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Everything posted by Peake

  1. I could post a photo of my nearly complete base PCB this evening if it would help 8) Got a great deal on the 13mm tact switches, but got robbed on shipping for flat-topped LEDs... It all evens out. Stick with the Smash kits, people.
  2. Sigh- As usual, I'm not entirely clear. If we didn't get the PCBs directly from you, we can't order the switch to be included with the 2044s we've ordered? I got my PCBs from Smash, but am not getting any parts kits (aside from the PICs). Thanks for any clarification, sorry for the question :(
  3. Thanks- Between this and the other three DIY forums I frequent, it's difficult to read every thread through to know every detail that is occuring for each of the projects I'm involved in...not that anyone else has that problem ;) Doug is an upstanding guy and I appreciate it. I'll certainly be into sending off the panel for Nicetization :)
  4. I want a panel, but am expecting a PT-10 in the post any day now. I'd happily pay for a panel, and am on the waiting list for at least one. Thanks Doug!
  5. I didn't click the link, but will- I'm pretty sure that these are the silver knob'd encoders from China, right? I was looking at those as well, for the MB6582, but they sound like they're too small. Smash's encoders don't fit the 6582 Base board. I just received a $1.00 encoder from goldmine-elec.com that fits the large encoder footprint on the Base board, but upon disassembing it, find that it uses three contacts against a notched ring- you'll lose contact if you change it, so it will always have detents. It also has a switch (press the shaft). Shame- they're cheap. The Chinese encoders don't look like they'll fit (but you're using them on a SEQ, right? Yeah, those knobs will look NICE...) Goldmine part G13018, if anyone's interested.
  6. Crap. Didn't search deeply enough, as usual. Thanks. Kids, let this be a lesson to you all.
  7. I've noted that there are some surface-mount pads under the Cores, but neither the component list WIKI page nor the Base Construction Guides mention them, by avishowtech CORE part numbers nor as SMD in the parts list/pics. I can detect Core C7 and C8 as being from PIC pins 33 and 34, but am not instantly seeing the ones off of PIC pics 9 and 10. C7 and 8 are listed as .1 ceramic; I have smd in that value. What say the masters? It would -seem- that nothing is to be soldered on the SMD pads, but they're there....so? Thanks!!!
  8. Super hooray to Wilba, Smash, TK, and everyone else who has made this possible! Thank you! ;D ;D ;D
  9. And a rough mix of a very incomplete middle section. Complete song coming in 2012 ;D http://share.ovi.com/media/Peake.public/Peake.10007
  10. chipforbrains appears to have left ebay! ???
  11. You could build a nice V1.0 Stereo SID with that. IIRC, V2.0 says: "get control over up to 8 SID chips with 4 PIC18F4685 cores!"
  12. I've not received confirmation either, and am ready to go on board and parts kits when I'm contacted. Waiting...
  13. Thank you stryd and the dr.. I suppose if someone backs out, I'll take 50 1S11.16, if they're available. Regards.
  14. 500 :o I ordered 35 or so for my SEQ and yes, they're the clicky kind. VERY clicky. Stryd, I was going to get some 1S11-16 from another MIDIbox'r but I haven't heard anything back for a month- Is it possible to get some, say 50, at this late date? Not a problem if not. Thanks for doing this for the community...
  15. I've posted a rough mix of the incomplete ending if anyone's interested: http://share.ovi.com/media/Peake.public/Peake.10006
  16. Ice cream tubs? They sell 5 gallon types here in the States; there must be some worldwide equivalent. (One is sitting in the room I live in, for some reason, but I wouldn't use it as a project case- not my style...)
  17. Ooh, their track "white flash trentemoller" is really really good- my track, whenever I finish it, will not begin to approach that! I don't have those skills, but might with time be able to grow a bit towards them. Thanks though..
  18. And I'm looking forward to getting my MB projects together enough to make music... Meanwhile, a short teaser of a work in progress, a very rough mix. All Buchla 200 with computer FX/editing. Thanks for looking/listening. http://electro-music.com/forum/phpbb-files/buchlaeteaser_683.mp3
  19. Hey, good idea to bolt the perf boards together like that! I'm going to use the MECs for my SEQ as well, and am wondering at having 1, 5, 9, and 13 be different LED colors than the rest, to more easily locate the groups of four. I don't know if this would work out or not, or if any particular color combination would be more attractive than another. Has this crossed your mind as well?
  20. Well, if I were hung like that, I'd also get a ladder filter tattoo on my nether region... ;)
  21. Edit: Paid! Thank you so much for this project!
  22. I would be so into this if I hadn't already dedicated myself to using the illuminated MEC switches (clicky version from goldmine-elec.com for hella cheap)...Good news for the community, though! Rock on...
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