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Everything posted by snykehd

  1. news on the order status Today I got the confirmation to my email with the bill, so I started the transfer for the money a few minutes ago. The E-mail said They would deliver this week (35/07), but I don't think that my money will arrive by tomorrow. So the MFs should be here by the end of next week, so hopefully they will get to you in two weeks. best regards, paul PS: The costs for packing and shipping to me are only 8.70eur, so I will pay it by myself ;)
  2. I just sent an email to albs telling them to send me 120 MFs and 120 caps ;) There is still some money missing, but as I saw that the money from paypal arrived, I decided to order the stuff right away, because I can't wait to have those lovely MFs in my hands. And I'm sure, you feel the same way ;) I'll keep posting every bigger step in this group order, to keep the buyers up to date, and to show others that everything goes well. So maybe there will be more people taking part in the next group order? best regards, paul aka snykehd
  3. i have the ungood feeling, that this was just the beginning ^^ next there will be waiting, waiting and waiting, then I'll have to pay the shipping from albs to me, the next will be the shipping to you guys and the trouble with shipping to non-europe countries, because it is 15eur shipping for up to 2kg.. the exact price depends on the final weight. But with you guys being that nice and helpful, it's not really what you might call "work" ;)
  4. short update By now I got most of the money, but it takes up to a week to transfer it to my bank account (it's already on that way). the_addict had to cancle his order because of financial complications. So we have a total order of 117 Motorfaders and 115 Caps. I'll order 120 of each. TDB is gonna send me the money directly to my bank account. As soon as al the money is there, I can order. Good news is that albs seems to have more than 400 of these exact motorfaders in stock, so there might be no extra waiting time ;) I guess that they will arrive in 2 weeks (worst case) and within the following week you will get your part of them. greetings, paul aka snykehd
  5. It's time to give more information on the ALPS motorfader bulk order. On Monday night I sent out all payment mails and set up paypal-links. !! Those links were encrypted and some people hat problems with that !! So I replaced them with not-encrypted ones. Following a list of who ordered (and who paid ;) ) - snykehd - paid - the_addict - sebastian - paid - SLP - paid - /titled/ - paid - TDB - paid - B.jamin da Bass - paid - ptitjes - paid I will edit this Post to keep you up with news about payments. Also I will provide you with information about ordering and shipping. Best regards, paul
  6. Hey there! Please don't get me wrong, but those are about 3.13 $ each. I get those (the small ones) for 1.85 Eur here. But I don't think that the fat ones have to be that expensive? http://www.reichelt.de/?ARTICLE=7142;LINKID=1024 greetings, paul aka snykehd
  7. The official ordering-periode is over. But because I'm still waiting for some people to send me their Adresses, I decided to keep taking orders until Sunday. !! PLEASE !! Send your orders directly to: bulk-order@phinemedia.de together with your real name and shipping-adress. So I won't have to write thousands of emails to get all information I need to make sure you are real and to calculate the final costs with paypal and shipping. !! PLEASE !! On Monday I will have sent out all payment-mails. Please check them and send me the money immediately. So that we all get our parts as soon as possible ;) Here again the url to this bulk order: http://bulk-order.phinemedia.de/ best regards, paul aka snykehd
  8. Allright, we have more than 100 MFs ordered by now, the time for taking part in this bulk order should be over now. I still need the adresses and real names of some people to make sure they're real and to calculate shipping and paypal costs. To all the others I'll send more information via e-mail and please (!) pay immediatelly, so that we won't have to wait much longer ;) greetings from bulk order city, paul aka snykehd PS: There will be another bulk order if this one works out fine.
  9. Here are some news about the motorfader bulk order: Today I started coding the page that will show you the status of the bulk order. That page will also help me with getting and keeping all your information together, like adresses, shipping, paypal-stuff, etc. So that everybody gets what he ordered :) It can be found here: http://bulk-order.phinemedia.de/ E-Mail for ordering parts is: bulk-order@phinemedia.de -- I also asked for some more offers from albs: - 60mm Faders 5K - ALPS Encoders ALPS STEC12E (with push button) - Big, Flat Encoder-Knobs for Jog-Wheels - Faderknobs: silverchrome, blackchrome, soft-surface In the last days I thought about doing such orders more often, if this bulk order goes well :) best regards, paul aka snykehd
  10. I thought about doing exactly what you wrote. First just for dimmers. At the moment I don't need any moving lights. I'll have to learn a little more programming and communicationg with the interfaces. In the last days I changed my decision back to use 60mm Faders instead of 100mm. de longer ones are only helpful for parameters that need to be more exact. and for that I could use encoders. My only problem atm is the programming ;) The ideas for an intuitive handling of the console are all thought through. Next month I will start building a Midibox 64E with 100mm Faders and use it with some free DMX software I tried out with my MIDI keyboard ;)
  11. Building a small box first was my idea. I decided to build a MBLC, just because since the MBLC came out, there weren't any more MB64e around using Motorfaders. Anyway I'll build a MidiBoxLC for my Studio, so I can see if I could somehow use the Mackie protocol - giving the faders names would be great :D But since I work with digital Consoles by Yamaha (01v, LS-9, etc.), I got used to read the fader-caption off the screen... nevertheless, LCDs for the faders would be more impressive ;) Thank you for the advice ;) -paul
  12. thx for supporting all of us ;) but now please let's keep this thread free for orders. the next days I won't be at home that much, but within the next week I'll set up a page where all recent orders are shown to have an overview of the current status. greets, paul
  13. Currently I just want to have my DMX-Software controlled by MIDI. And in the other direction have i.e. my Szenes shown directly on the MotorFaders to easily edit them (the most intuitive way) If that works with OpenSource Software (I've already got two programs that should be able to do that), there might be the possibility to write my own software using the commands to controll the DMX-Interface and using the MIDI-commands to get-and-give Signals from/to the MidiBox. Shure the MidiBox LC was designed for Logic/Cubase and Software like that, but why not use it in a different way if it works? There are a lot of MIDI Controllers on the market for my purpose, but why not build one on my own? - for less money ;) If there is a better MidiBox for just getting and giving signals (and maybe Displays to give the Faders Names) with the ability to use MotorFaders, I'd be glad to know :) best regards, paul
  14. so here is some good news for everyone who still isn't afraid to give us their money to get some cheap MFs ;) I just got the mail from albs.de telling me the conditions: Motorfaders ALPS RSAON11M9 10KB (100mm, 10K-Ohm) Qty. 100+ = 9.40 Euro each + Tax (== ca. 11.20 Eur) Qty. 250+ = 8.90 Euro each + Tax (== ca. 10.60 Eur) Fader-Knobs are included (FK13x25 = Plastic, ripped, hard) in available colors: black, gray, red, blue, white. A touch-sensitive Fader-knob is available for 0.76 Eur +Tax (== ca. 0.90 Eur) There's only the shipping from albs to me left. At worst case I would pay for it. (That doesn't mean, I would be pleased to pay the shipping all by myself ;) ) The other shipping-costs will depend on where you live. (I'll send from Germany) best regards, paul PS: Hopefully, the_addict will edit the first post and insert the costs ? ;)
  15. I understand your worries, sasha. I thought about doing all the mony-things with paypal, because I myself would not just send anyone money, too. especially not when it's the money for about 50 MF's ;) What brought us to starting this bulk-order was just to get our Parts for less than 20 Eur, not to get other people's money. And with this bulk-order we can at least give a little bit back to the community. So if you need some MF's you can join our bulk-order or order them yourself (and pay more ;) best regards, paul
  16. I did also ask for touch-sense faderknobs ans standard colored plastic-knobs ;) But I don't think that I can order many different types of them. So we should agree on less types, that will satisfy our needs. But I might think about the soft surface knobs for some applications where the touch-sense is not needed. -paul
  17. Wuerde mich interessieren, was aus deinem Plan geworden ist und wie deine Box aussieht ;) Ich hab etwas aehnliches vor, allerdings mit motorfadern, auf denen ich z.B. meine Submaster bearbeiten kann (finde ich sehr intuitiv, ausserdem kommt's funky ^^)
  18. Angenommen, man wolle das alles in einem Case, dann brauchte man da min. eine MidiBox LC, einen Rechner und diverse ASIO-Soundkarten wenn ich mich nicht irre? Habe selber schon mit dem gedanken gespielt, so eine Art multi-Funktionspult zusammenzupacken, da man ueber einen PC im gleichen Case einiges machen kann. Bestes Beispiel: In einer Theaterproduktion koennte man so das Licht fahren, Audioeinspielungen machen und zusaetzlich haette man noch Eingaenge fuer live-Audio, wie Micros, MD-Player, etc. Wuerde allerdings eine recht teure geschichte werden :/
  19. Are there any news on this topic in the meantime?
  20. The next days I'll ask for a good deal and prices for different orders like 50, 100, 150, 200,... pieces. We calculate with less than 16Eur/$ each MF. :)
  21. Hallo auch. Ich habe etwas ähnliches vor. Ich werde drei Midibox LC als 24-Kanal interface fuer eine eigene DMX-Steuersoftware verwenden. auf den Motorfadern koennen dann 24 kanaele angezeigt und bearbeitet werden, bzw. ueber mehrere "Seiten" jeweils 24 kanaele vor und zurueck geblaettert werden, die dann ueber die fader regelbar sind. Manchmal will man eben doch waehrend der Auffuehrung etwas nachregeln, was ich ueber die Software (man hat mit dem mauszeiger nur einen finger!) etwas umstaendlich und unintuitiv finde. Die "preview", welche kanaele aktiv sind, laesst sich mit hilfe der "Meters" ausgeben, die jeweils 12LEDs beinhalten. So laesst sich auch die ugf. stellung der scheinwerfer angeben. Zusaetzlich gibt es noch die LEDs fuer die V-Potis (encoder), die man ebenfalls anders verwenden kann, so ergeben sich 48 Kanal-Previews. Für Theaterproduktionen kommt dann ein Audioplayer in der software hinzu, der ebenfalls auf die regler gelegt werden kann. (mehrere player sind denkbar) Die letzte Hürde werden jetzt Audio-Eingaenge fuer Mikrofone und CD/MD-Player. Damit lassen sich dann Live-Texte mit einsprechen, aufnehmen, veraendern, widergeben. (-> Das macht das Pult dann auch fuer Radio-Produktionen attraktiv) Vielleicht hat jemand eine Idee wie ich die Audio-Inputs realisiere? Momentan will ich einen rackmixer einbauen und dessen Potis durch eine computersteuerung ersetzen. Vielleicht konnte ich aber auch einfach nur ein Paar Anregungen geben... MfG, Paul
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