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Blog Comments posted by Antichambre

  1. Oh un francais!


    As tu un ipad? Si oui, pas besoin d'electronique. renseigne toi sur Max Msp, il te permettra de developper assez facilement tes interfaces et il est fait pour le midi, ca avait ete developpé par l'IRCAM à la base, ensuite tu trouveras un petit module qui va avec et qui te permettra a son tour de dialoguer avec un appareil iOS (le c74).

    le c74


    @+ Bruno (Antichambre)

  2. Hi,

    I will propose a batch quickly, I hope in october, thank you for your interest, your can find some photos of prototype in my album...

    I wasn't aware of little-scale's work, thank you, is it your work? What's the A26F interface? Does it work with synthcard?

    Maybe You Can help me. I am looking for someone who has already identified sounds and their codes (AUDF / AUDC), to complete Patchs and Banks.

    I'm looking for a typical melody for box startup, a MIDI file + code(AUDF/AUDC) for each note used in sequence, length from 1 to 3s.

  3. The CS is not yet fully implemented and gonna be limited so i wrote a Manager with MaxMsp for test during prog (more comfortable) .I need to finish it (esthetic) cause it's part of the demo.

    I'm on it. But you can imagine, it's TIA with the SW of the MBSID V1, I kept all useful functionalities LFOs ENVS....obviously without filter and PW cause it doesn't exist on TIA.

    And it's polynomial synthesis, waveforms are fixed but wavetable can works too (to do).

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