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Status Updates posted by Lamouette

  1. My girlfirend started soldering her first LCP17 !!!!!!! Coooooooool !

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jojjelito


      Lucky dude! Dishes - naa, there's machines for that!

    3. technobreath


      Hehe, I say so because I would get nervous if she decided to touch the soldering iron ;)

    4. Lamouette


      naaaa, she's doing this just perfectly ! and she also cook as well ! it's fun to see how she imagine the comtrolleur :"no maybe i will use velvet, it will feel better ! "

  2. I can't wait more for my SEQV4 !!!!! Whennnnnn ????????

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jojjelito


      Can't lose either way :D

    3. Hawkeye


      win-win situation :)

    4. Lamouette


      big ! ^^ I'm really eager to fill the building! do you have some news about he bulk ?

  3. started my first soldering job this weekend ! hard at the begining, but i finally love that ! I done 2 din and 1 dout module !! i´ll start the lcp 17 tonight !

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lamouette


      why solder smoke ? maybe you mean a special expression i don´t understand ?

      Capacitors solded ! i love my soldering station !

    3. jojjelito


      If you use rosin core (flux) solder it will smoke when you heat it up to solder components. It's not that good for you, but a sign of a true DIY electronics geek :)

    4. Lamouette


      haha, yes this little smoke when you put your tools on the thread ! i was thinking about smoking and welding at the same time !! But since i quit smoking !!

  4. Hum..... summer holidays or a fat mixer,,, that is the question !

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lamouette


      i'm already single, but i need holidays :/

    3. Hawkeye


      1)search gurl

      2)let her invite you to holidays

      3)buy mixer :D

    4. Lamouette


      haha !! Should be nice !

  5. Waiting for parts everytimes... Building my Shruti-1... here is a bug, dso wait for replacement parts.... Building my SEQV4, here is a bug... Waiting for parts..... ARGGGGGGHHHHHH

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lamouette


      that´s why i order each time 10x the parts i need !i hope with a good stock i could find the part i need on my stuff ! Amen ! :)

    3. jojjelito


      Hehe, tru dat. Order up a good stash just to be safe. Hate waiting...

    4. gslug


      The problem I have is when you don't order something because you thought you had a stash.

  6. Easter,,,, free days.... soldering... camp fire..... Yeah !

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jojjelito


      A day without chocolate is a day wasted :)

    3. technobreath


      Amen brotha! Yey! Easter is fun. Already fired my first camp fire myself for the year :)

    4. Hawkeye


      chocolate easter eggs! :-D

  7. I need new soldering tools now !

    1. jojjelito


      Did you wear your old ones out already? Good going!

    2. technobreath


      if u are using non regulated soldering iron, be sure to unplug it when u don't use it ;) else the tip will go sour on you pretty fast :)

    3. Lamouette


      yeah they are old tools, and yeah i will buy regulated soldering station ! maybe a weller ! i will see that this afternoon !

  8. It´s so great to see how the members of this forum take care about the others !!! Thx midibox ! i would not be electrocuted :D

    1. Hawkeye
    2. Hawkeye


      Please be extra-careful :)

    3. jojjelito


      Be very cautions around mains voltage until you have a good grasp of the subject :)

  9. Building my shruti 4-pole ! but blocked on the SEQV4, the LCP17 don´t work !

    1. jojjelito


      That's the good thing with a backlog. Always something to do :D

    2. Lamouette


      yep, you´re right, i´ll debug the LCP17when the Shruthi will bug :)

  10. DIY cooking rocks as hell !

    1. gslug


      A use for that old C64 power supply?

    2. jojjelito


      Make your own PCBs. Win.

  11. these too little shruthi are taking all my time, building one, finish it, playing.... building the second, playing the first, not finished.... Damn...

    1. Lamouette


      so no time actually to work on the SEQ...

    2. jojjelito


      Happens. Life gets in between...

  12. There is a solution to have more than only one album on our gallery ? Can't find it .

    1. Hawkeye


      Hi! No solution is known, probably one album per user has been configured in the forum software.

    2. Lamouette


      ok, thanks for the info !

  13. realized today that i worked with a pull-over to mount all my electronic components.... maybe i burned all the things..... Static electricity is really dangerous ?

    1. latigid on

      latigid on

      Wool = bad. Get yourself a grounding strap! ICs, especially CMOS are the most sensitive. Passive components not so much

  14. back from the "roger waters - the wall" show ! that was amazing !!!!

    1. jojjelito


      I want the EMS gear...

  15. The french post is maybe the worst ever... Receiving a lot of stuff from everywhere really quickly, and ALL the package from france are blocked there..... Hey hooooooo...

    1. jojjelito


      Guess they're "upgrading" some IT system. ERP = Stops business dead...

  16. cooking as hell ! Preparing some duck breast confit, terrine, dry meat with spice, rillettes, paté de foie, confits de gésiers..... YESSSSS

    1. jojjelito


      Glazed ham (always a x-mas tradition around here), some moose roast with chanterelles, meatballs and pickled herring galore. Just add some Glögg (glühwein), gingerbread, saffron buns and cognac galore. Nom nom nom...

  17. i love your picture dude !

  18. Hum, back to solder midiboxes, LR8x2cs+ SCS + LPC17 Done, now, time to do some uploading !

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