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Posts posted by Shuriken

  1. Iploaded new versions of all files; added a 4 pin header for power. Shuriken can use it to mount a standard 4 pin connector, ilmenator can use it to chain power :flowers:

    Any other comments?

    I still need proper resistor values for R_x and R_y in the bipolar mode :whistle:

    Maybe TK can comment on this?

  2. whats wrong with laser cut ponoko ones and snapping them in? You just need to get them cut at different sizes and just pick the ones that fit best. I did this for my MB seq and it was 6$ for 8 windows

    Oh come on, that's just way to easy :logik:

  3. If you look hard, you may even find a post from me on Muff's :whistle:

    I came to the same conclusion :wink: It has been an educational day :thumbsup:

    Which other stuff did you find which uses bipolar CV? I didn't stumble across much.

    Also Google: Full Wave Rectifier

  4. Seppoman's post was about the addition of the bipolar option influencing the resistor behaviour of R_x and R-y, also on the Original AOUT, hence my question. If the AOUT is not influenced by this, that's an answer to my question. Are you really sure about this or is it still an assumption?

    Well i quote:

    BTW to all SSM2044 builders: The module is designed with this (wrong) bipolar range, so you don't need to change anything on your AOUT_NGs. I guess for proper +/- 5V operation I'll have to try out a few other resistor values on the SSM module, but this will only apply if you if you're using a different CV source than an AOUT_NG.

    So he's specifically talking about the AOUT_NG, which makes sense as Seppoman (T.Stoeckl) designed it. The older AOUT (MAX525 based) design comes from TK.

    Are these ideal values for the bipolar option? R_p is a 500 Ohm trimmer, what trimming range will your suggested values provide? Please excuse my ignorance... :whistle:

    :pinch: Overlooked the fact that it is a trimmer. And you are right, 510 Ohm is not a valid value for a trimmer. This should be correct then: R_x at 3,9K, R_y at 2,7k and R_p 500

    You would then have a adjustable range from 4,544 - 5,006V or use R_x at 4,1k then range would be 4,67 - 5,15. Last one is probably better.

  5. Couple of comments from me:

    • Looks good
    • Power connectors seem to be a bit bulky for so little current (why not use regular white pcb connectors?)
    • I am pretty sure Seppoman's comment only applies to AOUT_NG (See this from TK)

    As for the resistor values you want to end up with a range of -5/5V. To do this you need a value of 1,44140625 (5V /2,048 -1). With R_x at 3,9K, R_y at 2,2k and R_p 500, you'll end up with 5,006. Which has an overshoot...So you use R_p value of 510.

  6. It's about two things. Willing todo it and having a supplier. A year ago i tried to get something going for the MB6582 Window. But my supplier bailed on me. Which i cannot totally blame him for, it is as julian says, a lot of work which wont really make you much money.

  7. He actually mentions this in the post you linked:


    BTW to all SSM2044 builders: The module is designed with this (wrong) bipolar range, so you don't need to change anything on your AOUT_NGs. I guess for proper +/- 5V operation I'll have to try out a few other resistor values on the SSM module, but this will only apply if you if you're using a different CV source than an AOUT_NG.

    So basically you would have to change both the AOUT and the VCF.

  8. Heren,

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    Op die manier hoef je geen douane kosten te betalen. Daarnaast zijn de verzendkosten maar een dollar of 6. Als je samen een groot pakket met spullen besteld, heb je die voordelen niet. Dan zijn de verzendkosten opeens bijna 40 dollar.

  9. I'm looking for a PSU for a MBFM... I thought switching power supplies and audio is a no-go because of the HF noise?! Also what are the differences to Reichelt PSA 25L-301 (except for the output power)?

    Several people have tested this with MB SID and noise is not an issue. The difference with the reichelt one is besides the outpower power, efficiency is 70 vs 77 on the Mean Well.

  10. The Male connectors are already on the PSU PCB. The extra connectors I'm talking about are a set of empty Female connectors (one 3 pins and one 6 pins) with crimp pins. If you click the Reichelt link I provided before, you see exactly what's in the package :flowers:

    The 3 pin connector has only 2 pins used, and it's very possible to find a suitable connector in an old PC PSU. The 6 pin connector however is harder to find.

    Ok, sign me up for 3 PSU with molex.

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