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Non Commercial request (new software)


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Hi TK,

I created a new software called 'Midibox to Winamp', which allow you to control the Winamp via Midibox.

It isn't a generic Midi translator like the Bome's software, besides the basic functions, there are some custom features. This is the list:

- OSD - Volume, Track Pos and EQ Bands/Freqs

- Basic Functions - Previous, Play, Pause, Stop, Next, Open file Dialog, EQ Band Left/Right, etc...

- Virtual POTs (Jog Wheel style) - Volume, Playlist Seek, Track Seek, and File Dialog Integration (*).

- Smart Playlist - Shows up the Winamp Playlist when you are seeking by the jog wheel, even if the winamp is minimized. Auto-hide the playlist when you stop the movement (according the show time set).

- File Dialog Integration - Allow to interact with the windows standard file dialog box:  Up, Down, Page Up and Page Down by virtual pots. Home, End, Level UP, Select All, Shift and Control by buttons. Enter by button or rotary encoder's built-in switch.

- MIDI Learn/Setup - Where you teach the software to get the MIDI message and fire up a Winamp event or File Dialog event, also, allow to set the Rotary Encoders Sensitivity (movement speed).

The main window:


MIDI Learn/Setup:


Systray Menu:


About box....


I assembled a simple Midibox setup on the protoboard just to test the software:


The setup:


Note that the Playlist Seek rotary encoder has a built-in switch:


The Midibox to Winamp in action:

PS: The File Integration feature on this video had a little bug - Already fixed.


Smart Playlist feature:


PS: At the point of the videos below I added two buttons in the setup: Toggle Shuffle/Shift (file dialog mode),Toggle Repeat/Control (file dialog mode).


MIDI Learn:


...MIDI Learn cont....Encoder Sensitivity:


Current File Dialog Integration:


Some friends (and members from the bit-tech.net community) asked me to create a tutorial and publish it at bit-tech.net. Of course, I will not post the uCapps.de docs, I will post the links so the users will open the uCapps.de website and there will learn about the Midibox world.

My request is to publish some steps to create a Winamp controller based on Midibox.

Of course, as you can see at the About box of the application, all the credits about Midibox will be for you and Midibox.

PS: I have no plans to sell the software (will be freeware) or even the hardware setup and I know that the Section tittle is : Sale Requests, but I really don't where I could ask you about.



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Yes, this is truely an original project!

Great work! :)

Of course, I will not post the uCapps.de docs, I will post the links so the users will open the uCapps.de website and there will learn about the Midibox world.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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As said on the chat before: Very nice idea :-) Let's see if this inspires people to control more of their "stuff" with a midibox (I have two huge pinball machine style buttons that do "compile" and "abort debugging" on my desk ;))

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Thanks reboot!!

Jidis: Thanks Jidis!!! the tiny Brando keyboard will be very nice there..indeed. That's the original concept of my LC....the winamp controller will be an add-on, or a standalone setup.

audiocommander: Thanks AC!! it would be a honor!

nILS Podewski: The pinball thing seems really awesome!!!  ;D Oh yeah...let the world to do everything with Midibox! ehehe

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Yeah, please keep us up to date here on how that box is evolving. I bought a single board computer with a P3 socket to do something like that about a million years ago and still haven't found the time to do anything with it. I wanted something similar (but less elaborate than yours ;)). The board I got has direct LCD capability and one PCI slot. A P3 is already sort of a joke, but I was planning just to use it for a remote recording box. I've got a few ADAT PCI cards here.

Take Care

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Great project! Congratulations! Are you planning to support LCD? I know there are already LCD plugins but they are missing playlist browsing. It would bee cool if you can integrate LCD in your project so using monitor would not be necessary. Very useful for music servers or PC based mp3 players people build in their cars.  :)

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I know there are already LCD plugins but they are missing playlist browsing.
YES, that sucks. >:(

I built one of those Winamp remotes a while back and found out the hard way. You couldn't flip through the playlist in stop mode to see what song you wanted. You had to wait until it started playing.

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