googlemail_com (I have had problems with receiving PMs in this forum recently) Cheers, Seb
  15. EDIT: The SID and the SSM2044 pcbs+ICs have been sold. For the PICs, check the link to eBay for the respective auctions. Hey, I am moving from Taiwan back to Germany, and I started gettting rid of some stuff I have had boxed in my shelf for too long, among which some PICs and LCDs. See this link to Ebay for some offers: (There are also some drum machines and other gear) http://shop.ebay.de/blahooo/m.html Note that the PICs are unused, therefore not programmed with the MIOS bootloader. Anyway, I'll be selling a SID 8580 chip (taken from an original C64), and I have 2 partly-assembled Seppoman SSM2044 PCBs with remaining parts, including the matching 4 SSM2044 chips. If anyone's interested, send me a PM.
  16. I've been interested in the FV-1 for some time too. I am really curious about how much this Elektor kit will cost. I considered getting an evaluation board, however it seems to be over 100 EUR, and I am not familiar if and how I could just include it inside an existing synth's signal path, if it's usable without USB connection to a computer, and if I could replace the pots, switches and encoder on the board with wires to panel-mounted controls. Since I am in Taiwan, I tried to contact Sergio Spin / Microtips ( http://www.sergiospin.com/ ) who offer some intersting boards as well, but no reply ever. I saw in another forum some users reported the same non-reply-ness from this company. OCT (http://www.oct-distribution.com/) sell a nice small board with 8 fixed programs for about 27 USD. If this board could be modded to connect an EEPROM and program own configurations, it would probably be the best price you can get. Even if not, getting the unprogrammable solution seems a good deal.
  17. Yay, I'll make some pictures! The wiring is simple... since you just need to connect a DINx2 to the core, you need only 5 wires. A MIDI plug has just the right number. So I basically connected the DINx2 which is in the "joypad" to the DIN connector on the core. All connections to buttons and encoder are inside the joypad. (The orange cable is a piece of network (ethernet?) cable.)
  18. Hey, didn't know where to post this one so I am doing it in Design Concepts. I'll be building an analog semi-modular synth, and I want to include a Midibox CV into the synth case. The Midibox CV is using an AOUT_NG. The synth's PSU will give me +5V and +/-15V. I see that in the Midibox CV design, the +/- voltage seems to be only needed for the TL074's, and they as per datasheet can accept up to +/-18V or so. So could I power the AOUT_NG with +5V and +/-15V, or would there be any sideeffects, like the CV voltages become unproportional or something similar? Or should I make the extra effort and use 7812 / 7912 ICs to get +/-12V just for the AOUT_NG module? I hope my description is not too vage!
  19. The MBFM is a very programmable synth, this is how aggressive it can sound (record is without effects or filter option) if it's being modulated in a creative way. I might post more sound examples of soft, moody, spherical sounds in the future
  20. To me this is the most beautiful and classy SEQ V4 so far!
  21. I'm using just some other PSU with +5/+12/-12 V that for some reason has a DIN connector. When I sleep I have nightmares where I am connecting it to one of the MIDI plugs.
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