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John E. Finster

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Everything posted by John E. Finster

  1. Hi, Motorpots are not that easy to find, that is true, but they´re there, they can be found on eBay. The problem is, that they move very slowly compared to motorfaders. The fastest I ever found need 12 seconds (!) for a 300° turn, that´s from one end to the other. I too considered them once for my midibox, because I wanted to have the "analog" feeling but didn´t want to use motorfaders, because they need a lot of space. But 12 seconds for a full turn seems way too long to be a practical, especially while jamming. my regards
  2. Hi, Thanks for the info. I´m not sure how to achieve this in Reaper yet, but with Ableton Live this is possible, there is a dedicated control on every mixer track. This works only, if the SEQ4 acts as a slave, though, but this is fine with me. my regards
  3. In fact I do rely on the mackie protocoll, my whole midibox design is orientated that way. I want to use the mackie protocoll from klinke, a guy over at the Reaper community. He modified the native protocoll (from Reaper) in a way, that turned the MCU into the most sophisticated control surface I´ve ever seen. That´s where I´m heading with my box... my regards
  4. OK, try and swap the motor pins, or alternatively the power suply lines of the fader (0%-100%). What Faders are you using?
  5. Hi, today I tried syncing my SEQ4 to Reaper as a slave which works very well. Then I tried to send CCs (events on the timeline on an automation lane) from Reaper to my SEQ4 in order to change the patterns which works, but most of the time with a very high delay. The pattern change happens to late, the first note of a new pattern gets left out or comes from the old pattern. The same happens with Ableton Live, too. Is here someting I can do to avoid this? Thanks my regards
  6. Hi, what are you trying to do inside the MF_NG tool? If you are using the buttons "upper" and "lower" on the second page, then this would be the expected behaviour. The fader snaps up and down and you can monitor its speed and moving progession on the graph. What you could try is: 1. Setting the operation mode on the "global" tab to "CC#7 CHN#1-#8" 2. in MIOS Studio right above the virtual keyboard use one of the sliders to send CC7 (on the right you can set the midi channel) to the MF module and 3. see, if the fader moves accordingly to the moves you make with the slider my regards
  7. Here is how the host message is displayed atm: while 'label="&d" refers to a modified font with 12x16px. But the error also occurs with the default big midibox font. I thought about the alternative to split the host message into two (or more ) sysex commands, this would have been my prefered option actually :happy: , but I couldn´t figure out, how to do so. I studied the available sysex syntaxes in the manual, but this option never revealed itself to me. How can this be done? my regards
  8. Thanks for the info. It will come to that point sooner or later, when I will have to install the midiport extension in my box correctly. I am still planing on using the native midi ports (or the 3. and 4. of the extension for that matter) at some point in the future. my regards
  9. Hi TK, thanks for replying. Here is the configuration from the bootloader I tried other host available to me right now to exclude that this error could be caused by Reaper´s MCU Plugin itself, but this error occurs with others too. my regards
  10. Hallo, Ihr könntet laut Schaltplan alle Kontakte mit einem Multimeter (wenn vorhanden) durchmessen, an denen 5V anliegen sollten. Der PIC sowie die ganze eigentliche Midischaltung benötigt 5V. Evtl. hat sich auf der Platine ein Fehler eingeschlichen (kalte Lötstelle,...). Den PIC selbst prüft man am besten, indem man ihn auf eine andere Platine setzt (Mios8 Core oder anderes MF_NG Modul) oder einen zweiten PIC hat, den man jetzt bei Euch einsetzen könnte. Gruß
  11. Hi, I did some experiments and I found a workaround for the 2. problem, the artifacts. Since they always appeared on the display before the one with the original content, I rearranged the pins and left out every second pin on the dout module, so SR1: dataline 9 - 11 - 13 - 15 and so on... That seems to work, I didn´t notice any artifacts yet. I still have disappearing characters (or parts of them) on the screens, but if I use the meta event "UpdateLCD", most of them can be reinstated. my regards
  12. Hi, it´s a pretty easy thing to build, even if you don´t have much diy experience. All you need is a Core Module (here), a couple of lcds and some ribbon cable. There really is not much to understand. You could also take a look here at the different display options. 2 2x40 character displays are fine, but there are other options which (in my own opinion) would be a better fit. On that topic in the Reaper forum you posted is another guy who used 8 small ssd1306 displays (a little more down) which would fit exactly above the faders of the bcf2000. If you need any help, we have a very nice and very helpful community here. Just to give you a little jump start: You will need: - 1 Core PCB (available at SmashTV) ~8€ - 1 LPC1769 LPCXpresso Board (available at Watterott) ~24€ - 2 2x40 character displays (available at eBay) ~10€/p - a small collection of electronic parts (complete list here) ~20€ - SD or Micro SD Card Prices depend on your location of course. Think about it. my regards
  13. Hi, I came across some problems with my SSD1306 displays: 1. Using big fonts in conjunction with the txt56 syntax doesn´t work completely yet. I wasn´t able to test this thoroughly until now, sorry, otherwise I would have reported this earlier. When I initialize my box (with mackie emulation) the tracks host message is fine like this: But when the text on the second line changes the first character still gets cut off: It seems, that the first character on the second line gets shifted 8px above. This is the case for every first character on a track. 2. Another (bigger) problem I came across is that there are a lot of artifacts occuring on all the displays which data lines are not connected to the core, but to a DOUT module (so, lcd 9 and above). This can be seen here: What is seen here are the 12. and 13. display. The artifacts always occur on the display before (like in the picture) and the characters on the "original" screen sometimes disappear. This can also be seen in the picture. This is not static, but changes every time a button event is sent. I am relatively sure, this isn´t a wiring problem, since I thoroughly checked all connections with a circuit analyzer. No shorts, no broken connections, nothing.... If someone has an idea, what I could have done wrong, please tell me. Thanks my regards
  14. Hi Spirit, Thanks for the reply. After some unsuccesfull runs trying to link both MF modules, I decided to go with the 3. and 4. midi connections. For the moment, the MF modules are connected to the native LPC midi ports (1.+2.), because I had some trouble with the midi port extension (really bad trouble). But I will take another shot at this soon. Thanks again my regards
  15. Hi, I´ve just solved the problem and I´m amazed about my own stupidity. I built a small pcb extension for a 3rd and 4th midi in/out into my box, which didn´t work. I can not tell yet, why it didn´t work, but for the moment I let it go because this was not a priority for me. But I didn´t disconnect the defective pcb from the core..... That caused all the problems I had the last 3 days, the malfunctioned displays, ampere fluctuations, voltage spikes on the core, the broken sd card,... Anyway, thanks for reading this testimony of my own asininity... my regard
  16. Hi, I´m in desperate need of assistance. I´m building a Midibox_NG with 18 ssd1306 displays and I´m in the final stages. I already assembled the frontpanel and put it in a case. At first everything was fine, but then I caused a small short between the Vss-line and SDA-line for the displays (not 100% sure about the shorted lines though). The displays began to flicker, when I used some button or encoder. I thought this had to be a ground-related problem and after a long night of searching I found the short and fixed it. So far so good. But now the displays malfunction again, but in a different manner: After I power up the box, everything is fine. I inserted a syntax that puts a small "ready" message on every display and that works. After a short while (~1 minute or so) and after I´m loading the ngc file I´m working on I notice a similar fault like the one above: First, the 9th display doesn´t seem to work anymore, same for the 16th. The other displays work at first, but after a minute, little by little, they begin to flicker and the characters shift positions on screen, when I press a button. After another night of searching I´m pretty sure, there isn´t another short an the board, but there are hundreds of soldering points and I don´t even know where to start. I also noticed that the ampere of the psu is fluctuating between 0.4 and 0.7 ampere a minute after I power up the box. That didn´t happen before I caused the initial short and everything was fine. Please, I really could need some help on this. At least some kind of plan, how I could narrow down the fault. Thanks my regards
  17. Hi, thanks for the reply. I´m worried because some times in the past, when I connected midi in/out wrong to the core, the core wouldn´t start and I couldn´t explain why. I just thought that couldn´t be good for the core so I´m trying to avoid this. How can I define an ID for the modules? Do I have to connect the modules seperately, then assign an ID and then link the modules? Or can I link them together and assign an ID afterwards? In the NGC file the MF modules have to assigned as "MF n=1 enabled=1 midi_in_port=IN2 midi_outport=OUT2 ........" while n=x refers to the module. Does this n refer to the ID, too? Thanks my regards
  18. Hi, I´m having trouble understanding how to link 2 MB_MF modules. I don´t want to damage anything by connecting the wrong wires. As I understand this it´s like this: CORE (midi out) -----------> (midi in) MB_MF 1 (midi out) -------------> (midi in) MB_MF 2 (midi out) -----------------> (midi in) CORE is that correct? Which one of these 2 would be the end point? And how would I choose the one I want to calibrate or assign inside an NG script? Sorry for all the questions, but I really don´t get this. Thanks my regards
  19. never mind. I forgot to read for myself again :whistle:. my regards
  20. Sorry, ich wusste nicht, dass Du einen Pic Core verwendest. Ob deine Idee sich da realisieren lässt, kann ich nicht mehr abschätzen. Ich habe leider von C keine Ahnung. Da müsste wahrscheinlich ein Anderer ran an diese Frage. Viel Erfolg noch und liebe Grüße.
  21. Zunächst denke ich mal, Du solltest Dir mal das neue Midibox_NG Konzept anschauen. Auf den Controller wird hierbei die MB_NG Firmware als eine Art "Framework" draufgeladen. Welche Hardwareelemente benutzt werden sollen und welche Aufgaben diese erledigen sollen, wird über ein Skript gesteuert, das auf einer SD Karte liegt und das über das Mios Studio direkt bearbeitet werden kann. Es ist also nicht notwendig, Mios direkt zu modifizieren. Auch Programmiersprachen wie C oder ähnliche werden dafür nicht benötigt. Das mal als Info. Im Skript selbst kann dem Encoder ein relativer Modus zugeordnet werden, d.h. bei Drehung rechts wird immer der Wert 63 gesendet, bei Drehung links immer 64 (oder so...). Dann gibt es bestimmte Befehle im Skript, wie beispielsweise Event_Sender oder Event_Receiver und If-Befehle, mit denen ein Midievent in ein anderes "übersetzt" werden kann. Daher kann ich mir vorstellen, dass es möglich ist, die Events, die ein relativer Encoder sendet, also entweder 63 oder 64 (bei CC-Events) in verschiedene Noten zu übersetzen, die dann ausgegeben werden. Wie gesagt, ich habe es noch nicht selbst probiert, mein Gerät ist noch nicht ganz fertig, aber ich denke mal, so könnte das funktionieren.
  22. Hi and welcome, What kind of random data is comming from the core? It might be that the PIC is broken. The status led will light up after you install the MB_MF firmware onto the core. You have to get it to work in Mios first, though. my regards
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