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John E. Finster

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Everything posted by John E. Finster

  1. hi ssp, thanks for the input. i have a new set here (the nice people at OKW provided me with a free sample) but i had not yet had the opportunity to build it in. it seems to me that the encoder can be fixed with a nut if it has a threat without the need of a mounting board (please correct me if i am wrong about this).
  2. hi, i´d like to ask around if anyone would be interested in getting a nice looking jog wheel from OKW "Star-Knobs". they consist of three parts that one can install through the frontpanel (look at the second pic). the encoder is NOT included, but any encoder can be used, that has a 6mm shaft, a 15-20mm axis and a M7 threat (e.g. ALPS STEC11 or BOURNS PEC11). i want to order some sets soon, but i have to get at least ten sets. they´re not cheap, but compared to what Conrad charges for those, it´s quite affordable. i couldn´t find them anywhere else. 1 Set - 15€/set 50 Sets - 12€/set for individual components: assembly kit (Montage-Set) 10€/piece - 8€/50+pieces star knob 3€/piece - 2,5€/50+pieces Cap 2€/piece - 1,5€/50+pieces a complete list of available components is attached. the installation tool (german: Montagehilfe) cost - 5€ a piece, but it is not absolutely necessary to use it to install the knob. prices are incl. german vat. but they are are only good until end of february, they will be raised after that (i can not tell how much). they come in black and grey and with or without pimples (german: Noppen) around the cap. i just want to see if anyone is interested. if so, i could start a bulk order. sorry for my english. just ask if anything is unclear. Greets OKW_Merkliste.pdf
  3. hi everyone, i´d like to organize my pics in my gallery, but somehow i don´t have access to them. i can´t open, delete, ... them or anything. the album i created is also gone. somewhere i read that a user album name should begin with the username, so i wanted to do that, but i just can´t figure out how to create a new one. what am i doing wrong? thanks and greets
  4. the boards arrived today. everything peachy... thanks for the boards and for this pleasant transaction.
  5. I´m sorry, i just realised, my favourite encoders don´t have a d-shaft, so these nice knobs wouldn´t fit. i scraped myself off the wiki list. sorry for any inconvenience.
  6. hi, thanks for the comments. regarding the un-fitting of the panel: it turned out, that it was my fault after all. the pcb i used didn´t have a correct 0,1 inch grid, the grid was a tiny bit smaller than 0,1 inch. i orded some other pcbs to check that. so, in the end, Schaeffer did produce a correct panel :happy:. i will be heading for new MIDIbox adventures now... Thanks
  7. hello and merry christmas everyone. i´d like to present my first finished midibox project. there are some pics in my gallery. /edit TK: link to gallery: http://midibox.org/forums/gallery/album/175-miditool-for-finale-2006/ it´s a little christmas present for my dad. he plays the trombone and uses Finale 2006 to edit scores and for practice, but he has a alot of difficulties entering the notes via laptop. he doesn´t have a midi keyboard or the space for one, so i thought, with all the midi knowledge i acquired of this site, i could build something, that could help him. so...voilá. it´s nothing fancy, the buttons on the right side are for step entering notes in the score, just like he sees them on the printed score. the buttons on the left side are for various functions like setting up the note length or adding key signitures. with the encoder on the top he can scroll through the notes/measures on the screen. it´s not too big, he can easily place this thing next to his sheet. specs: 1 Core STM32 1 DINX4 Module app: midibox_lc_v2 many thanks to TK and to the very helpful community. P.S.: while i´m writing here, i have a question regarding the frontpanel. mine is made by Schaeffer, i designed it with their frontpanel designer. i was very careful and always kept to the 0,1 inch grid while designing. the panel came a few days before christmas and looked very good. but as i tried to fit the pcb with the buttons (dt6) through the panel it wouldn´t fit. the holes from top to bottom kinda "drift apart". i had to cut the pcb in 3 parts to make the buttons fit through the panel. do i have to expect this kind of discrepancy in general with a panel? anyway, thanks again and merry christmas.
  8. hi, can anyone tell me, waht kind of error this is? when i try to upload an app to the core, the transmission stucks at 15% and i get this error message. i already managed to upload an app before, so i wonder why this doesn´t work anymore. thanks
  9. I´m going to hijack this thead for now, but i have problems downloading the toolchain as well. i´m trying for 3 days now to get it, but the download gets interrupted EVERY single time. i either get an error message from my browser, that there were some network connection problems or the download ends with an uncomplete zip folder (ca. 10-15mb), that is corrupt and can´t be opened. I tried with IE 10, Opera and Chrome.
  10. alright, :D , i got the point. maybe i just have all the parts ready for assembling just in case...
  11. hi nILS, thanks for the reply. i will go through that page and see what i need. thanks for the tip regarding the sockets, but i´m pretty sure i´m not going to use that core for something else. Greetings
  12. hi, i have a stm32 board from SmashTV and i´d like to build a small midibox with only 30 buttons and 1 encoder, so only 1 DinX4 module has to be connected. now, to save myself a little time and to reduce the soldering and the costs i thought, since i don´t need led/lcd/sd-card/... i could leave out some parts. i.e. all the sockets except for J8/9. What about the other parts? i.e. can i leave out the parts for the lcds (ICs, Transistor; Caps; Trimmpots; Resistors; ....) ? also, i don´t connect any midi sockets, the core is only going to be accessed via usb, so i won´t be needing any external psu. what can i leave out there? and so no... Thanks and Greetings
  13. Thanks TK, this info is really helpfull. As far as i understand, only knobs can be assigned to a group, right? But if i connect two buttons to two pins and tell the box, that this is a knob, then sending relative events with that "knob" would leading to two buttons sending two different events. At least something like bome´s midi translator could pick up and translate to two different actions. Combined with the "switch to group x" button in "only on" mode, i could end up with some buttons and the desired shift function for them. Thanks again for the input. Greets
  14. hi, i have a quick question. i am thinking of a small midibox_64e design and i wanted to know if the meta-event "switch to Bank x" can be used as a shift function, when the button mode "only on" is set. thanks and greets
  15. hi, i wanted to know if anyone can confirm that those motorfaders Alps RS60N11M9 5k(!!!) work with the new or the old MF module. i found some threads asking something similar, but no one seemed to have actually tried it. many thanks Greetings
  16. thank you for the reply. this info is something i can work with.
  17. Hi, a quick question. i am not entirely sure how and which patterns can be triggered with the BLM in pattern mode, so please bear with me. as i imagine it, the BLM16x16, when in pattern mode, triggers 4 x 16 patterns (?) probably with a midinote or some other midi event. so wouldn´t it be possible to trigger these patterns mith a regular midi keyboard (or controller) instead? Thanks und Greets
  18. Thank you, i will have a look later today. I want to use my future seq with Kontakt and instruments with several key switches. So I thought I could rename C-0 to sus (for sustain) and D-0 to stc (for staccato) for example, instead of memorizing a lot of different switches for different instruments. Another application would be to use this for cut up drum samples in Kontakt. I would like to rename the notes after the event i want to trigger, maybe sl1 (for slice 1) or rev (for a reversed drum slice). and much more... Thanks again for the tip. greets.
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