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STereo SID Interconnection Test Woes...


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Looking for some help regarding the interconnection test... Here is the scenario...

A few days ago I try'd the test with the IC's in only to discover that the test voltages with the IC's removed were too low... I rebuilt my PSU and get the correct test voltages on the IC's 5v and 12v...

Installed the IC's performed the interconnection test using MidiOx and form pins A0 to A3 I am getting around 4.45v which I'm sure is fine... Pins A4 to Pin CS# are all 0v... Is it possible that I have ruined my SID chips? They are warm to the touch but not hot that they will burn your finger is this normal?

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If the voltages were too low, your SIDs would not be damaged. It's only if you supply too much voltage. I assume you are using 6581 SIDs that require 12V right? 12V supplied to a 8580 or 6582 will kill it though.

All SIDs get warm, nothing to worry about there.

You have to do the interconnection test with the SID out of the socket.

During the interconnection test, are you testing if each pin can be toggled low and high i.e. 0V and 5V?

Report back your results, it could be a fault with the PCB or the 74HC595 chips.

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The subject suggests you've got two SID PCBs, trying to get stereo SID working.

Was one working first and this is the second one that's not working?

The second one may not be tested during interconnection test.

I think there's another thread about this, TK might have updated the interconnection test to drive both SID PCBs.

Also the second one won't work if the extra connection to the Core isn't correct.

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Stereo SID

6581 Sid chip

MIOS V1.9 installed

LCD connected and works

Getting the following voltages

Ensure the following voltage levels:

IC1:Vcc(25) - IC1:Vss(14) = 5V

IC2:Vdd(16) - IC2:Vss(8) = 5V

IC3:Vdd(16) - IC3:Vss(8) = 5V

mbhp_4xsid_c64_psu works

PCBs and parts from SmashTV

I'm stumped with this interconnection test... Have all the IC chips pulled on both SID boards and fail to get 5v on pins 0-13... Except 5v on pin #7 on the left SID board..

# 0: Pin A0 = 5V

;    # 1: Pin A1 = 5V

;    # 2: Pin A2 = 5V

;    # 3: Pin A3 = 5V

;    # 4: Pin A4 = 5V

;    # 5: Pin RES# = 5V

;    # 6: Pin D0 = 5V

;    # 7: Pin D1 = 5V-------> on the left SID board..

;    # 8: Pin D2 = 5V

;    # 9: Pin D3 = 5V

;    #10: Pin D4 = 5V

;    #11: Pin D5 = 5V

;    #12: Pin D6 = 5V

;    #13: Pin D7 = 5V

;    #14: Pin CS# = 0V

I have rechecked all my connections for being correct and checked the cabling with an ohm meter fo any opens and all is ok... I am starting to think that I need to load some additional hex files such as below....

Search the .hex file which fits for your needs: setup_6581.hex and setup_8580.asm are nearly indendical, only difference is the filter calibration value which will be written into the ensemble BankStick during formatting (6581 uses range 000..FFF, 8580 range 000..600).

Where do I find the setup_6581.hex and do I need to install it?

3) if the MIOS device ID hasn't been adapted during bootloader installation, you have to do this now. Download the "change_id" application at the MIOS Download section, and upload following .hex files with MIOS Studio:

device_id_01.hex for the first slave

device_id_02.hex for the second slave

device_id_03.hex for the third slave

Appreciate any help on this... THe documentation is great for this but sometimes I find it a little overwhelming and am now thinking there is a bunch of hex files I have forgot to load or do not need to load...

I know I'm close but yet so far to getting this to work and my wife is getting tired of me moping about the house trying to figure it out...


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I'm going to just list the things you need to do in case any one of them was overlooked:

Install the hex file in this zip.


You should be using MIOS Studio with "Feedback from Core" to check you've installed it correctly.

Take out only the SID chip from the SID PCB, not the other chips.

Use mod wheel messages to control which pin is toggled high. One will be high (5V) the rest low (0V), except for CS# pin which is normally high and therefore toggled low.

If your LCD is connected and working, you should see which pin is being toggled high. Check the pin gets changed as you send new mod wheel messages... Unfortunately MIOS Studio doesn't let you send specific mod wheel messages (yet) so you'll need to use MIDI Ox or something else.

You don't need other hex files just yet, but you should find them in the installation zip


Don't worry about changing device IDs yet... use a PIC with device ID 0 in your Core PCB.


So maybe you're not following the test instructions exactly?

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Would you mind sharing what the problem was in case someone else runs into the same problem?

Not sure what really resolved the issue... I followed Wilba's suggestions... I was using a different version of the interconnection test... Had to do multiple reboots of the core and then on my scope I saw the 1Khz tri wave...

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