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Posts posted by Smithy

  1. Sometimes it helps if you write "Gift" or "Sample" on the package to avoid customs duty.

    At least in Ireland we can get away with it anyway.

    My friend ordered dj equipment from www.turntablelab.com (US), who put "sample" on the package and shockingly he didnt have to pay customs duty.

    Nebula thanks a lot for going to the trouble of making that video.

    Great to see what the product been tested in front of my own eyes!  ;)

  2. I came across an ebay seller, selling a 2x40 LCD, and when i asked for a datasheet he linked me to this site which is even cheaper:


    The 2x40 LCD is only £4 + £1.99 p+p worldwide (it does not change no matter what country i select)

    Heres the specsheet for the all the models:


    The specs for the 2x40 module is on page 12.

    From the diagram it appears the controller is "KS0076B or equivalent".

    Will this LCD work witht he Midibox SID???

    In the Compatible list in the wiki i see a Samsung KS0076 is compatible.

    Is there a difference between KS0076B and KS0076

  3. I will take some videos of mine eventually... still working out how to attach the video camera to my head.  ;D


    Thanks for the fast response dude!

    Even if someone could post links to videos that ive missed id be grateful.

    Can you embedd youtube vids on this forum by any chance?

  4. I invite you to post videos of you (or others) using the Midibox SID!  :)

    Im considering building one and would love some insipiration.

    A Tutorial Video of how to navigate menus, program the synth etc... would be ideal!

    If its not too much trouble it might be a good idea to make this a sticky.

    So far, i have only found 3 videos of it in action on youtube.

    One is TK's video of it in 303 mode (i think)

    and theres 2 videos of d0pefish using his entitled "A midibox is born".

    Both videos do not show off the full potential of what 4 sid chips can do however.

    Only one sid is being used in each

    I would love to see a video of 4 sids being used at once.

    With the hours of hard work you put into the construction of it, i think ye deserve to show it off as much as ye like!

    If i have failed to find a page with videos on this site, forgive me, im only a newbie.

    Im looking forward to your responses.

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