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Posts posted by sebiiksbcs

  1. Interesting! Yeah, that Chameleon is sort of what I was thinking of. A programmable rack unit.

    The idea about using an old PC as rack hardware I had too, but wouldn't then many workarounds be neccessary?

    For example

    - additional MIDI interface

    - additional sound card for reasonable quality and maybe multiple outputs

    - control surface based on MIOS to control rack over MIDI as well as receive parameter updates

    Also, it would not really be the DIY fun thing anymore, with self-soldered PCB, programmed PIC, and so on.

    Just some thoughts. Since I am observing that people start programming synths with Arduino, or do the SwinSID, AVRsyn, AVRX, I thought maybe Csound could be converted into C routines to program such a synth.

  2. Yes yes. Csound Csound. Steep steep.

    But my intention was, could Csound be converted into some Assembler or C stuff or whatever you programmers call it, and then run on a PIC, AVR or whatever you programmers call it?

    Today is repetition day day! :D

  3. I just post it here...

    I read somewhere how the makers of Csound were discussing using Csound to program custom DSP hardware stuff. I think Barry Vercoe called it extended Csound. Has anyone an idea how this thing went, or any news about it?

  4. Wahrscheinlich tritt ein Error auf, wenn er keine HEX Dateien ausspuckt. Öffne mal die Eingabeaufforderung und führe make.bat aus. Lies was make.bat bei der Ausführung schreibt. (Wenn du es von Windows aus ausführst, verschwindet das Fenster ja sofort wieder).

    Schau dir auch mal die LST Datei mit Notepad o.ä. an, ganz am Ende steht sowas wie "total errors: 0" oder so.

  5. Mam jeste otazku ohledne toto plechu. To si si nechal udelat u frontpanelexpress.com ? (to muselo bejt mastny), nebo jak jsi to dal do ty cerny. A co popisky budes delat jeste sitotisk?

    Nechal jsem si plech udelat u Schaeffer Apparatebau v Berline, to bylo mastny jak skvarek, ale to jsem jeste nevedel co a jak, a myslel jsem si kdyz vezmu ten TK-uv layout, nebudu moct delat hodne chyb. Az pozdej me napadli zmeny layoutu a dostal jsem chut navrtat plech sam...

    Ty fadery tady uz taky mam dlouho, koupil jsem je protoze my ve forumu odpovedili "You could use non-motorized faders, but it would not make sense. Read in the forum why." a nikdy jsem nenasel "why"!

    Tak, zaplatil jsem tolik, ze by me to bolelo kdybych LC nezkoncil.

    (Omluvte chyby, narodil jsem se v nemecku. Tvrde a meke i jsou moje nepratele)

  6. 330 DIN, 323 DOUT, 56 AIN inputs + aditional bus

    30 encoders, over 250 buttons, 11 faders, 43 rotary pots and 2 joystics.

    Boze! Happy soldering...

    Ja stavim MBFM a MBLC... Fotky budou tady: www.flickr.com/photos/disgustingpie

    Tvuj design se mi líbí!

  7. After some testing:

    the problem has to be between LCD and OPL3 module... All voltages fine, core + LCD work when OPL3 module not connected. As soon as OPL3 interconnection connected, LCD hangs up and "noise data beeps" (reminding me of a very aggressive vintage modem) on the outputs.

    I will check the YMF262, maybe it became too hot while desoldering... I have a spare one left.

  8. Hi,

    my MBFM (second approach) is weird.

    - see topic. If LCD connected, then after power on -> Beeps and white noise at full scale. Mostly noise all the time, plus the notes I play, if I do. The LCD shows all boot stuff regularly ("MIOS 1.9f", and so on), then freezes at the main screen. (if I change patches, no changes on LCD)

    - Without LCD connected -> No white noise, but I noticed that every six notes I play, three of them are distorted (desoldered too hot OPL3 chip I guess, so maybe three out of six voices got damaged?)


  9. Core Module and  USB PIC Module,cross-connect.


    IC2=6N138, R6=1.2K.



    My question ?

    Which retains?

    which does cancel?

    Thanks ??

    His question: Which parts should he mount and which leave out?

    ??? ???????????Core Module??LTC???????USB????????????????????????OK??

    ?????????USB PIC Module ? Core Module ?????

    Core Module?6N138 ??,??R6=1.2K ??????

    USB PIC Module ?????6N138, ??R3=1.2K .

    ?2????????????5v????????????5v?????????????????5V???????PIC18F452?RX????R6=1.2K ?

    Umm... yes. The same question in Chinese. Hope we can help this guy together. I understand Chinese but have no experience with the USB PIC module. Hope you guys can explain.

  10. My question found, with USB the PIC module, could not read in the LTC module contents.

    Another question ?

    USB PIC Module and Core Module cross-connect .

    Core Module 6N138 removes,but R6=1.2K needs to remove ???

    USB PIC Module already had 6N138, as well as R3=1.2K .


    "I found the problem, [umm....... whatever. anyway, he found the problem!]

    Another question:

    I like to cross-connect USB PIC module with the core. I removed the 6N138 on the Core, but do I need to remove R6 (1.2K) ???

    My USB PIC module already has 6N138 as well as R3(1.2k).

    [OK, that one had no need for translation!]

  11. I already manufactured MIDIBOX64 and MIDIBOX LC, has the LTC module .

    Now the question is ?

    I need MIDIBOX LC logic the control button ?48buttons??Also needs MIDIBOX64 64 fader ?Changes again the LTC module the USB module .

    Ask how makes concrete should design, can logic control (button) and MIDIBOX64 (fader) also uses,Uses for to control the PC software.

    PS:  I existing need to control the PC software, the MIDIBOX64 button use has the question, but the MIDIBOX LC button does not have the question, but fader actually has 8

    USB module I have manufacture PIC18F4550, probably has the question, wants to use AN2131SC, did not know that has the question?


    "I already built MIDIBOX64 and MIDIBOX LC, with a LTC module.

    Now the question is ?

    I need MIDIBOX LC's control buttons ?48buttons) but I also need 64 faders from MIDIBOX64, as well as he LTC module and the USB module.

    May I ask how can I make a concrete design, can I combine logic control buttons and 64 faders of a MIDIBOX64 to control the PC software?

    PS:  I already tried to control PC software, the MIDIBOX64 button use [i.e. using the MB64 application i suppose, akcija] had problems [he wrote that the pots worked well but MIOS hung up as soon as he pressed a button and LEDs all lit up, lots of random MIDI events arrived at the PC], but if using the MIDIBOX LC app, buttons do not have problems [the buttons work well], but I then  I of course have only 8 faders.

    I built the USB module with a PIC18F4550, probably that is the problem, should I use AN2131SC?"

  12. I think know what xixi means. His native language is Chinese, in which the words "problem" and "question" are quite one word. That's why the online translator writes "the question" here and there, funny!

    I will write him and try to translate his problems in this thread, then translate back.

  13. I don't know if this is normal, but my ALPS encoders STEC12E08 (datasheet attached) send two inc/dec steps each tick I turn. They have 24 detentions. I tried MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED, MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED2, and MIOS_ENC_MODE_NON_DETENTED already.

    Also, the encoder speed thing (speed mode 2, divider 3 etc.) does not seem to work with Ableton Live nor with Cubase. When turning the Vpots too fast, most ticks are even not recognized, or dropped, which results in even slower speed. When I switch to GPC mode, the encoder speed works as defined though.

    Has anyone made experiences like that?



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