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Everything posted by sebiiksbcs

  1. I am having a quite similar problem. I use a breadboarded DINx3, and it sends all kinds of messages only when D7 of the first DIN is triggered. Interestingly, after exchanging the breadboarded DINx3 with spare DINx4s from SmashTV I had around, the behaviour is the same. The problem doesn't seem to be on the DIN PCBs. The point is: I used a fairly long wire from the core to the DINxX PCB. It is about 1,5 metres! How about you? So my problem seems to be the Core-DIN connection.
  2. Hi and welcome! I am not the biggest expert, but I can answer your basic questions first. Actually I don't understand why you want 10 tracks. The Master track has only one fader (you can't use two of them in some sort of stereo audio way.) Thus, 9 faders and LED meters are recommended. (MB Gurus, correct me if I am wrong.) Sounds good! Sounds good! There is the possibility that you'll need only 3 DOUTx4's here, since you seem not to include a LED digit display (the red numbers on the MCU showing the bar/beat or minute/second stuff). I am quite sure there is no 9th level meter. You won't need (can't use) the 2 DOUTx4's. Sounds neat! You seem to have done some 'extreme digesting' of this forum if you say you spend only days here! I think the two cores will be linked to each other, so you'll need only one MIDI in/out. Apart from that consideration, the USB interface (look for 'GM5') is much more convenient anyway, since you'll use the LC with your computer, and actually not expensive. So the first Core (the one with LCD and 8 faders etc. connected) gotta be device ID=0, the other one ID=1 I guess. This is for adressing the two PICs when you upload the application. I hope that helps you laaa. MB gurus, please correct anything of the above if there's something unclear! Thanks. ??
  3. So what the...? A topic about selling one Ultracore about buying one Ultracore about selling one Ultracore about buying one Ultracoreabout selling one Ultracore about buying one Ultracoreabout selling one Ultracore about buying one Ultracoreabout selling one Ultracore about buying one Ultracore So do you still have it for sale?
  4. my mom said the boards arrived at home ;)
  5. Alright, it should be no problem to mod the basic 64E application to give it more DINs. See the LC application (maybe something for you? you can use it without having a big display or motorfaders) uses 4 DINx4 and 4 DOUTx4 modules (but then no AINx4) But... how will you use your encoders without jumping? Can Ableton recognize sort of inc/dec messages from a generic midi controller?
  6. Isn't that mentioned just in this thread? If not, some other thread about GM5 has the info. It is an optional EEPROM to store a dedicated device ID (name?)
  7. on http://ucapps.de/midibox_fm.html, look at: midibox_fm_cc_voice.txt 28k all available voice parameters midibox_fm_cc_drums.txt 9k all available drum parameters midibox_fm_par_ensemble.txt 5k all available ensemble parameters midibox_fm_sysex_implementation.txt 5k the SysEx format The ensemble parameters (fo example "Patch A5 on Channel 1, A32 on Channel 2" and so on) can only be changed via sysex. Get MIDI-OX, create your sysex setup and send it to your MBFM. "Drum Mode" is no mode, it is always playable in addition to the other four instruments. Play it on MIDI Channel 16 (by default). Your can also change drum patches with jsynthlib.
  8. I received my order today! "Isch froi misch riesisch!"
  9. Missed the Bulk order, wanna buy 1-2 Ultracores, has someone got spare ones? Thanks for reading --- akcija
  10. Ja hallo auch, und willkommen. Dann werde ich deinen knappen Stil mal aufgreifen: Aber ohne Garantie. Ich weiß auch nicht was die Großen weiterhin planen.
  11. Yo, I just added my stuff to the list. Do we need exactly n*500 PCB orders?
  12. Thanx! I knew it wouldn't be so easy. But building that is more DIY fun for me...
  13. Hey guys, sorry if this question was answered somewhere, or is simply too noobish! I was wondering if I can connect two MIDI jacks to a Core's MIDI in, perhaps using diodes or so. The point is that I would like to connect two MIDI controllers at the same time without the need for two independent MIDI ports (e.g. with the IIC module) I know about the MIDI merger, but that would mean a connection between two Cores, right?
  14. You can find infos for the duo-LED button matrix at this thread: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,10476.msg79411.html
  15. Great stuff, it really fits to the filtered SID sound and makes it even punchier! Also rhythmically very well done!
  16. More input please :D Which host? Does it happen to be Ableton Live? Then I have the same thing. Encoder acceleration does not work. It works in GPC mode though. Do you happen to have the clipping LED never lighting up either?
  17. ;)That's the one for the SID V2, isn't it? Could it be used for SEQ3? For SEQ3, a PIC18F4620 is used, so don't the two numbers at the end mean the '85 has "more of something" and "more of something"?
  18. I did notice some sidechain compression in the last few SID demo mp3s, is that right?
  19. Naaah, whatever... When looking at this well-thought layout, I'd just take the PCB-and-Case thing too! So if or when there is something like a bulk orderlist, it would be great if you dropped a line here!
  20. Same for me! That would be awesome. I would be in for PCBs only, not the panel.
  21. sebiiksbcs


    Hey guys from East Asia, since I will be moving to Taiwan in a few months, I like to ask where you guys get your parts from. Are there good suppliers online who ship inside Taiwan, or can I buy cheap stuff at local electronics shops? How do you guys do this? ???, ???! ??????,???????????? ?????????? ?????local electronics shops?????
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