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OT: My Disability

Green Xenon

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Dear all:

I’ve got a neurological disorder which I would like to discuss briefly. I am not trying to make excuses for any of my posts but I don’t want readers to wrongly-assume that I troll/spam the net just for attention nor do I want them to think I am lazy or unwilling to do my own research. I am really interested in the stuff I post about and hope that the readers will not get upset at me.

I have a neurological disability called Asperger's Syndrome.

I would like to give you all some information about my disability. The reason I am posting this message about Asperger's is to help avoid any potential misunderstandings [though it's probably too late].

I have been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome (AS). AS is a neurological condition that causes significant impairment in social interactions. People with AS see the world differently and this can often bring them in conflict with conventional ways of thinking. They have difficulty in reading body language, and interpreting subtle cues. In my situation, I have significant difficulty with natural conversation, reading social cues, and maintaining eye contact. This can lead to a great deal of misunderstanding about my intent or my behavior. For example, I may not always know what to say in social situations, so I may look away or may not say anything. I also may not always respond quickly when asked direct questions, but if given time I am able express my ideas.

AS also decreases my attention span and makes it difficult for me do as much mental work for as long as most others can do. It also impairs my short-term memory and ability to retain information.

On the internet, the cyber-equivalent of my disability is probably noticed. I do apologize profusely, for any inconvenience it causes.

Thank you very much in advance for your understanding, cooperation, and assistance.


Green Xenon

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Hey dude

No need for you to apologise! It's good of you to let us know though, hopefully it'll allow us to be more helpful to you :)

I experience very mild AS symptoms myself, so I know the deal... There are people here with kids with AS and various forms of autism, wheelchair-bound, arthritis, blindness, bipolar, ADD, ADHD, colourblindness, dyslexia, IBS ... you name it, we have it in our membership list.

So, no need to worry :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

as far as I know (i.e. not a lot, AS has similar symptoms to autism but is a different condition/disease).

A book called "The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night" revolves around a young man with AS - and is a great read!

I have ADHD, Dyslexia, OCD, The Heeby Jeebies, an alergy to Kyrptonite and probably a few more "discovered" and "undiscovered" abnormalities which make me who I am and no one here cares (in a negative way anyway) - this is what I love about Ucapps.

Welcome to the board Sirkit!

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I'm mainly ADD-case, so if you see me asking stupid questions or seem to act like a retard from time to time... that's my excuse :P Later in life I've developed depression, anxiety and I've been through psychosis, but those shouldn't show up unless it's some manic phase I'm going through :D

Even so, I love being me ;D

Point being, I try to be as understanding as I can be of others, as I've had people being understandable towards me :) [sry, akward sentence]

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