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Posts posted by Elektruck

  1. Yess, yess yess!!! We got a winner!, even two!

    Last week I ordered 2 LPCXpressoboards, one for me, one for a friend of mine. Cause I did cut my board before connecting it to a PC I did not now what to expect. Checking all over and over again, it did not what it said it should do. (like every Midibox project I start for the first time) So I drove to my friend and asked for his LPCXpressoboard, he's not ready for using it. At home I plugged it in, via the still attached LPC-Link and immediately LED02 started flashing like my board, good sign. So I uploaded the boatloader and it worked at the first time!

    After that I cut this board and soldered the headers to it and attached it to my Core. Opening MIOS Studio, but it couldn't find my board. So I updated MIOS Studio, and there it was! I could even upload the seqV4 project!

    Now I had a new LPC-Link board so I soldered my old, not working LPC Target board to it, (I didn't had any female headers left), and was also able to flash the bootloader into this board!

    So my problem was in the LPC-Link board. I think I damaged it cutting it. Problably I wouldn't have this problem if I first upladed the bootloader and cut it afterwards. But a bit more cutting space would be nice.


    Thanks for your replies and cheers!


  2. Hi Pete, 

    What you suggest is exactly what I did. I checked all (8) connections with a multimeter and they're all connected without any shortcuts between adjacent pins.

    I'm afraid I damaged something while breaking it although everything seems fine, maybe damaged by static electricity?!


    I tried flashmagic but I have to specifie all kinds of stuff witch I don't understand. I'll look for a schematic and measure the traces maybe I find something wrong.

  3. I guess you double checked your header solderings, allready?

    Just found this:


    Yeah, checked it triple and also found that link. Someone there post a video of a flashing lamp and indeed it looks like what my LED is doing. He says he got his brand new lpc1768 with a program like that. But no answer. They're talking about flashmagic over there, I'm looking into it, but don't really know what to do.

  4. have you created and flashed a new "FreeRTOS project" in LPCxpresso IDE first?

    This enables the flash programmer. After this you can upload the MIOS32 bootloader.

    The LED should fade three times if it was uploaded correctly.


    Hi Marxon,


    No, first I cut my LPCXpresso into two pieces, than I attached those two pieces with headers. Then I created a new 'FreeRTOS project'. After that I tried to flash the LPCXpresso with the project.bin as described. The IDE finds my LPC-Link probe, but as soon as I try to flash the project.bin the IDE tells me: 02: Failed on connect: Ep(01). Target marked as not debuggable


    But when I create the FreeRTOS project, should I also flash that project? It thought it just creates a working space directory?!

  5. In my enthousiasm building  a SeqV4 I cut my LPCXpressoboard before installing the bootloader. Stupid!

    I thought, and still think, it shouldn't be a problem cause I can still connect them via headers. But as soon as I connect the LPC to my USB cable LED02 starts flashing this rythm 11011011011......

    If I try to flash it with the bootloader the IDE says:

    02: Failed on connect: Ep(01). Target marked as not debuggable


    I don't know what to do now, does anybody now what the flashing led means?

    Any help appreciated!




  6. Roel, alternatively you can go for a Ponoko or Formulor panel - it's even possible to have them lasercut a complete case for VERY little money.


    Wow, thanks, just found the thread  looks like a nice option too, I think I'll go for an orange panel/case. It's even cheaper than the black one.


    @ Julian; If you're bothered about the given alternatives for your panels, I'll delete/edit my messages. Your panels/work are great!

  7. A special priced one would be great for i don't have the money for an 'official' one. I like to make my own panels with saw, drill and tonertransfer printing,(see picture)  but this panel got a lot of square holes.

    A special priced one at a later stadium would even be better for I just ordered the Seq CS PCB and partskit from SmashTV.



  8. Dear Sneakthief, Audiocommander and Kulka,

    I'm very sorry that I didn't reply to Kulka's problems. I feel stupid cause I had the same problems and frustrations and was REALLY glad Sneakthief helped me out. I'm aware that brings the responsability to help others. But I just saw this post by coincidence. I didn't have my messenger notifications set up right. I changed that immediately and I'll be notified when others are in need here! 


    2 Kulka, I understand that you're ACSensorizer software is OK now, you only can't save/load your programs. I had that problem also at the end, and didn't understand it cause the eeprom wiring looked OK and worked well before. But in the end I just soldered a complete new bankstick and after that my problems were solved.




  9. You're welcome!


    About the DOUT and midibox64 I don't know, didn't use it. But in the Virtual midibox64(e) configuration software there is a special DOUT section where you can configure your DOUT's


    And from your last writing I understand that you want to convert your midibox64e into a midibox64 because you want to use analog pots. But there's no need to convert to a mb64, cause latest versions of mb64e also accepts AIN modules. I made a MB64e with encoders and pots/sliders and joysticks.


    Thanks Electruck - I figured there had to be something set to tell the core that what mux to use.   I may try messing with the software, or just get an AIN module (and future expansion capability) and use the prebuilt Midibox64 sysex.


    BTY - is there any documentation that describes the way the DOUT works?   I'm having trouble finding how all the options are set.   I did build a successful Midibox64e a few years back but have purged my memory of all the setup I did to get it working!!  I'm converting over to Midibox64 form "e" since I have a XY joystick (analog pots) that I want to use for Wavestation controller.

  10. I made a midibox64 with only 8 pots and 8 switches. I only used a Core8 board and a self made DINx1. The 8 pots were connected directly to j5 on the coreboard. I'm not sure about recompiling the code but  setup_midibox64.asm says:


    ; Multiplexers (AINX4 modules) connected? -> set this value to 1
    ; No multiplexer connected= -> set this value to 0, allowed number of pots in this case: 1-8
    #define DEFAULT_MUX_ENABLED 1 ; enable multiplexers
    so I guess you have to recompile the code. The only file I can find about my box is a sysex file. I think it only is a configuration file made by virtual midibox. I recompiled some files for different boxes but that computer broke so I can't check it anymore. But recompiling codes is not so hard if you follow the right steps:
  11. compiling using the svn resolved everything :frantics:

    great app, thanks for sharing

    He Julian, and Audiocommander


    How did you do this?


    I bought bosone's ACsensorizer box. It worked OK but I wanted to update it to the latest version, I red about some bug-fixes.

    So I bought a new PIC, burned the bootloader and uploaded MIOS 1.9_g and the ACsensorizer 4.6 code. But after that the 4 encoders didn't work anymore, I tried several things but couldn't get it to work. So I put back in the old PIC and everything worked fine again.

    I broke my head about this, red a lot and tried all kind of things, without succes. Somewere I red about encoder problems with latest MIOS version 1.9_g, and related to that something about the latest sensorizer SVN repository. I downloaded the ACSenorizer folder from the SVN server and tried to compile the code with the normal make command, but I couldn't get it to work.


    In the meantime I uploaded MIOS 1.9f, and send the release sysex package ACSensorizer 0.4.9Black from the SVN server and yesss! that worked. 

    So I have an updated, working sensorizer box yeahhh


    But I would like to know how to compile the code from the SVN server, and get the box working with MIOS 1.9_g




  12. I need also some help for connecting switch and led to DIN and DOUT :)


    I builded the MB808 sequencer as a standalone midi drumsequencer. I didn't know how to connect the din/dout pins but came across a file from a forum member who did modify the code to use less shift registers. I used this file to find out the original pinout and made a pinout overview myself. I'll attach both files to this message. Maybe you can use them.

    I'm also looking forward to the new 9090 drum sequencer, I hope there's a bulkorder for the PCB soon!



    808 hardware config.pdf

    MB808 drumseq pinout.pdf

  13. Ok as possitive as I was before, as down am I now. I spent another couple of hours on these codes but I can't get my clockbox syning on the right timebase.

    I hope some more experienced people want to look at the code. Here are 2 rar files. Both clockbox 1.5ekx with a slave divided by 4 function. One has the 96 ppq resoltution, the other the 24 ppq. They both work the same and react the same to incomming midi clock. Only the song position counter of the 24 ppq counts 4 times as fast as the 96 one. The fast counting song position equals the Master (ableton live's) song position. But still outputs a midiclock divided by 4.

    I hope someone can help.

    clockbox v1.5ekx w. slave 24.rar

    clockbox v1.5ekx w. slave 96.rar

  14. Have you tried to slave it to other software than Ableton? Does it show the same behaviour then? If not, it might be Ableton that is at fault here?

    No I didn't, cause I'm quite sure it's part of the clockbox ekx software. But to be sure I just slaved the clockbox to my mb808 drumsequencer and indeed, clockbox still slaves 4 times as slow.

    It's not so strange as it seems cause in clockbox 1.5ekx's changelog is something written about that the 24ppgn resolution is changed to a 96ppqn. I guess that's the reason for slaving 4 times slower. Modularkomplex did this resolution changing thing , cause he programmed a BPM divider for all 8 outputs. So you divide the individual outbut by 1,2,3,4 or 6. Great app!

    I'll compare the files of clockbox 1.1 and clockbox 1.5ekx to see if I can find this division thing and see what I can do with it.

    I'm starting to get really excited about this puzzle. Programming, and code-stuff was always completely abracadabra for me, but after reading the codes over and over and compare it and then some copiing and pasting, I managed to get my box to slave to midiclock, ok 4 times as slow, but I now believe that I can solve this, I'm really proud. (Any help still welcome)

    Thanx for your reply!

  15. And I'm getting somewhere! Now I have a fully working clockbox_1.5ekx, and it slaves to midiclock, but again 4 times as slow. So when the clockbox is master everything works as it should. But when it slaves to my PC it plays 4 times as slow, but with all ekx functionallity. So I have a working set up now, I only have to multiply Abletons BPM by 4.

    I guess the problem is almost solved but I don't know how to. I tried different things, like turning every 96 to 24, in the mainc and clock.c, but that didn't help, the BMP counter counted 4 times as fast after that, but the tempo played the same. I'll experiment further and every help is still welcome!

  16. OK, first of all I want to make clear that I don't know much about programming. I once got a blinking led on my arduino but that's all. But I managed to recompile some code for several midiboxes. Now I've been struggling for 2 full days with clockbox code and I got somewere, so time for questions.

    I want to sync my clockbox_ekx to my PC. I tried the HEX file from 'electroremy' and it seems to work. But then I cannot use the great features of the clockbox_ekx version (from forummember 'modularkomplex').

    So I looked at the original clockbox_1.1 code and electroremy's code and tried to see the changes, and integrated the changes to the clockbox_ekx main.c code. It works but the clockbox slaves 4 times slower. So when I play my PC with 480 BPM the clockbox plays 120 BPM. And as a slave I cannot start stop the 8 individual output anymore. So that's no good.

    After that I tried to get rid of the BPM divider, so changed a lot of 96 values to 24. Now the clockbox synced in the right BPM! but all features of the ekx version didn't work anymore. No good.

    So I started over again and only copied the part about 'recieving midi byte' from the main.c from electroremy into the main.c of the Clockbox_ekx. Now all features are still working, and as a slave the clockbox starts and stops on external midiclock but the tempo is now controlled by both machines, and totally not in sync, of course.

    The new pasted code in main.c says to look at mclock.c. I looked but I don't got any idea.

    Any help appreciated!

  17. Double posts are not encouraged, they clutter the forum...

    Yeah you're right, but because this is a topic from long ago I'm not sure the people that can help me are still active on this forum. Maybe they get a message that there's a new message in this topic.

    And maybe other active people see my message on the forum frontpage.

  18. Last year I builded the clockbox V1_5ekx and it's working great. But I would really like to 'slave' the clockbox to my PC.

    After a long search I came across this topic and 'electroremy'seems to have solved the issue. So I started experimenting with it.

    I downloaded the clockbox_enhanced_v1c.zip from the MIOS download section and changed the main.c code with the new code from 'electroremy'. Then I recompiled the code and uploaded the new project.hex file to my clockbox. Everything seems to work, midi runs and the box automatically 'slaves' to an incoming midi clock. So that's great! BUT the software is not compatible with my v1.5ekx hardware. And I don't know how to solve it.

    I tried to change the code from 'electroremy' with the main.c code from the v1.5ekx.zip, but then it will not recompile, giving an error message.

    Can anybody help me getting my clockbox V1.5ekx slaving to midiclock, or point me in the right direction?!

    PS. The code from electroremy also makes the clockbox count to bar 16 and then jumping back to 1, that I don't want, I like my box to count very far.

    Any help appreciated



  19. Hi

    Last year I builded the clockbox V1_5ekx and it's working great. But I would really like to 'slave' the clockbox to my PC. After a long search I came across

    Where 'electroremy'seems to have solved the issue. So I started experimenting with it.

    I downloaded the clockbox_enhanced_v1c.zip from the MIOS download section and changed the main.c code with the new code from 'electroremy'. Then I recompiled the code and uploaded the new project.hex file to my clockbox. Everything seems to work, midi runs and the box automatically 'slaves' to an incoming midi clock. So that's great! BUT the software is not compatible with my v1.5ekx hardware. And I don't know how to solve it.

    I tried to change the code from 'electroremy' with the main.c code from the v1.5ekx.zip (see attchement), but then it will not recompile, giving an error message.

    Can anybody help me getting my clockbox V1.5ekx slaving to midiclock, or point me in the right direction?!

    PS. The code from electroremy also makes the clockbox count to bar 16 and then jumping back to 1, that I don't want, I like my box to count very far.

    Any help appreciated



  20. Dear people,

    I builded quite some 8bit PIC based midiboxes, like MB64, MB64e, MBFM, MB Clockbox, MBCV and the MB808 sequencer. Sometimes it was really hard but in the end all projects went really well. But one thing I couldn't get my hands on, and that's how to get visual feedback from my MB64e controller, controlling Ableton Live.

    This is my problem and I don't know where to start: I use Live's looper for Live looping and I want to make a special controller for that. I want to use the 'footswitch' knob of the Looper device to record, play, overdub, stop and clear the Looper. In this case only one button has four or five different states/functions, and I want to see in witch state/function it is by different LED's on my controller. Is that possible, and if it is, how do I do that or where do I start?!

    If it's not possible I can make different knobs for the functions, but I still want visual feedback from the LED's of my controller. I never used a DOUT board in my MB64 or MB64e. I guess it will work like hitting one DIN entry, the corresponding DOUT will light up and I can choose somewhere that the LED only flashes, or it will stay on till I hit the DIN entry again. Where do I choose the LED's function? in the midibox menu or the ASM code?

    Any help appreciated!



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