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Posts posted by Janis1279

  1. I found this info :

    Hint: it's possible to give each MIDI port it's own name by editing the [strings] section in the midibox.org_gm5.inf file.


    WDM.MIDI_1.szPname="MIDIbox SID (1)"

    WDM.MIDI_2.szPname="MIDIbox FM (2)"

    WDM.MIDI_3.szPname="MIDIbox SEQ (3)"

    WDM.MIDI_4.szPname="MIDIbox Stribe (4)"

    WDM.MIDI_5.szPname="Keyboard (5)"

    <P class=INFO>This helps you to organize your MIDI ports, so that they are easier to find: gm5_multi_port.gif

  2. More outs, more fun:

    from the OPL3 article:

    " The DAC outputs are directly connected to the YAC512. Sound cards are mostly stuffed with only one YMF/YAC pair (I've never seen a card with two YAC512) which results to 2 audio channels. With an additional YAC512 four separate channels are available, which is especially useful if the outputs should be routed through different external effects."

  3. I have another question. Maybe stupid a bit. It is possible to use push-buttons in a AIN module? I have etched a DIN module and already have soldered all the parts on it, but I have a spare AIN module and it is from the SmashTV shop and surely I'd prefer use a high quality instead mine homemade PCB smile.gif

    I think it is not possible to use push-buttons in a AIN module.

    But in the MBHP core section which refers to J5 port, you can find a some more info about usage of this port :

    " There are also some application which use this pin as digital in- or output (mostly described in REAMDE.txt or setup_*.asm file) "



  4. 1- Well, as aways I bought crap pots for the project. The good is, all the pots are alive, showing some resistance on the meter. The bad that some are showing ~11.5 / 12K of resistance. Anyone thinks it may cause some random events or it will just affect the MIDI CC values? I mean, for instance if I turn the physical pot to the middle, the virtual pot/parameter will not jump to middle exactly, I guess. Have you guys think that have a way I can fix that? (whitou buy new pots smile.gif )

    - Linear pots or faders are required for MIDIbox !

    - so close : ~ 12k value are not so critical. Will be OK.

    2- Other thing I was facing. I have a nice case for the project but the 2200 uF cap from the core module is to bigger for that. Do you guys think I can place this capacitor horizontally without problems? In this way, the core will fit nicely on that case.

    You can place this capacitor in any direction.

    3- Another doubt. Do you guys think I can kill a LCD while soldering the cable on that :P?

    I think , No !

    May be missing connections or some shorts .

    The bigger enemy is static electricity.



  5. OK,

    Thank You for the good idea to search any remarks in code,

    anyway i will be appreciative if someone will give me an answer about.

    Best regards

    Hi , Antix

    May be I am wrong, but this part of code in setup_808_default.asm file is define SR drum trigger outputs :

    ; Following table allows you to define; - the track names (must consist of exactly 6 characters!)

    ; - the DOUT shift registers (SR) to which the drum triggers are connected

    ; (1-16; 0 disables assignment)

    ; - the DOUT pin to which the drum triggers are connected (0-7)

    ; - the MIDI output port (0=disabled, 1=Default, 2=Internal, 3=IIC1, 4=IIC2, 5=IIC3, 6=IIC4, 7=Trigger Only)

    ; - the AOUT channel to output velocity (1-8, 0=disabled)


    ;; Name SR Pin MPort AChn

    db "BD ", 1, 1, 1, 0 ; Track 1

    db "SD ", 1, 2, 1, 0 ; Track 2

    db "LT/LC ", 1, 3, 1, 0 ; Track 3

    db "MT/MC ", 1, 4, 1, 0 ; Track 4

    db "HT/HC ", 1, 5, 1, 0 ; Track 5

    db "CP ", 1, 6, 1, 0 ; Track 6

    db "MA ", 1, 7, 1, 0 ; Track 7

    db "RS/CL ", 4, 0, 1, 0 ; Track 8

    db "CB ", 4, 1, 1, 0 ; Track 9

    db "CY ", 4, 3, 1, 0 ; Track 10

    db "OH ", 4, 4, 1, 0 ; Track 11

    db "CH ", 4, 5, 1, 0 ; Track 12

    db "Ext1 ", 0, 0, 1, 0 ; Track 13

    db "Ext2 ", 0, 0, 1, 0 ; Track 14

    db "Ext3 ", 0, 0, 1, 0 ; Track 15

    db "Acc. ", 7, 7, 7, 0 ; Track 16



    ; define the track which is used for global accent

    ; (0=disabled, 1-16: track number)




  6. Hello electronics gurus!

    I am nearly done with soldering my midibox seq. Only still to solder are 20 capacitors between VS and VD on my version of integrated in/out PCB (I have 8 out shift registers and 12 in shift registers so 20 total). It my look a funny question for experienced, but should these 20 100nF capacitors be placed near shift register as documented here and here and also how it is implemented in SmashTV in/out kits and wilba PCB version or perhaps I can make a parallel array of them anywhere in the in/out chain between VD (+5V) and VS (ground) or, if I can make an array, perhaps I can replace them all with appropriate single capacitor. What should be appropriate value then for this single capacitor for 20 shift registers?

    Also dout schematic shows additional polarized 100 uF (micro?) capacitor between VD and VS (It is not showed in Din schematic although both they share same VD and VS), so I guess I should add this one too in parallel with those 20 100nF or their single replacement? And also 100pF terminators are for din and dout - so four in total?

    Best regards


    Hi, Gunars !

    In digital schematics bypass caps 100nF are placed between Vdd and ground (Vss) of each chip as close as possible always .

    Adding some polarised capacitors are recomended too.


    Using 100pF terminators for din and dout chains I understand as high frequency filters.



  7. Thanks, Wilba !

    Left side 3 x 8 diodes :

    SR#1 CATHODES rows from UPPER to LOWER D6, D4, D2

    SR#2 ANODES from the LEFT to the RIGHT side D7-D0

    Right side 3 x 8 diodes :

    SR#1 CATHODES rows from UPPER to LOWER D7, D5, D3

    SR#2 ANODES from the LEFT to the RIGHT side D0-D7



  8. Hi

    I have interest to build Wilba's sammichSID on standard MB project boards.

    Do not find sammichSID CS DOUT map circuit .

    SR# 1 6 x CATHODES ,

    SR# 2 8 x ANODES I think.

    Thanks in advance.


  9. Anyway I now need to build an upgrade one that is tour ready and reliable and ...


    1, Should I use pcbs to mount the pots - my main issue is wiring all the + and - wires

    As i understand, the more reliable construction is when pots are wired with the wires not on the pcb's. When you need replace damaged components it's easiest way for service works.



  10. I build PIC based core know. And i don't find in shop HC49U-S crystal, but TK strong recommend to use only "parallel cut" crystal with PIC18F and manager in the shop can't answer is there HC49S (not U-S) is parallel cut or not ? Can i use that crystal ? I have downloaded datasheet and there is nothing about serial/parallel cut. Please help !

    I could be wrong.

    But HC49S characterizes only low profile package of quartz crystal and it is right "parallel cut" crystal.



  11. Mozet osibocnaja mislja.

    Smotrel v Midibox64e.ini :


    # In the LED_PATTERN section, the patterns for LED-Rings are defined


    # 4 different patterns are available. Within a Pattern, 32 steps for CC value

    # range from 0x00 to 0x7f have to be assigned

    # The first step is visible on the appr. LED-Ring from Values 00-03,

    # the second from 04-07, the third from 08-0b, ...


    # SYNTAX: <pattern-number(0-3)>.<step-hex-value(00-1F)> <16-bit-binary-value>



    0.00 = 0000000000000001

    0.01 = 0000000000000001

    0.02 = 0000000000000011

    0.03 = 0000000000000011

    0.04 = 0000000000000011

    0.05 = 0000000000000111

    0.06 = 0000000000000111

    0.07 = 0000000000000111

    0.08 = 0000000000001111

    0.09 = 0000000000001111

    0.0A = 0000000000001111

    0.0B = 0000000000011111

    0.0C = 0000000000011111

    0.0D = 0000000000011111

    0.0E = 0000000000111111

    0.0F = 0000000000111111

    0.10 = 0000000000111111

    0.11 = 0000000000111111

    0.12 = 0000000001111111

    0.13 = 0000000001111111

    0.14 = 0000000001111111

    0.15 = 0000000011111111

    0.16 = 0000000011111111

    0.17 = 0000000011111111

    0.18 = 0000000111111111

    0.19 = 0000000111111111

    0.1A = 0000000111111111

    0.1B = 0000001111111111

    0.1C = 0000001111111111

    0.1D = 0000001111111111

    0.1E = 0000011111111111

    0.1F = 0000011111111111

    Etot odin iz 4 rezimov raboti svetodiodnoi lineiki, no ne v odnom iz etih 4 rezimov v 16-ti bitovoje cislo 5 starsih razrjadov ne razu ne stanovitsja 1, a izmenenija na 1 proishodjat v 11-ti mladsih razrjadah.

    Jesli eti 11 razrjadov sootvetstvuet 11 svetodiodam lineiki, to 16 razrjadov sootvetstvenno...

    No v *.asm faile toze nado definirovatj zadeistvovanije registri v DOUT module


  12. How to make speed slower?

    I’m not good in programming and with English not so good. I only whant the encoders whorks correct.

    in a setup_mbfm_v1.asm file you can find some more info about encoder modes

    ;; o the third parameter contains the encoder mode:





    ;; see also http://www.midibox.o...d=encoder_types

    may be you need to change to the another encoder mode than are by default?


  13. It's crappy default FM patches anyways, who cares? whistle.png mbFM can do so much more than that.



    mbFM can do so much more than that,

    and I must understant about ways how I can better opperate with my mbFM and create great sounds.

    i have some progress in building an optional part : a AOUT_NG module and Rick Jansens Moog VCF schematic part,too.


  14. Sorry, i cant really understand what your English, could you try rephrasing it?

    Is there no sound from the Gunshot & Helicopter Patches?

    Or is there something wrong with the sound?

    Or are these patches empty?


    Thank you, Smithy for your reply!

    sorry for my english!

    there is something wrong with the sound from Helicopter & Applause & Gunshot Patches . These Sounds are quite different from GM standard sounds . Another sound Patches are OK, I think.

    I don't understand why are these sound problems.

    Regards, Janis

  15. Thanks, rosch!

    Pics uploaded.

    push buttons for 4*6 matrix are from the old PC's (power,reset buttons w/out caps), Config, Esc buttons ,too, but with caps

    8*soft buttons are type 3FTL6 + grey caps

    For Instrument and Operator selection used 8 buttons with leds instead of 5 buttons. Idea and right software solution are from the MB FM gallery pages from old posts .

    All labels are maded with the Brother Label printer at my work.

    Regards, Janis

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