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Posts posted by Smithy

  1. The PCBs will be whatever colour SmashTV decides... but most likely red. Once you've seen and soldered a red PCB in your hands, it's very hard to go back to green. ;D

    i suppose ye engineers must be sick to death of green PCB's at this stage!

    I dont know why, but i think the green and pcb along with the black case and blue control components just looks sexy!

  2. woke up I don't know how many seconds/mins later with the club owner telling me to get the fuck up cause I gotta go and play a set...

    Jesus that was very fucking nice of him/her wasnt it?

    The man was almost electrocuted, and was told to get the fuck up as if nothing happened.

    Theres a lot of ignorant souls in the world!  8)

  3. I read this is "a Deli-style breakfast cheese with mountain herbs from the state of Oberammergau".

    I have no idea how English reads and sounds to people which don't speak it natively... but auslanders like me find German fascinating, complex, lots of interesting sounds... and unfortunately too hard to master in my lifetime. So please excuse the few jokes I make, it is only because I'm jealous that I can only speak the boring de facto lingua franca of the modern age, while most Europeans speak it in addition to a native tongue.  :P

    And "The Awful German Language" by Mark Twain... very funny essay ;D


    Oh wilba you Schlag!

  4. Jep... The first thing i did after I've read "whack" was to look it up in a Dictionary  ;D

    There it was translated as "Schlag" in german (hit,impact, electrical shock (coll.) )

    Lol schlag!

    Sounds like a really dirty german woman.

    "Du ist meine schlag!"

  5. try a phone cord..  thats a stinger.

    This happened me, i was fixing a dialup connection in my attic and had no strippers, so i used my teeth.

    i was lying flat on my stomach underneath a desk, and i bit the green wire.

    As i did this the red wire moved and touched me on the cheek i think.

    Next thing i know, there was a blue flash, and i was standing up perfectly straight after lying on the flat on the floor!  ;D

    Seriously, how my body managed to jump back like that without hitting my head off the desk, i do not know. ???

    One of the cool things is that the every person has a different resistance in their bodies.

    There are some, if not few people that could handle a mains wire, (240V) and not get shock.

  6. Im no expert, but isnt it the amount of current which will kill you and not the voltage?  ;)

    I know current is dependent on voltage, but isnt amount of current is what you should be most careful about?

  7. YorderKnight, a simple answer to your question....

    You need to turn down the buffer in the audio options of fruity loops.

    If you turn this down too low, the sound may become distorted/weird.

    Id also recommend using Asio4all in your case, seen as youre using an integrated sound card.

  8. wow , asio4all does the opposite, slows down your system like fuck. Get a real soundcard like RME or Lynx if you are serious about it.

    It trully depends on your system and more importantly your soundcard.

    it works best with AC 97 soundcards, as this is what it was originally designed for.

    I find on my laptop (AC 97) it gets the latency down to as little as 5ms, but on my desktop which uses a Sound Blaster Live 24, its not as good.

  9. I know this is of the absolute lowest priority, but was wondering if ye know whatn  colour of the PCB's will be this time round?

    Or if theres a choice lol!

    Id prefer a green 6582 pcb myself, but im not going to cry if its red again this time!  :P

    *embarrassment*  :-[

    Hopefully this isnt going to turn into a colour debate hehe.

  10. Wilba: i am selling the nuxx sid because of the mb6582. also i have a monomachine.

    i am not like the a** like blue_latern and i don't want to sell it for 500 USD ( the nuxx one).

    i dislike the fact that blue_latern is doing that as much as you dislike it. you all did a great work, and

    that is one of the reasons why i am asking what people are willing to pay for it. it's not auctioning, i just

    want a fair price for everyone.

    the pure material costs are in the 250-280 EUR range (as i bought the expensive case, single pcb production,

    SID8580, and expensive display). the work hours are not calculated in this at all.

    If i would do it for profit (which i DONT do) i would not have asked TK for permission of the sale. i respect the community

    (and not just the midibox one)

    Lol, it was a joke.  ;)

    Maybe a whack in the ass would of made it more obvious!  :P

  11. The rating is a max - never use one anywhere near it's max rating. A bridge rectifier can be used at anything up to it max rating. For instance, in a volume compressor I'm building, a 1 amp rated bridge is used to rectify the incoming audio signa1 for control - and that isn't even 10 mA (10 thousands of an amp).

    A bigger bridge won't hurt. There are lots of 2 amp ones that will do fine.

    The voltage for a bridge is trickier. Use a wide margin: it you think about it, the maximum voltage on any one diode is the voltage stored on the reservoir capacitor at the other side plus the opposite peak AC voltage from the transformer. This is roughly twice the peak AC, so for a 12 volt transformer, the diode PIV will be around 34 volts. It makes sense to use a 100V rated rectifier, (they are quite common),  to give a reasonable safety margin. Indeed, if you check the B40C800 data sheet. it says max PIV 100V, recommended, 40V.

    Hope this helps

    Prof that helps a lot alright!

    Thanks a lot.

    I was just worried that they output was the value they gave, and if i went 200mA higher id blow it up!

    I can get 1.0a ones at my local store which is the next best thing.

    Thanks a lot.  ;)

  12. Hi there, i need to know if the 0.8a Bridge Rectifier is rated upto 800mA, or if its output is 800mA?

    I'll be using it in the Optimised 8xSid C64 PSU Circuit.

    Could i use an alternative such as 1.2A “W04 400V" bridge rectifier which is used in Wilbas MB6582 instead?

    I really need to know this, because i dont want to blow the thing up.

    Would prefer to pick up an alternative one up locally instead of ordering one component online, minimum orders and all that.

    0.8a diodes seem to be rarer than others.

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