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There are ladies here but they don't speak to us boys because we smell funny and have cooties.

Regarding 'What the bleep...": that's another good example of an attempt at blending science and sprituality that mostly failed because the people running the show were only an expert in one field or the other. But I'll tell you this much - there are more errors in the vast majority of purely scientific documentaries, than you'll find in that one.

The basic concept is hard to deny these days - to completely rule out any validity of either spirituality or science or the links between them, is clearly biased. I have an unusual perspective on these things having always had a scientifically inclined mindset (and training), and then being awoken in the second half of my life (so far) to somewhat more enlightening matters. I guess that some people will only experience one or the other, and of course that is what they will believe.

It's easy to diss something that stands out so much, because it's so different. By comparison, you hardly notice the myriad errors in modern human science - because you're fed them from day 0 and drowning in them all day long for the rest of your life. Let the debate continue. I have Gods to talk with ;)

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;D you just made my day! I spent a year in the states with a host family - hence the "host" thing.

My Sister's host families (yes two, she exchanged there twice) from Denmark came downunder for her wedding. I officially love those guys. Host fam's rock.

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I have a touchscreen. That boob link works!! All I do is put my toungue to the screen and I get to lick the screen clean ;D

The only thing I hae to avoid is accidentally hitting the link I posted to start this all of, cos then....well...I will leave that to your apparent vivid imaginations!!

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