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Posts posted by Smithy

  1. Okay, sorry for the long post, but i really do need to know if the 35v capacitor is acceptable.

    Everything else im pretty happy with, and i reckon it should work.

    As for maplins, theyre only 5 mins walk from my house, it would be handy to get them from them.

    I only use maplins for small things i need, beacause yeah, they are a bit of a rip off (to say the least).  :P

    Im pretty sure the 35v cap will not do because its 25v in the schematic for a reason.

    Im not really sure where i could read to find a solution.  :-\

    Thanks for the help anyway goblinz.

  2. I propose a thread for a list of sites where you can buy electronic components.

    Would be nice to have this stickied.

    And maybe people could give feedback from where they have bought supplies

    r.e. value, shipping , refunds, customer service etc..

    Feel free mods to change the title to somethig more desireable.

    Or to just delete the thread if ye think its not worthwhile!

    I can edit this post to have a nice master list.

    So far who do we have?

    SmashTV's Midibox Store




    www.maplin.co.uk (expensive uk site hehe)


    I've just noticed on the "where to order" page in the wiki, theres a pretty good list already.

    Maybe it would still be good to have this thread to have extra sites, so people can find a better deal easily?

    I can add all the sites from the wiki too.

    What do ye think? Keep this thread or scrap it?

  3. RC9 is now available with the very very very last feature for the v2.0 release ;-)

    (if bugfixes are required, additional RCs can be expected of course)

      o added optional FIP option (Filter Interpolation) which smoothes
        CutOff changes. It is especially useful when CutOff is changed
        via CC (-> low resolution) to reduce the steppiness.
        The option is not useful when the CutOff parameter is modulated from
        a fast LFO or envelope (on the other hand: it produces interesting
        effects in such cases ;-)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.


    Great news TK!  ;D

  4. *whack* is the reminder I give people so they know I'm smiling and making a joke, not being serious or intentionally insulting them.


    *whack* wasnt exactly the most intelligent thing to put at the end of my sid order so!

    Hope it doesnt get voided!  :P

    Great to see the RC8 release, i didnt think we'd be this close to a V2 release so quickly.  ;D

  5. Oh man,

    just by looking at this thread i know im after getting in way over my head with the project.  :-\

    Im just going to have to learn as much info as i can on electronics before i even start putting the thing together.

    Thanks a lot for linking that site which shows how to make the Optimised PSU.

    I was trying to find something which shows a noob how to build it on this site from scratch but I couldnt find anything.

    Id be lost without it!

  6. How about we collect up all the videos in this thread, and if there are enough collected to warrant a separate thread in each forum, I'll split the thread up?

    Sounds great to me.  ;)

    Its a shame theres very little videos when you consider the amount of midiboxes that have been made.

    A lot of inspiration and motivation is to be offered by them.

  7. Also.. I was thinking, why not make this thread for other midibox video also? (Not just SID)

    I think it would be better to have one thread for each module, instead of throwing them all into one.

    It would make it a lot easier to find.

    And of course a sticky for each would be superb.


    One video i would die to see is of Wilba's MB-6582 module in action!  ;D

    Man that is a dream synth!

    If you could find the time to make one dude, i think it would be greatly appreciate by all of us.

    It would probably end up on about 20 blogs in the space of a week!  :P

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