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Finished.... Almost. ;p


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yup. just a straight up can of flat black spray paint.

And the downside to most ppl using those knobs are, you gotta have small fingers.

This is a version 2. I did not get the baseboard from wilba. I used all individual modules and stuffed the case (Thank you SmashTV and get well soon, damnit!). there's not any room left inside, but only for a memory upgrade (2 bank sticks installed). The panel is a v1 panel (no volume LEDs on the mod matrix) , but it's stuffed with 8 6582 sids (thank you Wilba!).

Of course, uber props to TK. ;D

What needs work....

Anybody know anything about power dropouts err, brownouts? Seems to be my only hurdle left.

I've got a 12v @ 1A wallwart feeding a single 5v and 8 9v regulators. I can play it for a couple of minutes, then it looses power. I have to let it sit for 10 seconds before it will boot back up. ???

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Are you getting core reset midi messages? How's it go with the LCD backlight disconnected? Are they ultrabright leds'?

They are a bit large for my liking, but the silver colour goes nicely with the red and black. Nice looking box!

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The LCD was ordered from Crystalfontz.com


no core reset messages. The LEDs aren't ultra brights, they're high efficiency reds. The 5v regulator will get hot before power cuts out. Do regulators just "quit" when too hot and have to cool off before functioning again? I wonder how many amps I'm pulling. Is it possible that the current draw might be too high for a single 5v@1A regulator?

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no core reset messages.

They're just turning off then, not resetting...

The 5v regulator will get hot before power cuts out. Do regulators just "quit" when too hot and have to cool off before functioning again?

Yep. Do you have a heatsink on there?

I wonder how many amps I'm pulling.

Got a meter?

Is it possible that the current draw might be too high for a single 5v@1A regulator?

Judging by the LEDs alone and assuming you have the correct resistor values on them, I'd say they're unlikely to cause it, and the next highest draw is the LCD. I'll ask again... how do you go with the LCD backlight disconnected?

Anything else connected like a fan or anything that might use heaps of juice?

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ok, I removed the LCD. powered it on and after a short time the power still goes out. so what should I do now? I'm gonna try disconnecting the DIN and DOUT boards to see if that has any effect. any other suggestions?

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ok, I removed the LCD. powered it on and after a short time the power still goes out. so what should I do now? I'm gonna try disconnecting the DIN and DOUT boards to see if that has any effect. any other suggestions?

Try another wall wart maybe? Disconnecting the modules is a good idea...

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Keeping the same 1A wallwart and switching to a 78S05 will not do any good ;) If the wallwart delivers a max. of 1A it's not gonna get any more by switching to a different voltage regulator.

D'oh! completely missed that bit. :-[

2A wallwart, then a 78S05 to make use of it  :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do you have a heatsink on the 7805. If you're feeding it with 12v it's got to dissipate the 7v and considering the amount of LEDS and backlit LCD I would expect it to get pretty hot. As these regulators do have thermal shut down features I wouldn't expect them to last too long without a heatsink before shuting down.

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that's what I figured was happening. My walwart seems to be delivering just enough amps though. What I'm going to try is putting in another 5v regulator, move all the shift registers for the SID Modules off the current regulator and link them to the added regulator. Should pull some heat off the current 5v regulator that's in it by reducing the load off that part. I'll update when I get around to doing this.

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