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Status Replies posted by jojjelito

  1. Smithies awesum new SID drum patches in action

  2. Smithies awesum new SID drum patches in action

  3. The Newhaven OLEDs seems to need some hacking. Well...

  4. Ai haz OLEDz! Stay tuned...

  5. Ai haz OLEDz! Stay tuned...

  6. I2C I2C I2C I2C

  7. starts to wait for parcels

  8. It is delaying my OLED, but happy 4th of July 'merica!

  9. Deluxe electric mistress sure loves the SID sound. Next: Mutron bi-phase...

  10. Deluxe electric mistress sure loves the SID sound. Next: Mutron bi-phase...

  11. Deluxe electric mistress sure loves the SID sound. Next: Mutron bi-phase...

  12. mega ponoko order just shipped... useable midibox FTW!

  13. My karma ran over your dogma. Oops.

  14. haz made a small Voxel Space Demo on 256x64 OLED using new LPCNespresso Core :)

  15. My karma ran over your dogma. Oops.

  16. haz made a small Voxel Space Demo on 256x64 OLED using new LPCNespresso Core :)

  17. My karma ran over your dogma. Oops.

  18. haz made a small Voxel Space Demo on 256x64 OLED using new LPCNespresso Core :)

  19. haz made a small Voxel Space Demo on 256x64 OLED using new LPCNespresso Core :)

  20. has started to build up a MIDIbox SEQ.

  21. haz made a small Voxel Space Demo on 256x64 OLED using new LPCNespresso Core :)

  22. Chasing the edge of sound - arriving at cross PWM bass. You can haz samples once I patent it :)

  23. haz made a small Voxel Space Demo on 256x64 OLED using new LPCNespresso Core :)

  24. haz made a small Voxel Space Demo on 256x64 OLED using new LPCNespresso Core :)

  25. haz made a small Voxel Space Demo on 256x64 OLED using new LPCNespresso Core :)

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