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Posts posted by sebiiksbcs

  1. sorry, i didn't check the voltages because i removed the yac to just solder it again. now the opl3 module doesn't make a sound, except that the yac and the amps get hot. so i guess i still have a short on the pcb.

  2. Ya I did. Or... actually I connected the +5V and ground from the PSU directly to the +5V input and ground on the OPL3. From there +5v and ground to the core, and to ground of the +/-12V on the OPL3, and to ... umm maybe the story is too hard to follow.

    Whatever, maybe I just check all connections tomorrow[move]move[/move]

  3. Hmm, that's not normal.

    The two amps after the YAC are at ca. +9V and -15V. The third amp next to the outputs is even at ca. +4V and -20V!

    The error has to be between the +/-12V/ground power pins and the amps i guess. Maybe I soldered some cap wrong? I will check the voltages later.

  4. Thanks for your answer,

    Voltages of the PSU are exactly +12V / -12V / +5V.

    I read somewhere that the transformer for the DIY-PSU should have a few Volts more than 12V output, should the the wallwart be the same? I will check voltages of the amps as soon as I am outta work.

  5. Hi,

    sorry to ask again, but I always have some crackling when playing the MBFM. No unusual background noise when no note is playing though.

    I am using a ebay-ed wallwart with +/- 12V (250 mA each) and 5V (1A) outputs. Too much?

    Or is it normal due to OPL3 limitations?

  6. It is not the FM because that would mean very limited possibilities.

    Only because "FM" Synths are actually doing PM (phase modulation), for example feedback loops are possible. With FM, the OP would cancel itself out at the point any feedback is added, resulting in no sound at all. There is lots of info on (by far not only) that in The Csound Book.

  7. For those who like to have some basic info how to stack and tune your C's and M's:


    The paper has examples for the Yamaha SY-77, including RCM. We don't have RCM, and we don't need it. Also we don't need the SY-77's 6 operators, do we? I own an SY-77 and yet prefer my MBFM.

    What a coincidence, the name used to work at my university...

  8. Actually, it is not bad to experiment with the Remote SL mapping, but now I am adding a selection of Mackie control buttons, and up to 4 control surface locks. (That means, you can lock groups of 8 pots/faders/encoders each to 4 devices or plugins, on the fly. Of course you will have to use a MIDI controller with 32 pots/faders/encoders if you want to use all 4 locks. Example: you have 32 pots. You lock 8 to the Beat Repeat in your drum track, 8 to the fx plugin in your master track, and 16 to 2 soft synths. Five minutes later you played enough with the Beat Repeats and lock the first pot group to your Filter Rack... I think you know what I mean.)

    Also, I make the possibility to cut down on required buttons by combining the select/rec and the mute/solo buttons. Pity the LEDs quite can't deal with that, unless you have two-color LEDs.

  9. Hi,

    I had the idea to check if my 'ultra-versatile' and 'timelessly-reusable' MIDIbox 64 could imitate the extended instant mapping support the Remote SL Controller by Novation does in Ableton Live.

    There already was a post about the Remote SL MIDI I/O configuration in this forum, but seemingly with no further activity. So I decided to create a new topic about what I call Remote SL Extended Instant Mapping, REIM.

    The REIM is actually pretty useful, much like half of a Mackie Universal Control:

    • switching between banks of 8 tracks each
    • switching between control over volume/pan/sends in those banks
    • locking control surface to devices or plugins
    • mute/arm each track easily
    • transport control
    • macro functions and up to 8 banks of device controls (e.g. modify each slot in Impulse using its 8 macro banks

    Actually any half-way equipped MIDI controller could imitate the MIDI config of the Remote SL, so TK's MIDIbox could easily do it twice! (as you will see later, it basically does.)

    I found out all MIDI sent by the Remote SL, actually without ever having seen or touched one. Once again the user-friendly architechture and functionality of the MIDIbox project helped me with that.

    More info soon. I will create some PDFs to ease it all up.

    PS: I would appreciate some help about LED lighting later. I would like to get the LEDs working as they would on the Remote SL. (Track mute/record, volume/pan/sends buttons and so on)

  10. Yes of course it has, and it's actually a really cool one.

    But my question is if there is someone who built a simpler CS than the standard one, comparable to the MB SID's (an encoder and 6 buttons), or if that kind of CS would not be useful because of the advanced functions of the FM engine?

  11. use inkscape (www.inkcape.org) if you want an open source program, it is similar to freehand and has easy tutorials built in that show what you need to do and what not.

    for a 3d-model with lighted leds and a spotlight reflection on the case use blender (www.blender.org)    :D

    i am looking forward to your model! no, just kidding. but inkscape can do.

  12. i used to do the following steps:

    1. burn a linux live cd (xubuntu works well on my macbook, for non-intel macs there are many other distributions too)

    2. install wine (windows emulator)

    3. start your app

    i partitioned my harddisk with boot camp and then installed xubuntu in a few additional steps (described on an ubuntu website or so)

    but actually visiting a friend who has a windows pc would have been the easiest way..

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