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Everything posted by yatagarasu

  1. Bingo! Recording till' I say stop is what I'm after. I'm going to try an MPC1000 (MPC500 if I can't find a cheap one), I'll let you know how it works out. Thanks!
  2. You guys are so on point, I can't come up with anything new! Thanks for the links, sorry for the clutter. Program Changes -> notes sounds great..using different midi keyboards with my PC to control seperate VSTs is what I'm thinking.
  3. Hey Guys. I'm looking to get a new sequencer. I need something with a rediculously high note-capacity. My songs have about 8 simultaneous tracks and thousands of CC and SysEx changes. 1 song was too much for the QY100's internal note capacity. I think a sampler might be the only way to go. But I want something, anything, that can record and playback monolithic midi information with 60,000+ note ("event") capacity. I write music in a really freeform way, so I don't want to mess with pattern-based editing. I just want to dump and go. Something readily available and with smart media storage would be a big plus, too. Any ideas? Thanks!
  4. Interested in the pocket control. How much for shipping to US?
  5. Looking for an inexpensive, polyphonic analog synth, I was lead to Roland's MKS series. I believe the relatively low price of the MKS 80 comes from it's lack of CC implementation. It is only controllable by sysex, making it not easily compatible with standard midi controllers. The MB 64, for example, cannot be configured to control sysex directly. The only controller that can be used with Roland's MKS line is the clunky, cheap Behringer BCR 2000. I'd rather use something smaller and nicer like a Doepfer or MB. The workaround is Bome's MIDI Translator. It's a fairly exceptional piece of software that can forward CC messages to sysex messages, and vice versa. Combined with midi yoke, it's really tight and useful. I'm interested in finding a hardware implementation of this concept. Is there an MBHP implementation that can "convert" CC to SysEx? Something that would forward CC messages to part of a SySex string, and then send the entire string, like this: (in from Midi Controller) -> CC 01 = xx (0-127) -> SysEx = F7 09 30 23 xx 00 -> (out to Synth)
  6. Ok..made a little SID module with the 25 minute time slot. It only progresses for 50 second..then it just loops alot. This was an accident, I just didn't encode the ending properly. The track is pretty rough, this is kinda hard! next time I'll give myself a premade sample set to start with or something..heh. I'll encode an mp3 later! http://www.freewebs.com/bishonenidolpop/Qyucj1.sid
  7. sick drum and bass part at 1:33! I really like this idea. I have about 30 free minutes at lunch...let's see what happens.
  8. Note: all the SID tracks and other purely chip based music have been moved to: http://www.myspace.com/HEXCRUSHER The Bishonen site is devoted more to glitch breakbeat Jpop hysterics (still plenty 8-bit, of course =D ). As for the 2A03, thank you Seppoman for the link. I may outline a project in a new thread.
  9. Ok, I resolved my problem. Advice: Do not forward sidplay sysex messages to mbsid v1. I'm a moron. Had to reinstall MIOS. =P
  10. MBSID trumps ALL. With V2 playing back psid, it is absolutely cutting edge! Midibox - I've never seen so much detail in DIY hard, firm and software, and I don't think I will. This makes me happily and willingly devote much of my life to MB.
  11. D: That SID collection is pretty impressive, especially the obvious amount of devotion (obsession?) to the hardware involved. Hats off. I will jam these chunes off the ole' POD (if I run out of mp3s from http://sid.oth4.com, that is). I think I'm about SIDed out on the internet. Now I want to have SID parties instead of just listening on my own. Once I get MBSID V2 running here that will be very doable! Mark my words, Huntsville, TX will become a micromusic haven! =D
  12. I've sent him at least three emails. Never responded - I've read in other places that he doesn't respond to emails. But his hardware is great.. Maybe I can help if you have questions about it, I've spent more time with it than is probably good =) Pm me or something. crazy idea, and probably worth it's own thread: MidiBoxNES 2A03 based module! =D
  13. =D thank you! Those 2 don't use any Midibox stuff, but Oohmama does use a midiNES, which is not as tight as the MB but still amazing! Please make a video for any track you want ;)
  14. Thanks TK =D ! Great about the workaround! I plan to upgrade to the MBSID V2 once the editor and midi implementation are ready.
  15. Ok, this sounds really cool. What do you mean by "played the recorded sysex messages"? How did you manage that?
  16. I meant C64 style stuff using MidiBox SIDs with a single chip =D Nice tracks, btw, your instrumental/synth skills are pretty impressive.
  17. What are you talking about Cavey? Sorry, I'm a little light on the scene lingo =) I made my first SID-only track using renoise. Anyone else done anything like this?
  18. Added a new track: TI Kirby Phantoms All the sounds are from a single take, off of a single-SID-stuffed MB. The wave table is being used to play the snare sound on oscillator 1. On the "kick" and "hat" beats, the wave table is turned off and the waveform and other parameters of osc 1 are all changed on the same FX line in order to get the desired sound. It was sequenced in Renoise. If you notice, sometimes the kick drum notes don't trigger when a new measure starts. This has something to do with the notes being forwarded to midiox and then getting dropped, or something. I don't know exactly why it happens.
  19. Can't I edit Wavetable parameters using Sysex while a track is playing? For example, can I have the Wavetable playing a tight kick sound on the "1" beat, and then between "1" and "2" send Sysex for all the parameters of a Monty snare sound which will hit on "2"? Will this clog the midi pipeline? I tried it in Jsynthlib (forwarded to midi yoke), and it worked ok for changing single WT parameters. But changing all of them between beats might be a stretch. Any ideas?
  20. I posted my first 2 MB recordings. All are recorded in 1-take with a MB V1 stuffed with a 6581. http://www.myspace.com/bishonenidolpop Blazing Worlds: osc1: pulse modulated bass, osc2:envelope-filter saw, osc3: square+tri arp rhythm + Jomox airbase99 for drums Team Strong: Monophonic Saw w/ lfo on osc 2. Triangle channel and 1 pulse channel from midiNES at certain points. The "rhythm" part that happens in the verse segment is from the Monophonic bass being "overloaded" with other parts. It was totally unplanned, proving what an inspiring and wonderful instrument the MBSID is! Drums FL Studio default samples. Ignore the other songs =)
  21. Renoise! Wow! As a midi sequencer it's absolutely dreamy! I am looking into getting a new commodore to mess with, but I'm excited about writing my own wave tables using renoise at a fast tempo! edit: removed stupid question
  22. At some point I would like to create some C64 music on the machine itself. Those trackers you recommended are a great start. I'd actually like to find a nice midi tracker with CC#s assignable to columns. This would be useful for all the midi gear I use. What drew me to the midibox was the fact that I could perform songs live with just my QY100 midi sequencer. Also I can sync it with my drum machines and other modern and retro synths. Imagine a live SID performance mutating seamlessly into a live NES performance with nothing but 3 boxes, a router and a sound system. I really want to incorporate classic sid-sounds with idiosyncratic and post-modern music production methods. While I love the 6501 stuff and tracker stuff, I would like to find a unique approach that will force bleeding fresh perspectives on SID music production. With TK and you other gurus fielding my baby questions, the future looks very bright =D
  23. Alright, I made a gamey/dancey track in the TASK 3 vein using the 3 oscillators as bass/lead/rhythm respectively, and copped out and used an Airbase99 for drums ;) PM me tah hear. I am currently messing with using the wavetable to combine the bass and drums into one channel. So far here's what I have for causing a saw bass notes to sound like they're hitting at the same time as a kick: param 1: osc 1 wave form param 2: LFO Pitch assign for osc 1 on/off param 3: (unused) Step 1: Triangle, lfo on Step 2: Saw, lfo off Step 3: Step 4: end I need to build a bank stick and so that I can swap out wavetable patches for when I need the bass to hit at the same time as a snare.
  24. Hey, that's fine, what's a SID track without some artifacts? =) I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing any important SID volume-control techniques. I like the idea of having to deal with the same issues as the original composers. I've found I'm most creative and productive when I am forced to push a single, multi-faceted unit to its limits. Thanks for your reply!
  25. Background: I have been using my MBSID V1 mostly for simple monophonic synth parts. I was interested in trying to compose some Rob Hubbard-style 3-voice chiptunes. My approach so far is to use "split" to put the oscillators into 3 keyboard zones and use each of them to play a part in the song (drums + bass on osc 1, lead on osc 2, rhythm osc 3). Problems: My biggest challenge is setting the volume of each oscillator. I read in the Sid As A Drum Machine thread that you could set the Attack of an osc to 0 and then adjust the volume with the remaining envelope points. This creates a huge pop in front of each note. Is that just something the SID does in general? Do I have to use the Wavetable to reset the volume registers? Any answers to these questions, links to songs you have composed, or general tips on composing 3-channel songs with a single midibox and SID 6581 would be appreciated.
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