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John E. Finster

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Everything posted by John E. Finster

  1. you could try another metafunction: but then you would have the same problem with your global buttons, i guess. what are those 4 toggle buttons controlling? if Mainstage reports back the status of these buttons, then they shouldn´t change, if you switch to another bank.
  2. well, the mb_ng is still in the making... so far everything is open. but i think you could already set up a scenario where you can have 16 encoders and some buttons that can send multiple midi values at once. e.g. 8 buttons that could send 8 different "valuesnapshots" of all 16 encoders at once using the event_sender and event_receiver. for that you wouldn´t need banks or groups anymore. i didn´t try that yet, but i think this could be a possibility (probably among many others). just a thought....
  3. i don´t know if thats possible, i never tried that. it should be possible in theory as long as a virtual encoder in group n doesn´t get updated while another group is active. what are you controlling with your midibox? does it send values to your box? why don´t you try the new firmware mb_ng with a new lpc17 core? i think you could set up such a scenario more easily and flexible.
  4. i think this is possible if you use groups instead of banks for the encoders. you can send up to 128 midi events with 8 encoders if you assign them to the 16 available groups (or 16 encoder with 8 groups, .....). the button assignments do not change if you change the group.
  5. i tried twisting the cables, still no backlight. thanks anyway for your effort, kpete. there are several connector pairs (pads) on the back of the lcd labeled "K" and "A" (4 or 5). i figured, they must be the backlight connectors. so with the 16-pole lcd cable from the core connected to the lcd i wired two cables from the top of the lcd from the 15th and 16th pin to the connectors on the back (i get home in 2 days, i can make a picture then). i tried soldering the wires to the A/K pairs one after another, but still no backlight. if i try to reverse the polarity of the wires connected to the back, the core module won´t boot. after i tried this 2 or 3 times, i figured, maybe i let this idea go and look for something else :sweat: . normally i like to puzzle with the electronics (i studied something completely different), but this one really drives me nuts :rofl: . thank you all for the effort. i will get back to it on the weekend and puzzle some more :happy: .
  6. hi, thanks for the answer. you mean, just change the polarity? i did not try that yet, but i will now :happy: . thanks.
  7. hi, how do i apply negative voltage to a character lcd? i have 2 clcd with blue backlight. i got them to work, the characters are showing, but there is no backlight. also the Luminance of the lcd could not be changed with the corresponding 10k pot on the core. i got that to work by soldering two cables from pin 15 and 16 to two contacts on the back of the lcd labeled A and K, but somewhere in the wiki i read that some lcds need negative voltage for the backlight, and now i am a bit lost. can this be don the same way as the glcds ( with a max 759cpd chip ) ? i attached the datasheet i got from the distributer. my display is a mc4002d-sbl, stn. thanks and greets 20825.pdf
  8. ouuh, i see a very exciting weekend coming up. probably even more than one..... :w00t: Thanks a lot, TK.
  9. hi Ender, wellcome. don´t forget, you can add up to 64 small graphic lcds (like ssd1306) to one core module. and yes you can chain several dio_matrix modules, i think up to 16. (just in case you haven´t seen it yet: , there you can inspect all the available modules and schematics. and here http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2F&# you can find all kind of software/firmware for all MIDIbox projects.
  10. ups, i just realised... i missunderstood the phrase "flipped". i guess it means to turn the display to the rear side to solder. sorry :sweat: but in the schematic, the pins are on the bottom of the display, so i expected it to turn it upside down.
  11. i think it says on the schematic, that the display has to be flipped. http://ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_lcd_ssd1306_single_mios32.pdf so i expected it to be that way. but i had no chance to try that yet. yesterday i finished changing the bridges B0-B2 to 0 but today i had to get away for business, so i will (finally) be able to test my displays when i come back, friday or saturday. but it is nice to see, that you got this one working. another thing i just saw on your pic. are you using illuminated encoders? if so, which brand? are they detented? i also got some illuminated encoders for my mb seq, but unfortunatly the are not detented. the only ones which are detented, i found in the usa, and i just can´t afford the shipping costs and german customs fee.
  12. never mind. i just realised it wouldn´t fit anyway. sorry for this useless post
  13. Great! I am looking forward to it... Thanks
  14. i would like to put in a feature request for the display of the logic control message. afaik it is 112 characters long and with the ^txt56 syntax the cursor is set to a second line to print the the characters over 2 lines. what i like to request now is the possibiliy to spilt up the message, so that the coulmns of the individual tracks can be placed freely and maybe displayed with individual fonts. i am thinking about splitting the 112 characters of the message into 16 pieces (a: char 1 - 7 ; b: char 8 - 14; c: char 15 - 22; ....). every piece could now be placed where one desires over the available lcds (e.g. 8 ssd1306 displays, so every track could have its own :D ). would this be possible? pardon me, if this is already possible and i just overlooked it. thanks and greets
  15. that´s fantastic :w00t: . i just ordered 8 additional ssd1306 yesterday, so i will be up to 16 now when they arrive. how many can be connected that way?
  16. Auf den Platinen ist eine abgekürzte Bauteilreferenz aufgedruckt. Welches Bauteil zu der entsprechenden Referenz gehört, kann man auf der Seite von SmashTV nachlesen. Dort sind die meisten Module schön groß abgebildet, mit Bauteileliste, Pinbelegungen, usw. HIER: http://www.midibox-shop.com/info.html Leider fehlt noch das LPC17 Core Modul. Da kann man aber auf der dazugehörigen Seite bei uCapps.de nachschauen. Dort ist auch eine ausführliche Bauanleitung. HIER: http://ucapps.de/mbhp_core_lpc17.html Das Schöne bei den Bauanleitungen auf uCapps.de und bei Smash ist, dass die Bauteile, die zu der gleichen Gruppe gehören, auf allen Platinen und in allen Bauanleitungen eigentlich immer die gleiche Bezeichnung haben, also: R = Widerstand C = Kondensator T = Transistor X = Gleichrichter IC = IC-Schaltung oder Spannungsregler Q = Oszilator J = Anschlusspin P = Potentiometer usw. (erhebe keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit oder auf die Richtigkeit bei der Übersetzung der Bauteilbezeichnung aus dem Englischen :rolleyes: )
  17. thanks. i guess one can never do enough reading :happy:. many thanks also for the datasheet. i tried so hard to find a datasheet for this particular display, it never crossed my mind to look for a general ssd1306 datasheet :whistle:.
  18. oh, i think i just answered my own question. i have to solder all three bridges to 0 and make it "4SPI". can anyone please confirm this? i don´t want to destroy those nice displays. i waited long enough for them (i ordered them last year and it took them almost 7 weeks to get here).
  19. hi, in the schematic on how to connect a ssd1306 lcd to the lpc17 core there is stated, that the connections BS0, BS1, BS2 should be soldered to ground. i have some ssd1306 lcd with me now but i don´t know, how to connect these three points. should i remove the bridges? or solder all three points to 0? any help appreciated. thanks and greets.
  20. if i make that bulk order, i will order the knobs at the end of february. it depends on how many people want to join though. i would order 2 sets and maybe an additional knob and cap (just in case i ever get bored of pimples :happy: ). it would be a shame to let this opportunity slip before the prices go up, but i just can´t afford to buy the required amount right now by myself. so, it´s great to have you on board. you bring us one step closer.... :w00t:
  21. i´ll order directly from OKW. for a bulk order it would be easier to handle complete sets but i have to order seperate components anyway. so, yes, i can order individual components. prices for the individual components would be assembly kit (Montage-Set) 10€ ( 50+pieces 8€) star knob 3€ ( 50+pieces 2,5€) Cap 2€ (50+pieces 1,50€) i attach a complete list of available components to the initial topic.
  22. i just looked at some other schematics and i have to give you this one :happy: . the hole for the encoder is in fact only 7mm. so only encoders with a M7 threat fit through that hole. there are some ALPS (e.g. STEC11) and also some BOURNS (e.g. PEC11) encoders which have a M7 threat and possibly others, but not all encoders fit. this is valuable info, thanks a lot. i will put it on the start topic.
  23. i am sorry for the objectiion, but this wheel has two nuts ( :rolleyes:). one for the encoder to build it into the jog wheel and one for the shaft. the second one is located on the knob itself. EDIT: Found the assembling manual. here you can see the encoder built in with its own nut, but you have to get this one seperately.
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