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Posts posted by Janis1279

  1. The DOUT module comes with multiple serial registers 74HC595; every register provides 8 digital outputs, which are updated with the latch enable signal RCLK and shifted out with the clock signal SCLK. The advantage of using such shift registers is, that they can be cascaded to a long chain without the need of more than 5 cables to the core module. The DOUT board has been designed on a way which allows to cascade not only the ICs on the board, but also several DOUT modules.

    The DIN module comes with multiple serial registers 74HC165; every register provides 8 digital inputs, which are sampled with the latch enable signal LD and shifted out with the clock signal CLK. The advantage of using such shift registers is, that they can be cascaded to a long chain without the need of more than 5 cables to the core module. The DIN board has been designed on a way which allows to cascade not only the ICs on the board, but also several DIN modules.

  2. Nope, didn't enable multiplexers. That would be part of my problem, but I can still test pots in unmuxed mode directly on the core without recompiling with this flag set, right? I want to make sure I'm wiring things up correctly before I add in the AIN module.

    Are you corrected the some default values for pots in

    the setup_midibox16e.asm file :


    #define DEFAULT_NUMBER_AIN 0


    ; you could enable the multiplexers here to test this application

    ; with a MIDIbox64 based hardware

    ; if 0: no multiplexers (a *must* when MF module connected)

    ; if 1: use multiplexers



    in this string:

    #define DEFAULT_NUMBER_AIN 0

    edit your pots quantity from 0 up to 8 for unmuxed mode , recompile , and pots will work.

  3. the first SR  pin HEX numbers :

    first  1  0  0×00  D0 / QA D7 / H

    first  1  1  0×01  D1 / QB D6 / G

    first  1  2  0×02  D2 / QC D5 / F

    first  1  3  0×03  D3 / QD D4 / E

    first  1  4  0×04  D4 / QE D3 / D

    first  1  5  0×05  D5 / QF D2 / C

    first  1  6  0×06  D6 / QG D1 / B

    first  1  7  0×07  D7 / QH D0 / A

  4. Can I replace the 6n138 by the 6n139?

    From a Pic based Core article:

    "Every MIDI device comes with such an optocoupler which isolates the MIDI Input from the device on the other side, just to avoid any damage.

    For the case that you don't find a 6N138, you can also use a 6N139 (it's pin compatible)."

    And the c3 1uF ceramic capacitor by one 1uF film capacitor?

    Yes , it's a good replacement.

  5. Are you corrected the some default values for pots in

    the setup_midibox16e.asm file :


    #define DEFAULT_NUMBER_AIN 0


    ; you could enable the multiplexers here to test this application

    ; with a MIDIbox64 based hardware

    ; if 0: no multiplexers (a *must* when MF module connected)

    ; if 1: use multiplexers



  6. I found the pairs of leads on the power switch that are continuous.  I don't understand why there are only two power switch symbols on the schematic.  The datasheet doesn't help.

    I think, you mean a double pole power switch. It's enough for switching on and off two separate secondary voltages as 5VDC and 9VAC simultaneously.

    Regards ,


  7. - I'm using the MIOS Studio midi keyboard controler, MIDI has DATA out but no audio on the PC.

    - There´s only 5 pots in unmuxed mode(J5)

    for the audio on the PC:

    - In the Mios Studio > Options > Midi Device Routing >

    You need connect left side Midi Device-Readable : Mios Studio Out Port with Midi Device-Writable : ..... ( in my computer it's  Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth )

    - For MB 64e is possible up to 8 pots in unmuxed mode(J5), editing in : setup_midibox16e.asm file

  8. fuse link=topic=13944.msg119927#msg119927 date=1250801545]

    As I planned to make my own PCBs including core/ain/din/dout inside, I'm finishing my kicad schematics and I'm a little bit stuck by the part that concerns J1 & J2 and all the power supply stuff at the bottom right on this schematic: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_core_v3.pdf

    if I plan to never use J1 (& and >5v psu) should I remove the rectifier, the uln etc ? should I put them however ?

    If you now using yours 5V psu with J2 its quite so ,redraw a schem  without   the power supply stuff at the bottom right on this schematic: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_core_v3.pdf

    on a new maded pcb.

  9. the midibox run with momentary type led buttons (push and keep push =ON , release =OFF)

    or not "momentary" type (push =on , re-push =off) ?


    In the midibox tutorials may be you read about a special feature which will be assigned to the buttons : Toggle value - Send learned value with the first keypress, send zero value with the second keypress.

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