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Status Updates posted by rosch

  1. 6582/Seq stuff on da way now! yay!

    1. Hawkeye


      have fun - you will love both :)

    2. jojjelito


      Great pair. Now go build yerself some drum stuff and you're good to go :)

  2. cool, finally ordered my Wilba SeqV4 panel + windows from Schaeffer. decent 3mm with blind holes.... so looking forward for the JB job in 1 or 2 weeks!!! yay!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rosch


      uhoh haven't done the 6582 yet. if i was THAT fast (since 2009) i'd probably already have at least ONE synth in a case hehe. but the sid will be easier & cheaper, plan to use acrylic (leds on pcb)

    3. rosch


      shipped *drool

    4. rosch
  3. LPC17 & STM32 seem to work! YAY! so SeqV4 testing tomorrow (w/o panel & leds)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. rosch


      woohoo it works! at least it's on and the CS works- but no idea HOW it works... reading time!

    3. Hawkeye


      congrats - have a good time with it :)

    4. rosch



      today i've stuffed the MB6582 so far. need to hack together a psu now and then testing. for the MB6582 i'll go with a clear acrylic panel.

  4. MB6582 boards just ordered :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. rosch


      with the seq it's the same. got literally everything here, but got stuck with the DIN/DOUT chains, as i made some really bad kludge with the additional caps.

    3. Antix


      haha...very hard turn in full build mode...but it is true...in this mode you can solder night and day. ;-)

    4. rosch


      hehehe smashTV says it's my turn for SeqV4 CS kit now!!!! YAAAAY!!! feels like Xmas!

  5. santa smash was here! 6582 & SeqV4 ready to solder.... umm, gotta look for panels now :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kristal=
    3. rosch


      i'll go with julian's panels, atm it's more a question of cash... so i'll try the seq without leds, right now i'm trying to figure out the STM32 and whether i've stuffed it correctly... or not :)

    4. Hawkeye


      me is using the seq v4 without panel for 8 months now - no problemo - for proper late night sessions it should be dark anyways :-)

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