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Posts posted by sebiiksbcs

  1. @sasa:  hvala!

    alright, since i just can't resist using more LEDs for the meters, it will be six of them. I thought about connecting the LEDs like this:


    1st  4th    6th  8th  10th  12th

    So I have the two outer areas for sure: minimal signal and clipping.

  2. i understand. thank you!

    another question: can i just connect the first LED pin to a LED to have something like a signal indicator (the LED lights up when a signal is present), and the 12th pin to another LED to get a clip indicator? or do i have to connect the whole dozen to get a closed circuit?

    sorry for asking, it's just not that clear neither in the wiki nor here in the forum.

  3. If I use a PSU that supplies clean +5V/+12V/-12V, should I remove the 7805 from the core module? Seen that in a file about a switching PSU for the MBLC, just wondering if that could have been the reason for the YAC and the amps got "incomfortable".

  4. Alright, i got it.

    A question i didn't find in the forum is about the LED meters. Does their sensitivity, or better measure scale, depend on the DAW software?

    Or could one could roughly say, for example the fourth of 12 LEDs corresponds to a level about -12 dB or something? I read that the 12th LED correlates somewhat to clipping-- i guess that works in every host, since they all speak in the logic/mackie control protocol. Right?

  5. Hello,

    dunno if this was covered yet, but I didn't find results for this GLCD controller:


    is there a chance it is compatible to the KS0108? The ST7565P is used by the Displaytech 64240C

    I attached the datasheet.

    (I am still looking for a 240x64 GLCD for a Midibox LC. Unfortunately the Diaplaytech 64240A is nowhere to be found, seems since years after i have read all the forum postings about that.)



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